Posted on Feb 20, 2016
1SG Criminal Investigator
Posted in these groups: Cba82e8b Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW)
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Responses: 71
CPO Bobby Welch
After reading the comments below, I will say this. The CANTEEN (bar) is exactly that... a bar, no different than any other bar except the drinks are cheaper. If you want to be involved in helping veterans you are not going to do it from a barstool... go to the meetings, post, district and state level. That is where the good is done, the bar just creates revenue so we can do all the good things we are supposed to do
SPC Andy Rowe
SPC Andy Rowe
>1 y
SPC Andy Rowe - I should also reiterate that this is a very small post maybe 10 -15 tops at meetings
SGM Maurice Risley
SGM Maurice Risley
>1 y
I think what is being missed is the Canteen is one of the many ways that posts struggle to raise funds. These are the funds that are used for community contributions. Just yesterday between the Auxiliary and Post we distributed close to 2K to fund a JROTC unit to participate in a National compaction and another 1K for Post maintenance. To answer the Soldiers question, it has become very difficult to get Veterans to support the Canteen so creative means are made to keep the Canteen running. Hence keeping the Post alive. While attending post meetings pay close attention to the Quartermasters financial report and you will understand where these funds are coming from. As a Challenge, get involved and provide creative ideas to help your Post thrive. The Canteen is not just a Bar, it’s the life blood of almost every VFW Post
PO2 Michael Galey
PO2 Michael Galey
>1 y
SPC Andy Rowe - As it has be said the Canteen isn't a part of the VFW save for fund raising. Also there are many Veterans that haven't served in combat but are now designated as veterans eg. Cold War Veteran, Global War on Terrorism etc. Any time some one has served is now considered a veteran which causes real heartburn with the combat vets as for your post try to recruit the newest veterans.
COL John McClellan
COL John McClellan
>1 y
Well said!
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MSgt Raymond Hickey
For all of you that don't like your VFW club and for all of you that deride the VFW, I have one thing to say to you...FIX a member or potential member, you have it in your power to make the VFW better. Sitting on your butt and complaining is not going to change anything. YOU, each individual, are the one that can change things. Whining and running down the VFW and the clubs is defeatist, something I would never acknowledge, accept or suspect from those in the Military...I am a proud member of the VFW and our local club was closed by the state Commander for some of the reasons mentioned...WE, the Members took BACK our club and I brought ACTIVE members becoming involved have turned the corner and are bringing our club back to something to be proud of!
PV2 Kenneth Booth
PV2 Kenneth Booth
>1 y
With all due respect MSgt, on the 4 to 5 times I have visited the local VFW (2 were Hollidays) I have met 3 Vietnam era Vets. The roster says there are over 100 members. After speaking to these guys at length the sitrep was no one ever shows up. Even for special occasions, so the place has turned into just another local bar with a fancy sign. I'd be happy to make an attempt at taking the place back and even recruitment of new members, but no one seems to be that interested. I will take your advice and run with it. Wish me luck.
MSgt Raymond Hickey
MSgt Raymond Hickey
>1 y
PV2 Booth, adopt the Marine attitude...adapt and overcome...You are the instrument of change, remember and live that, if you give it your all, luck will not be a factor, when an obstacle rises up, overcome it. Remember, one small step at a time, change will not be instantaneous, it may take time, but you have been trained to overcome and to never give up the fight.
SGM Maurice Risley
SGM Maurice Risley
>1 y
Very sound words MSgt Hickey. It's up to be the local Veterans to take ownership and improve their surroundings. There are outreach programs you may have many members that can't drive. Attend recruiting drives and talk with other Veterans that will be willing to participate.
SSG Raymond A.
SSG Raymond A.
>1 y
I'm not whining. I simply don't care to join up with an organization that sucks up to the VA rather than fights to fix it. I traveled to go to the VFW sponsored meetings in Kansas City when all hell was breaking over the many VA issues and the VFW brass was more about playing politicians than getting anything positive done to change decades of bureaucratic crap that has harmed all too many vets. I don't want or need another vets organization that really has no passion about real veteran issues. If you like the VFW then have fun. Just don't label me because I'm not buying what they are selling.
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1SG Robert Schuler
I also thought the same about the American Legion I joined. So I decided to get involved. I became a board member and started to encourage other military friends to get involved. Within a few years we were able to start to make a difference. It's been over 10 years now. We have a more family oriented atmosphere but you will never be able to get rid of all the bar feel. Unfortunately that's the bill payer. But remember getting involved will help build a better experience for all. Start discussions with others about their experiences in the military and encourage change and with time hopefully it will. Good luck to you in keeping the old tradition going.
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