Posted on Apr 25, 2014
SGM Matthew Quick
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Often times we hear/read about Soldiers regretting enlisting/reenlisting (may just be current frustration).

IMPORTANT: Take the survey (Vote) AND respond with 'why'. If you are currently in service, what are your reasons for continuing military service?

Your responses are important as they WILL assist those considering enlisting/reenlisting.
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See Results
Responses: 84
SSG 25 M Multimedia Nco
It is honor for those of us who 'get it' to demonstrate what right looks like to the rest of the world.
SGM Matthew Quick
SGM Matthew Quick
>1 y
Awesome take, SGT Ogonowski.
SFC James Mathias
SFC James Mathias
10 y
I would reenlist tomorrow if they asked me to or if they would let me.
SSG Eric Blue
SSG Eric Blue
>1 y
I would have still enlisted like I did back in 2000, but I would have continued to fight hard as hell to get into the Air Force instead of the Army, even if it changes the total outcome of how things turned out for me now.
A1C Medrick "Rick" DeVaney
A1C Medrick "Rick" DeVaney
>1 y
SSG Eric Blue - .... I Enlisted On My 17 th Birthday (06/29/1961) Until 10 Days Before My 21 St .... Had To Wait 10 Days To Qualify To LEGALLY Buy A Beer.... Would I Have REENLISTED ?... YES In A New York Second,, Were It Not For The Lousy Pay At The Time I'd Have Been A "Career Man".... As An E-3, In South Korea (OSAN), I Received Base Pay, Over Seas Pay, Hazardous Duty Pay, AND Isolated Hardship Duty Pay....... Which Amounted To Around $172.00 Per MONTH.....I Loved The Service But Couldn't Afford It .....(I'm Sure The Number Is Within $10.00 Either Direction)
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MAJ Laurie H.
Where's the "I would have enlisted earlier" option?
SGT James Elphick
SGT James Elphick
>1 y
I find this interesting because like CPL Brown I was fresh out of high school when I enlisted. I hit the ground in Afghanistan for my first combat tour at the age of 18, spent time in Iraq at 19 and was promoted to Sergeant before I turned 21. I often wish I had been a little older and understood the world a little more before I enlisted. Combat was pretty rough for an 18 year old kid from the suburbs.
MAJ Laurie H.
MAJ Laurie H.
>1 y
I with you SGT Elphick. I'm glad I enlisted after I got my bachelors and had that time away from my little hometown, but wish I had known my place was in the Army right after college instead of spending 2 years figuring that out. Not so much for rank, but more for my own life satisfaction during that time period.
CPT Zachary Brooks
CPT Zachary Brooks
>1 y
I wish I had enlisted at 18 while getting my degree. I'd be sitting at 10+ years right now and hopefully be a wiser officer.
A1C Medrick "Rick" DeVaney
A1C Medrick "Rick" DeVaney
>1 y
SPC Charles Brown - ... I Was Fresh Out Of School Also.... But I Had To Wait Until I Was 17 To Join ,,, And DID... But Lied My Ass Off To GET IN Because They Required At Least a 10 Th Grade Education... My "Senior Year" Was 8th Grade... LOL
Thanks To The GED & A Multitude Of Studies Through USAFI & NAVPERS, I Became A Purchasing Dept. Manager For F.M.C., And A Business Owner For 27 Years, Then Retired At 56. ... Had To LIE Again To Get The Buyers Position At F.M.C.... They Wanted/Required A College Degree To Become A Buyer, So I Decided To Have An INSTANT College Degree In Business Administration.... They Were Happy & I Was Thrilled... When I Was Promoted Directly To A Directors Position, Bypassing Assistant PA, College Boys Worked For ME... Had I Been Smart Enough At 17, I'd Have Gone In As An Air Force OFFICER Instead Of An ENLISTEE....
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LCpl Steve Wininger
Absolutely, only this time as a sober Marine. I spent way too much time getting drunk. I would do things differently than I did the first time around.
LCpl Steve Wininger
LCpl Steve Wininger
>1 y
I would also add that in my older semi-wiser state, the reason is to belong to something greater than myself. I have learned good pay and benefits may be nice, they do not outweigh the satisfaction that comes from serving and giving of yourself for a greater cause.
SFC Opsnco
SFC (Join to see)
>1 y
LCpl Wininger, that is one of the key traits of military members regardless of branch, service above self.
LCpl Steve Wininger
LCpl Steve Wininger
>1 y
I agree SFC S.
Cpl Kiel Adams
Cpl Kiel Adams
>1 y
hell yea i would still enlist and then make sure obama didnt make it to officwe so that i could have stayed in
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