Responses: 2
That is useful, as well as novel, I can entirely appreciate the rationale, the site here is obviouslymfor hobbyist efforts, I realize that, however, it is, I'd found, nevertheless instructive of a hobbyist fusion effort that's been researched ad hoc by numerous amateurs for years, as well as led to some industrial and/or clinical uses, registering for the site can some times be somewhat problematic, I'd found, I had to go to he admims for it to he able to do so, however, if you look at it, I think you'd find it well worth the time, sevl high school kids in the US and UK have been recognized for efforts about that sort of technology, it's obviously extremely low yield, nowhere near break even, though, from a physics standpoint, I can assure you it's well worth the time to look through, I'd be most eager to know your thoughts...good catch, if you'd care to chat about physics, or comparable areas, I do have several other comparably sophisticated interests, if you might care to hear about them, many thanks....
That is useful, as well as novel, I can entirely appreciate the rationale, the site here is obviouslymfor hobbyist efforts, I realize that, however, it is, I'd found, nevertheless instructive of a hobbyist fusion effort that's been researched ad hoc by numerous amateurs for years, as well as led to some industrial and/or clinical uses, registering for the site can some times be somewhat problematic, I'd found, I had to go to he admims for it to he able to do so, however, if you look at it, I think you'd find it well worth the time, sevl high school kids in the US and UK have been recognized for efforts about that sort of technology, it's obviously extremely low yield, nowhere near break even, though, from a physics standpoint, I can assure you it's well worth the time to look through, I'd be most eager to know your thoughts...good catch, if you'd care to chat about physics, or comparable areas, I do have several other comparably sophisticated interests, if you might care to hear about them, many thanks....
If you happen to turn on a TeeVee today… hell, if you look at a video screen (actually, you’re looking at a video screen NOW) … tip a nod toward Philo T. Farnsworth, who delivered electronic video to the planet 90 years ago today…
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