Responses: 2
MSgt Michael Bischoff Never has Been, Never Will be a Leader, Overgrown Child. Spoiled Rich Kid that Never Had to Grow Up.
The media is still pushing the narrative. It makes me suspect that they see that the issue has not yet been settled
MSgt Michael Bischoff
But where is he? The corner we are turning is devastating and yet he remains quiet
CPT Jack Durish
MSgt Michael Bischoff - Where is he? You're looking at ABC or any other TV news outlet for actual news? Sorry, can't help you with that. He made plans months ago and put them into effect. Dosage bottles were put into production in anticipation of the availability of a vaccine. The military was ordered to prepare plans to help distribute the vaccine. Pharmaceutical companies were given rein to develop a vaccine quickly. Money was allocated to insure that free doses would be available for everyone. Treatment options have been tried and those showing promise made available. What else do you think a President can do? He tried to reassure people that we would survive the pandemic but his opposition charged him with lying and deceit for the attempt.
MSgt Michael Bischoff
CPT Jack Durish sir I read all the news outlets including Fox News but not their talking heads. I do not read fringe from either side.
So don’t accuse me of blind to facts.
I am saying his silence is deafening.
So don’t accuse me of blind to facts.
I am saying his silence is deafening.
CPT Jack Durish
MSgt Michael Bischoff - You do know that he is in the fight for an honest election, don't you? Would you rather have a micro-manager? We could bring back President Carter. He only served one term. Sadly, his micro-managing style didn't work so well, did it? President Trump put the wheels in motion then got the hell out of the way. He's done what a good President could do on the pandemic. And I'm certain that he's handling adjustments as they're needed. That's what a good leader does. Right now I'm far more concerned with the election process in this nation. It is fraught with opportunity for abuse. Even the French banned mail in voting to avoid that danger. Now, I'll repeat other postings that I have written on this subject one last time for your benefit. What we have seen in this election is the same strategy we saw the Democrats practice in California during the 2018 midterms. Those who live in strong GOP Districts went to be on that election night assured that their candidates were well ahead, then woke up to discover that most had lost. Trucks of harvested ballots arrived in the middle of the night to tip the results in favor of the Democrats. No, it wasn't illegal. California is a one party state and rewrote the election laws making this all legal. We saw the same thing this year as President Trump's leads were eaten away by similar tactics. However, unlike California, most of the shenanigans weren't legal and we're beginning to see Biden's leads dwindling as ballots are revisited. Biden may still win, but the issue is not yet decided. There are many well substantiated claims to be resolved. The fat lady hasn't yet sung. I pray that We the People will demand an honest system to preclude this nonsense in the future. In person voting with ID. Absentee ballots for those with legitimate need. And a pot of indelible ink to prevent people from voting multiple times. Who would be against these common sense rules? Of course, those who want to cheat...
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