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The family of native Canadian shooting victim goes to Canada's capital to speak to the Justice ministers and politicians over the Injustice of the acquittal of the farmer for second-degree murder. For starters, an all white Jury in Saskatchewan found this farmer not guilty of second-degree murder. He lied and said that his finger pulled the trigger by accident when he killed one man and then he tried shooting two other natives running away from the crime scene.
These guys were driving back from the lake after having little too much to drink at the lake. Their car had a flat tire and they were knocking at the door of the farmer for assistance. Had this been a white group of kids, nothing would have happened. The police as well as the farmer felt that these men were thieves stealing farm equipment in the middle of broad daylight. The crime scene was untouched by Police for 2 days and the survivors of the shooting were treated as thieves. The governor of Saskatchewan got involved because of the hate-mongering between the white Farmers & the Natives who were seeking revenge over this obvious murder.
Last week, the farmer was found not guilty not even of manslaughter! Canada may be friendly to every ethnic group that comes in as refugees but they are racist toward their own indigenous Canadians. I had printed a similar story earlier when the not guilty verdict came out.
My wife constantly gets bothered, called the name "Squaw" at the International Airport baggage claim, called Dirty Indian or drunk Indian by mostly white idiots in Alberta. My wife is sober, she doesn't drink or smoke, she has a bachelor's degree and she has a Class A truck drivers license. If it wasn't for her arthritis, she would be out protesting right now. Being indigenous in Canada is dangerous and often is difficult to find work just because of your last name. When my wife comes to California, she Blends in with the Hispanics.