If I was to go for broke this would be it ! But, there is actually have a day for " go for broke " ! That would be today . To bad I am not at Knob Creek . Now for another obscure National day :
Celebrated each year on July 26, National All or Nothing Day allows people to throw caution to the wind and go for broke.
We all have dreams we hold back, decisions left to make or plans uncompleted. On this day, people break free of everything holding them back. Everyone has at least one thing that they would like to overcome, need to do or want to do but might be fearful or hesitant to do so.
This is the day to go ahead and do it, take that first step and go for it.
Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me. ~Carol Burnett
Whether we make a public announcement, apply for the job we’ve been eying, or mend a fence, sometimes we need to take a left turn. When other days on the calendar don’t urge us to make a decision or change, this one will. Define your goal. Enlist help from a friend or family member to encourage you. You can even choose a challenge you can do together. Whatever has been holding you back, get out there an tackle it!
Some of the biggest changes in our lives start with small steps. Often they are gut-churning decisions because we rarely know whether the outcome will be successful. But how will we ever change if we don’t reach for those dreams?
We all have something we desire to change – celebrate by marking the calendar for the first day of making that change.
Make a decision. Take a step. While you’re at it, let family and friends know your choice to make some changes. Let ’em know on social media posting #NationalAllOrNothingDay to get them involved too.
We were unable to find the origin of National All or Nothing Day. I guess they gave their all !