Posted on May 20, 2014
SGT Shon D. Hill
I'm going deeper now, Doc Hill here ready for serious discussion here! I don't fit in anywhere, I'm tired of direction much in our country has taken in general, and after spending a lot of time in 3rd world or developing countries, I sincerely desire to move to a place like Belize, Costa Rica, or South America. I worked hard to learn Spanish, blonde blue eyes notwithstanding, do you feel same often? Do many of us lose our "Identity" here serving many years? Does thinking this make me unpatriotic, or worse? Not much interested in politics about this, but share your thoughts with me, I know I'm not alone. Thank you and blast me with criticism if you believe your right, I'm not soft! Curse me in Spanish if you really want ;), I'm fluent and will enjoy it! Okay, Ty and I'm curious about responses!
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Responses: 31
SSG V. Michelle Woods
I don't feel I've lost my identity with this great nation but I certainly don't think less of you if you feel that way Doc.

I personally would love to live in Sweden myself if I had to choose another country to reside; however they'll have to kill me before I ever give up citizenship from my beautiful country.

Oh unless of course the Texas Revolution kicks off. Then "y'all can all go to hell, as for me, I'm going to Texas!" ;)
SSG V. Michelle Woods
SSG V. Michelle Woods
10 y
Haha it sure is!

SGT Hauschildt, that's all that matters ;)
SFC Operations Nco
SFC (Join to see)
10 y
I know many vets who go to live in other countries after their time in. I personally would love to live in Europe; it is such a beautiful place with a great culture. It may be the time that a Soldier spends in these different countries that make them more fond of them. I guess if you feel your protecting another country instead of your own then living somewhere else makes since.
WO1 Intelligence Officer (S2)
WO1 (Join to see)
10 y
Of all the countries I've been to I like Iceland the most.
SSG Antoinette Azevedo Toscano
SSG Antoinette Azevedo Toscano
>1 y
That is too funny.
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SFC Student
It's actually not that uncommon. For one, I felt more at home with the people of Ghana than I did with the people of my hometown, Tucson, AZ.

Now, I love America. I love the Constitution. However America as a whole is not the same nation that it was 20 or even 10 years ago. We're on a dark path, socially. Now, I'm not one of those social conservatives by any means (I voted for Gary Johnson for reference). It's a societal decay that prioritizes "Oh no you didn't say that!" on TV to actual news, or the total breakdown of the moral fabric of society.

People in general have just become totally disrespectful and self centered and being in the military, I've been able to see that we really are two totally different worlds. When I'm in America, I feel like a visitor to some twisted caricature of the nation I fell in love with. I feel at home in the wilderness. I feel at home out in the boonies where everyone knows everyone and the community is really tight. The moment I step into a city though, my anxiety shoots through the roof because I find the decadence flat out revolting.

Enough of my rant. I'll just leave it that America is still the greatest nation on Earth, even if not all of it is perfect (nothing ever is). You can find a little bit of paradise if you look though. Be it upstate Utah, the mountains west of Colorado Springs, central Texas, northern Arizona, Louisiana, Florida, etc.

Though I don't mind that whole exchange rate thing in South America and Africa!
SFC Student
SFC (Join to see)
10 y
Also, my brother and his family lives in Australia and I hear the hunting there is great!
SGT Shon D. Hill
SGT Shon D. Hill
10 y
I'm with you all the way! Wasn't even a rant really, lol, just good observations I think :). Thank you for such a great response, Sergeant.
Sgt Randy Hill
Sgt Randy Hill
10 y
With furniture made in vietnam the next import might be from the taliban. I just wish they would quit giving our country away. Makes you wonder what we are fighting for? We need to turn the civilian populace around. Bring back American industry.
CPT Ray Doeksen
CPT Ray Doeksen
>1 y
If you want to buy American-made furniture, you're in luck ... I design, manufacture and sell it.
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MSG Combat Engineering Senior Sergeant
I have also considered moving to Thailand when I retire from the Army. I have spent some time there, and I love the place. I like the Idea of actually retiring when I retire. There are a lot of American and European Expatriates in Thailand, and they all seem to be enjoying themselves. Unfortunately we are accustomed to a certain degree of political and social stability that just doesn't exist throughout much of the the developing world. That isn't to say that it wouldn't be worth the adventure, as long as you have an escpape plan. South and Central America would be good choices too. You hit on a great point, and it should not be taken lightly, and that is the absolute necessity of learning the language of the place you spend your time and money. It will not only make the difference in your cost of living by not paying inflated prices charged to unsuspecting tourists, but it also helps you make new friends who can tell you about a "friend of friend" who has a furnished apartment for rent on the cheap. I would reccommend going to the country of your choice and stay for two or three months, just to see if it is for you. You can do this most places on a tourist visa, without any problems. If you decide to stay you can begin the process for a longer stay visa.

Sounds like fun

Do it.
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