We analyzed 19,349,382 Veterans in the United States with the goal of understanding various Veteran statistics, to include Veteran populations and demographics by State.
We also looked at the 2019 data overall regarding the total Veteran population in the United States, which is currently 19.3M Veterans but slowly declining.
Digging in deeper, we wanted to know about Veteran Statistics to include those receiving some sort of service connected VA disability compensation benefits from the VA.
We also did our own internal study of 1,012 Veterans with a VA disability rating of 0% or higher, with the goal of understanding why they did not pursue VA disability compensation benefits earlier.
With the help of the Veterans Benefits Administration (VBA) FY 2018 Annual Report to Congress, the National Center for Veterans Analysis and Statistics, the U.S. Census Bureau, and our own internal study of 1,012 Disabled Veterans, we uncovered some very interesting findings.
And now it’s time to share what we discovered!
Veteran Statistics: Summary of Our Key Findings
According to the National Center for Veterans Analysis and Statistics, the total Veteran population is set to decline from 20.8 million in 2015 to 12.0 million by 2045. The total annual change is -1.8%.
Overall, the Veteran population is slowly declining, and will reach a low of 12.0 million by 2045.