Theology? I was Raised Contemporary Catholic, Born Not Long Before Vatican II So I was Exposed to a Wee Bit of Latin. Mother was Active in the Catholic Social Justice, Civil Rights Movement. My First Several Priest were "Jesuits" (Warriors of God). 2 Years in Catholic School and that definitely wasn't the Path for Me (Nuns and I Didn't Get Along, They were None to Thrilled with this Good German Boy Playing with the "Irish". Nuns don't and didn't use the N-Word So Irish Could Mean Both Irish and/or Black). Later We were Attending the Franciscan Monastery, I Think the World of the Franciscan Brothers. My Priest on Adak Was Jesuit and one of the Few "Authorized" Exorcist in the Church, I've Never Met a Human Being with Worse Luck. My Priest on USS California CGN-36 was a Jesuit that None of Us were Thrilled with, Actually I Think Most of the Crew wouldn't Blink and Eye before Using Him as "Oscar" the Man Overboard Dummy.