Posted on Mar 5, 2016
CPO Tim Dickey
The Canadian PM is making a point that we need to start paying attention to the rest of the world. Do you agree? What are your thoughts on his comments?
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Responses: 15
PO2 Skip Kirkwood
First, who asked him? WE are none of his business.

Second, we have nearly bankrupted ourselves providing aid, comfort, assistance and money to many around the world - even those who hate us and try to kill us. Maybe we should stop that for a while and see how things work out?
MSgt Steven Holt, NRP, CCEMT-P
MSgt Steven Holt, NRP, CCEMT-P
>1 y
I was going to make a similar comment but you've said all that needs to be.
A1C Small Business Owner
A1C (Join to see)
>1 y
Perfect statement...
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LTC Stephen F.
Edited >1 y ago
I think there are many in this nation who are self-absorbed CPO Tim Dickey and the same could be said for Canadians and many other developed nations. People who are "well off" tend to be more self absorbed than those who live from day to day.
I find it ludicrous and insulting that Prime Minister Justin Trudeau says Canadians would appreciate it if Americans paid more attention to what's going on around the globe. The fact that it was on a USA TV program was even more insulting - 60 minutes has gone down hill over the decades.
Since James Monroe initiated the Monroe Doctrine in the early 1800s this nation has used our capital, foodstuffs,, and blood to help sustain and in many cases fight for others. In the past Canada helped others in WWI, WWII and to lesser extent in other wars. They fought in WWWI and WWII before we got involved.
We share a common culture and common defense interest [NORAD] with Canada in many respects and for much of out shared nation existence we have been on the same side[exceptions American Revolution and war of 1812]. I do not decry Canada so much as Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.
COL Mikel J. Burroughs LTC Stephen C. LTC (Join to see) CPT L S SFC Joe S. Davis Jr., MSM, DSL SSG James J. Palmer IV aka "JP4" SGM David W. Carr LOM, DMSM MP SGT SGT John " Mac " McConnell Sgt Kelli Mays SP5 Mark Kuzinski PO3 Steven Sherrill PO2 Ed C. SN Greg Wright SGT Forrest Stewart SGT Robert Hawks SPC (Join to see)
CPO Tim Dickey
CPO Tim Dickey
>1 y
I believe your assessment is fair LTC Stephen F.. Of course this statement is coming from a Socialist, need I say more.
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CPT Jack Durish
Which would you watch: The train wreck or the grass growing? We (Americans) are the bull in the china shop. We create "a disturbance in the force" with every hiccup and fart. If Canada's economy collapsed, the ripples would barely reach Duluth. If America's economy collapsed it would be a world-altering event. Right now we are teetering on the brink of self destruction. Like the Worm Ouroboros, we are consuming ourselves. Is it any wonder that we are sucking all the air out of the room?
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