Posted on Jun 28, 2016
CPT Jack Durish
Time heals all wounds, but how much time? As I read Dr. Sowell's essay on the unfairness of racial quotas, I couldn't help wondering. Yes, slavery ended 150 years ago. Racial bigotry, although it still exists, lost its legal power with the passage of the Civil Rights Act. Racial bigots are no longer welcome in polite society. Still, we're waiting for the wounds to heal. There was some scar tissue forming, but that has been ripped away in the past 7 years. When will We the People be All the People?
Posted in these groups: Racism logo Racism
Edited 8 y ago
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Responses: 21
COL Jean (John) F. B.
CPT Jack Durish It will never heal as long as race-baiters can make money or boost their causes/agenda by keeping it alive.
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CPO Leading Chief Petty Officer (Lcpo)
A Wound wont heal if you keep cutting it open or digging at the scab. I'm 41 I have seen things improve in my life then in the last 7 years we are back to square one. Race riots, murdering police, PC gone insane to the point you cant not even compliment someone of another race with out being called racist (Timberlake). Want it to end.... Stop talking about it. Stop letting the media make it story number one. Stop letting politicians fan the flames to get votes, stop letting grafters and con men (Sharpton / KKK) insight riots and discord. Stop letting people profit off of it. Slavery was a horrible thing and EVERY ethic culture did it. I say to all STOP making yourself into a slave for others agendas. In America if you apply yourself you CAN become anything you want, Neurosurgeon, President, CEO, PHD, anything. You have to be willing to do the work. That's the catch nothing is easy or free that is worth anything. You have to WORK for it.

Sadly it is much easier to blame someone else for your failures in life. The Media and all those people pushing their racist agenda will use anyone to advance their cause. The KKK say its all Minority's, they point to the power white people once held and say take it back, then ask for donations. The BLM say all white people are to blame for lives they lead, then demand reparations and donations. Sharpton has a long history of causing strife and discord then holding out his hat for donations, that is when he isn't demanding extortion money. (see Walmart and Sharpton)

If everyone would take Personal responsibility for their own lives and actions I think most of the "race" issues would be cleared up. That's one of the things I love about the Military we all learn that we are the only ones responsible for our Choice's.
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LTC Telecommunications Systems Engineer
When everyone can get over it and move forward. There are always going to be racial differences not just in the states, but all over the world. Learn to respect each other differences and we will be ok.
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