Posted on Nov 19, 2015
CW2 Automotive Maintenance Technician
My re-enlistment window is about to open next month and I'm really considering to reclass. I'm currently a 91B SGT with almost 6 years TIS. My MOS is currently balanced for SGT's, so if I decided to reclass it would have to be into a STAR MOS. My GT score is 120 so I'm good on that. What would you guys recommend? It would be great to hear from someone who has recently reclassed into a STAR MOS as well. Thanks
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Responses: 25
SGT Christina Barron
Firstly, regardless of all the great suggestions already already given, make sure you re-class into an MOS that you have interest in. If you re-class into an MOS only because it is a Star one, but don't like the job you will be doing, it's going to be a looooong six years, and you likely will come to have a negative attitude, your NCOERs will get worse, and you won't want to re-up again the end of that contract.

Take this piece of advice from someone who been there. In both the civilian and military worlds, at some point, I have had jobs I hated. I was good at them, like you, I maxed the ASVAB in all areas (not only the GT, which where you get your 120 score from, but ALL of the areas). In every case where I didn't like my job, I developed a piss-poor attitude, and all my annual job performance reviews went into the toilet. At least on the civilian side, I could, and eventually did, quit that job. But on the military side, I couldn't quit the job I hated, I had to wait it out. That deployment was the longest year of my life!

Bottom line: find a job you will like doing, and do that job, regardless of what MOS it is.
SGT Dale Brown
SGT Dale Brown
>1 y
Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life.

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SFC Retention Operations Nco
The one you're lucky enough to find a seat in. Don't worry, you'll hate that one too. The ones with fast promotions like combat MOSs, require hard work. The ones that aren't harder than average to get into, require hard work to get promoted in. The ones that don't require either of those, require you work mostly outside your MOS most of the time.

People come into my office and ask all the time about a new MOS. They want one that doesn't require a packet t get into and has great promotions, plus translates into a civilian job. I ask why they haven't been promoted and where they sit amongst their peers on the trend report. If you're not in the top 10% or less, you're just not competitive for promotion.
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SPC Brian Bay
Drop a packet and go to SFAS
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