Posted on Sep 13, 2017
1SG(P) Drill Sergeant
Posted in these groups: Badge 79R: RecruiterDrill Drill Sergeant
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Responses: 6
1px xxx
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Edited >1 y ago
1) SM in OSUT volunteers for HRAP and sends the request.

2) Recruiting station receives it and approves/denies it.

3) If approved, which it does not have to be as many center leaders do not particularly like it, the SM will report to the recruiting station for up to 14 days of TDY assisting the station. Called "free leave" by many.

4) After the end of the TDY, report to duty station.
1SG(P) Drill Sergeant
1SG(P) (Join to see)
>1 y
Thanks again man. you made it clan cut. But now I guess the issue is sending the request using that link you provided.

I remember doing this when I was a private back in 2002 but the only difference was that I had this in my contract prior to leaving MEPS.
SGT Morrison  (Mike) Hogwood
It's been many years as i did this in the late 70's,so i do not if the rules are different, if you graduated in the top ?% of your class you could go home town recruiter,it was 30 days back then and could be extended by the station commander based on performance,it look's like it has been reduced to two weeks,hope this helps .
1SG(P) Drill Sergeant
1SG(P) (Join to see)
>1 y
Thanks brother.
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1SG(P) Drill Sergeant
I have went through the regulation, I went to the website and I have asked other recruiters and got different answers.

I was told that we (the Drill Sergeant) has to send the request. The request must go though the dead link above. After the request the recruiter would be able to go into that system and accept them or decline the request.

what I am thinking of doing is contacting the recruiters and personally asking them if they wouldn't mind having that Soldier return back to the station and work for the next 14 days. If the recruiter was cool with that I was just going to annotate it onto the leave form and once it is approves by our Battalion Commander I was going to call it a day. I just don't want to waste all that leg work for someone who is really not familiar with the program and say "no". but I guess that's the worst thing that can happen is the "no".

But any thoughts from any professionals that has done this. Thanks.
1SG(P) Drill Sergeant
1SG(P) (Join to see)
>1 y
thanks, this is the site that i have been going to. I am unable to log on using my AKO so I made a GOARMY account to go that route and still hit a wall logging on.
1px xxx
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>1 y
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Mailbox for support. Not sure why you'd hit a wall.
1SG(P) Drill Sergeant
1SG(P) (Join to see)
>1 y
1SG(P) Drill Sergeant
1SG(P) (Join to see)
>1 y
that email is no longer available. The message that I get is "We won't be able to deliver this message because the email address is not longer valid.
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