Posted on Aug 12, 2016
ENS Naval Officer   Ip Student
Edited 8 y ago
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Responses: 47
LTC Eric Coger
What do you mean by that? There is no law or statute that limits things to two parties. It's just the two major parties dwarf all the others. Every Presidential election for the past 20+ years (my voting history) has had at least 7-9 candidates for President on every ballot. Should WE the PEOPLE choose a third party to replace or compete with the big dos? That's completely up to us.
LTC Thomas Tennant
LTC Thomas Tennant
8 y
SSG (Join to see) - In our dreams.
SSG Squad Leader
SSG (Join to see)
8 y
LTC Thomas Tennant - a guy can dream
Capt Richard I P.
Capt Richard I P.
8 y
It's a mathematical inevitability based on the rules.
SFC Corrie Meade
SFC Corrie Meade
8 y
your right about the number of candidates on a ballot during elections. however the 2 major parties have rigged the system to make it as hard as possible for a 3rd party to get any traction in the individual states. I would love to see a viable 3rd party for it would make the other 2 parties finally start to work with each other to accomplish what they are there for ie the peoples buisiness
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COL Lee Flemming
Edited 8 y ago
ENS (Join to see) there is nothing to abolish. The fact is that we really have a winner take all system. There is no formal arrangement that one of the two parties will win seats, and there is nothing that prevents a viable third party candidate from winning. And the parliamentary system that exists in other countries would take herculean constitutional changes to institute in the US.

As a point of conjecture it may be interesting to consider, but realistically there is very little chance and maybe even less interest in abolishing anything.
CW5 Regimental Chief Warrant Officer
CW5 (Join to see)
8 y
Well Sir, we do have two states that divide up electoral votes. If they all did we could get a third party in. It is left up for the individual states to decide though.
MSG Stan Hutchison
MSG Stan Hutchison
8 y
CPT Jack Durish - Yes, individual liberty over tyranny,, so vote Democrat.
COL Lee Flemming
COL Lee Flemming
8 y
MSG Stan Hutchison - hmm, I don't think that is going to happen, Lol!
Capt Richard I P.
Capt Richard I P.
8 y
COL Lee Flemming First in the scrolling down I've noticed to mention the cause of the outcome rather than merely pointing out it cant be abolished because it is not established.

It's a mathematical error of first past the post voting that should be corrected.
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SrA Edward Vong
If another party can rise up and become a major player, than the two party system would abolish on its own.
Capt Richard I P.
Capt Richard I P.
8 y
SrA Edward Vong Nah, it would just shift which 2 are the 2, it's happened before when the Whigs were replaced by Republicans. The system is the mathematical outcome of the rules of first past the post voting.
SrA Edward Vong
SrA Edward Vong
8 y
Capt Richard I P.
So would you say that the United States is Black and White with no middle?
Capt Richard I P.
Capt Richard I P.
8 y
SrA Edward Vong Definitely not! I'd say most, the vast majority would prefer more nuance in their representation, but the way the rules are set they are compelled to vote against the extreme and push themselves to the opposite, I totally recommend the linked videos, they are tremendous!
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