Good news in the intel combat with ISIL. An ISIL wannabe list of 22,000 applicant from 50 countries has been turned over to British authorities which no doubt will share relevant info with affected nations.
"errorist wanted. Islamic State (ISIS) documents leaked to the British press include an application to join the group that asks questions about blood type, education, and job experience, as well as combat experience. The 23-line form, neatly stamped with the black ISIS flag, also includes a place for “date and place of death.” But perhaps most importantly for intelligence officials, the leaked documents include a database of some 22,000 ISIS recruits complete with names, addresses, and phone numbers. The recruits come from 50 countries. Sky News, a British satellite news channel, said it turned the documents over to the government. The recruitment forms include a line listing the applicant’s referral connection, which officials say could help track down the terror group’s recruiters throughout the world."