Posted on Aug 17, 2014
SFC Drill Sergeant Leader
This question is obviously for my battles who were past DS's/DSL's. I have a few friends who got off the trail and had some difficult times adjusting back to their usual line units. Most of it was they can never give corrections or raise their voice without (sadly enough) other NCO's telling them to basically pump the breaks because they aren't DS's anymore. I was wondering if anyone else had this issue, how they dealt with it and even SM's who weren't DS's to give their feedback if they ever had an encounter with a DS after the trail.
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Responses: 1
CSM Eric Biggs
I had a bunch of NCO's tell me to chill out on correcting Soldiers and NCO's. My response was simple, "With all due respect to you as an NCO, I will always address issues that need to be corrected regardless of the rank of the individual needing corrected". I usually had to follow it up with something to the effect of; I'm sorry if the way I address the correction offends or puts you off, however this is the US Army and we don't issue feelings here, so suck it up and drive on.
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