Posted on Feb 12, 2016
COL Mikel J. Burroughs
A Tale of Two Cities (See Picture Above) Double click on it to read!

Here is an update for all you 2nd Amendment Gun enthusiast with a little sarcasm added!

Does Concealed Carrying States make a difference in crime?

Beside the sarcasm above what are your thoughts? Professional Responses Please
Edited 8 y ago
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Responses: 36
CPO Frank Coluccio
So, gun ownership in America is among the highest in the world, if not the highest. As for gun deaths in the world, per capita (as it should be measured) the US ranks 11th. Haiti is 1st (with some of the most restrictive gun laws in the world). Now if you remove 4 cities from the US statistics, the US drops all the way down to around 210th; below England, Australia.
Those four cities are Chicago, Los Angeles, New Orleans and DC. ALL with some of the most, if not the most restrictive gun control laws in the US. ALL governed by Liberal Democrats for YEARS!!!
Switzerland, where it is mandated that EVERY home of military aged men, have "Assault Rifle" military type weapons has the lowest crime rate in the world.
And just remember, Plano, Texas has the highest gun per resident ratio in the US. According to the "Anti-Gun" and "Gun Grabbers" Plano should also have the highest "Homicide by Gun' and crime rate in the US, but just the opposite is the case. The gun death is (iirc) at about .2 per 100,000.
SP5 Mark Kuzinski
SP5 Mark Kuzinski
>1 y
Spot on!!!
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CPT Jack Durish
To be honest, I was leery of civilians with guns. Remember that old adage: Never trust a lieutenant with a compass or a captain with a rifle? Civilians with guns scared me far worse than those. Then I saw claims such as this and began checking. I visited the FBI website and waded through the collected data. I also visited the Home Office in Britain via the Internet and waded through theirs. Although they do not make a case for gun ownership or concealed carry as having a direct affect on crime rates, their data clearly demonstrates a significant statistical relationship that is above repute. Disarming law-abiding civilians does not mitigate crime. Indeed, it appears that crime increases as law-abiding civilians are disarmed. Don't take my word for it. Go see for yourself. If you have never been trained to read data or statistical reports, go ask your brother-in-law or anyone else you know who has the necessary training and experience to help you. Don't waste your time listening to your favorite pundits or journalists. They all have ideological agendas. Go find out for yourself. This is important and it's worth the effort.
LTC Chief Of Public Affairs And Protocol
LTC (Join to see)
>1 y
COL Ted Mc - I see the need for a return to constitutional principles. I pray it doesn't take a "revolution". Frankly, I don't think it will be fun at all.
SGM Nathan Thomas
SGM Nathan Thomas
>1 y
I am reading the thread and all I know is that the way our country is set up, and civilians that think they will be able to create any significant hole in what we have are fooling themselves. Our culture is not made of the same as our forefathers and will not be able to sacrifice on the same level. The other thing is you will have to be 100% off the grid which means you cannot use credit cards, checks, phones, Internet, rent, buy tickets, purchase in stores, and much, much more. Tell me where you are going to go that they do not have cameras. Satellites that can blow your face up like you are posing for a selfie.

Now all of the above and kindle that with the people that are living comfortable and do not want to give it up, and not you are going to have people selling each other out for a comfortable life and so on.

Any organization has to have a leader and then once the objective is achieved, who is in control? Fidel when it first started out was there for the right reasons in Cuba, but once he got control we all know what happened there.

Those that are old enough to know about the huge riots there were in the 60s and the military was called out. The 101st went to one area and the 82nd went to another. The other thing is we are divided politically and as long as the regular citizen is fighting amongst themselves no one will organize a mounted campaign.

Now let bring in the foreign element that sees a way to exploit this division and assist, with a different endgame in mind.

Sorry mere guns is not going to help anything except for getting more people killed. We have to take a long deep look into our culture and start change by getting the other 55% of voting age folks out there to vote. Stop professional politicians where they can be in political office no more than two four years terms. After their terms they are not able to go to work for companies as lobbyist for 10 years. Lobbyist cannot have direct access to our elected officials. All company issues that are up for vote have to come through the public. No pork can be added to a bill. The bill stays 100% pure. In other words if there is a bill to do the highway in Ohio there is no other items in there about say GMO lables do not have to be placed on foods as a rider for instance.

I have rambled, but the point is guns does not keep any government from taking over. It happens in stages and one day you find out you have no say.
COL Ted Mc
COL Ted Mc
>1 y
SGM Nathan Thomas - Sergeant Major; I think that your point is valid.

Getting back to the ESSENCE of what the American Revolution was all about (at least the essence that is taught in the schools) is going to require a "cultural revolution" to the extent where a "Catherine Susan (Kitty) Genovese" or a "Sandy Hook" is simply unthinkable.

This does not mean that America would have to go back to the exact same literal interpretation as the "Founding Fathers" had as their "Original Intent" (a course of action which completely ignored the fact that the "Founding Fathers" had the "Original Intent" that the Constitution would be modified to fit changing circumstances).

"Rugged Individualism" DOES NOT mean to ignore the helpless, rather it means to do as much for yourself as you can so that you need as little assistance from others as possible and so that you are in a position to give others the assistance that they need. (If that sounds like a good definition for a "community" - that's because it is.)

As for "term limits", I'm of two minds. If someone wants to dedicate their lives to working on behalf of the people of the country, why should we bar them from doing so? Equally, if someone wants to dedicate their lives to simply getting re-elected and enjoying the "fruits of power", why shouldn't we bar them from doing so?

Possibly a solution would be to simply stop paying politicians at all. Of course they'd have to be provided with food, housing, clothing, entertainment, vacations, transportation, and everything else (including a reasonable allowance for "pocket money") but otherwise they'd be banned from receiving a dime in income from ANY source (any outstanding debts as of the date of their election would be serviced by the government for the duration of their time in office [PROVIDED that the debts were publicly disclosed at the time they filed their nomination papers in order to run for office]).
PFC Donnie Harold Harris
PFC Donnie Harold Harris
5 y
Very nice peace of work.
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MCPO Roger Collins
For anyone not familiar with Kennesaw, GA, look it up. Proof CC and the threat of an armed citizens lowers crime.
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