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Responses: 10
MAJ James Woods
Just when you think he can't say something dumb he finds ways to surprise us.
- Wonder if the basketball players will thank me.
- Lavar Ball is ungrateful. I should've left them in jail in China.
- Al Franken kissed a woman without permission. How dare he do something I've bragged about doing.
- Kaep, Lynch, Curry are all ungrateful Black professional athletes. They need to just do what their owners tell them to do.
- Oh and Neo-Nazis have some good people; Las Vegas shooter and Texas shooter are mental health issues even though I signed a bill making it easier for mental health patients to have access to firearms.
Yep. What can we expect by Christmas and then New Years?
SSgt Harvey "Skip" Porter
SSgt Harvey "Skip" Porter
>1 y
He is a headline grabber that's all he know and a finger pointer it's always someone else's fault. You would think with all the issues facing this country he would be focused on those specifically. However he spending time jaw jacking about basketball and football players. Are they a contributing factor in Veteran's at an alarming rate 22 a day committing suicide? To me that's a real important issue forget them d*** athletes.

MAJ James Woods
MAJ James Woods
>1 y
SSgt Harvey "Skip" Porter - I agree with you on everything except the "d*** athletes".
SSgt Harvey "Skip" Porter
SSgt Harvey "Skip" Porter
>1 y
I wasn't calling them dumb at all I just phrasing it to say damn athletes.
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Capt Dwayne Conyers
Because, what better things does he have to concentrate on?
SSgt Harvey "Skip" Porter
SSgt Harvey "Skip" Porter
>1 y
How about Veteran's at an alarming rate 22 a day committing suicide? To me that's a real important issue forget them d*** athletes.

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SSgt Harvey "Skip" Porter
Why is he so focused on these guys playing football? Come on man you the President put your efforts and energy towards making this a better country. How about get started with the Veterans Administration. The idea of trying to avert the real issues hasn't work and it's not going to work. It's in all our best interest if you deal with issues of concern to the American people instead trying to make headlines every saying something stupid or picking a Twitter fight with someone. The issues will not just disappear. That rapper Eminem has been begging you for a Twitter fight. I would like to see you take him on then after he's done with you I am sure you will close your account which would be good for the country.

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