Posted on Sep 6, 2017
Texas voter ID law OK for now; appeals court blocks injunction
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 3
Never seems to be a discrimination problem when flying, buying alcohol, driving a car but with voting it suddenly becomes such?
Federal District Court Judge Nelva Gonzales Ramos rendered another irrational judicial decision. She is a President Barack Obama appointee. This was the fifth time she has rejected a Texas Voter ID law. Previously, in 2014, she ruled that she believes all voter ID laws are based solely on the desire to discriminate and that the original version of the Texas law impeded and did not improve the integrity of the election process because the original Texas law required government-issued photo identification from all voters. Texas then amended the law. She still granted an injunction against the amended version that offered far more leniency in showing a valid photo ID. Specifically, the Texas Legislature altered the original bill to read that if you show up at a polling place and you don’t have an ID, you’ll still be able to vote if you simply sign a form that says I had a reasonable impediment that kept me from getting a photo ID and you show some document that’s got your name and address on it. Those documents could include a bank statement or a utility bill. Currently their are NO barriers in Texas to getting a photo ID or bringing an acceptable alternative to the polls. Another example of RAMPANT LIBERAL JUDICIAL ACTIVISM.
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