Posted on Jul 24, 2017
MAJ Bryan Zeski
Posted in these groups: 61c89c28 Donald Trump1ed105b8 Russia
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Responses: 26
CW3 Counterintelligence Technician
Edited 7 y ago
The scope of the investigation is odd, but likely done to demonstrate transparency. However, I would also say that the composition of Mueller's team is also troublesome. As an investigator myself, I find it highly dubious that Mueller has brought a lot of former Clinton lawyers and Democrat party affiliates on board to the investigation team. Whether they remain impartial or not does not change the appearance that this represents (which is one of biased investigative analysis as opposed to objectivity).

I would think Mueller should have known better; and I doubt the Deputy AG would have thought he would do something like that.
MSgt Steve Sweeney
MSgt Steve Sweeney
>1 y
CW3 (Join to see) - I find it is only the very Pro-Trump camp that doesn't see anything suspicious, and there seems to be very little in between. I believe there is plenty of evidence, albeit circumstantial to support my opinions - from the removal of anti-Russian language from the GOP platform at the insistence of the Trump campaign (Manafort primarily), the close ties to people in high positions in the campaign and the administration that retroactively filed as foreign agents, both of which are now under federal indictment, Trump's seeming inability to stand up to Russia on anything, his numerous business dealings in Russia, the numerous unreported contacts, and the list goes on. If the roles were reversed and it was Hillary Clinton operating under the same circumstances, oh how the Fox would wail. And I am sure they are working the ole' "plausible deniability" angle, but with the amount of circumstantial evidence available, I find it very difficult to believe that Trump had no idea what all of his people were doing.

And don't get me wrong. I doubt the words "Trump" and "brilliant" hardly ever meet in the same sentence. I am sure Trump is under the belief he is calling the shots with Putin, and has absolutely no idea how he is being played. Trump matching wits with a former colonel in the KGB that rose to become the leader of Russia through his own Machiavellian dealings - isn't even close. I believe Trump is complicit, thinking he is the deal maker, but in no way do I feel he is "brilliant". If he was brilliant. he would know to tone it down and stay off twitter, but he keeps feeding the fire with his own words and actions. If he were brilliant, and did nothing wrong, he would fully cooperate with the investigation, and make no attempt to discredit the investigation that would ultimately exonerate him. Further, I don't understand how you can say "no evidence" as you would not have any first hand knowledge if there was. The investigation is not going to release that information, and Robert Mueller has been very good about maintaining the integrity of the investigation with regard to leaks.

I am certain, as you are, that even if the Special Counsel fully exonerates Trump, some will continue to push the issue... and the denigration of Robert Mueller and the attempts to discredit the investigation, at that point, will backfire.
CW3 Counterintelligence Technician
CW3 (Join to see)
>1 y
MSgt Steve Sweeney - It's not about what is suspicious or not. I am firmly aware of what Russia's capabilities are and have seen nothing to prove that they have done anything different than they always have... As for my political beliefs, I don't consider myself pro-Trump or anti-Trump if you were implying one or the other. Additionally, from a legal standpoint, none of what you just stated meets the threshold for even "circumstantial" evidence. I can say that because we have no clear crime and none of those actions are illegal in anyway. Or are we to assume 2+2=5? People in this country aren't investigated on such weak notions like Pres. Trump has been (again, based on a fabricated dossier and outcry from a political party and nothing more). Many with your ideology on this situation seem to forget our criminal justice system is one based on "innocent until proven guilty." My personal opinions on the fact that there not enough evidence to even investigate aside: In this case there is not even enough evidence to indict him (or in his case impeach), let alone enough to prove him guilty of any conspiracy, or fraud charges beyond a reasonable doubt (the level of proof needed for conviction in a court of law).

For the record: I have never "denigrated" Mueller, and nothing you have stated that you "believe" the POTUS has done is illegal. However, saying he is "complicit" implies a criminal act, but if as you say, he is simply being played by Putin, then that is not the same thing. You clearly have strong feelings about the POTUS and do not think much of him in terms of intelligence (as I said, I have come to expect that from people making these arguments who also tend to be "anti-Trumpers"). However, even if what you say is true, he is still the President. And dumping money into a fruitless investigation is not going to get him out of office or sway his supporters. If anything, it will likely strengthen his base. When opponents continue to make baseless claims and accusations at someone that are continually proven false, it just makes the target of those attacks stronger.
SN James MacKay
SN James MacKay
>1 y
Mueller, I would remind everyone, is a life-long Republican, with an absolute spotless reputation and impressive resume.
CW3 Counterintelligence Technician
CW3 (Join to see)
>1 y
SN James MacKay - That is irrelevant to my comments. In fact, his reputation and record means he should know better than to appoint people of questionable objectivity to participate in a special counsel investigation which was authorized due to the mere appearance of a "conflict of interest." See the irony?
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CPO Leading Chief Petty Officer (Lcpo)
This entire fiasco needs to be ended. To date there has been ZERO evidence that the Trump administration has done anything Illegal, there has been Zero criminal acts, and ZERO laws have been broken by Him or his Team. Trumps warnings about digging into his Finances make sense, how far back is this witch hunt going to dig? One year? two years? 10 years? 20? This is what the left want to happen, they want Mueller to dig up anything that even looks remotely off for Trumps entire life so they can try and use it for political gain.

Where was this fervor when HRC sold our Uranium to the Russians for donations to the Clinton foundation for 2.35 Million, what about Obama telling the Russians “particularly with missile defense” “This is my last election … After my election I have more flexibility,”, Where was the issues with Bill Clinton meeting with Lynch privately on the Tarmac? Bill Clinton getting a $500,000 speaking fee for an hour talk at a Russian bank? The Democrats are tied to Russia at every point, even their political philosophy is communist in nature. Liberal media is playing their part as communist state run media for the left. At this point I view the left wing as a joke and anti-America, ANTIFA stands for anti-first, BLM is a hate group no better than the KKK, and all the screaming liberals just keep demanding communism be implemented.
CW3 Counterintelligence Technician
CW3 (Join to see)
7 y
SPC David Willis
SPC David Willis
>1 y
Folks don't usually give guilty pleas for things that aren't crimes.
CPO Leading Chief Petty Officer (Lcpo)
CPO (Join to see)
>1 y
SPC David Willis - The only person that has pled guilty was the guy who lied to the FBI about something that was not even important and had no reason to lie about. Now we find out the FBI and the DOJ were using circle logic to authenticate and legitimize an investigation started by a paid DNC "opposition" research. Muller knows the moment he has completed his "investigation" and found nothing he is going to be sacked and all the DOJ, FBI, DNC, HRC, and Obama Admin are looking at ending up in jail for Obstruction of Justice, Lying, bribery, evidence tampering, abuse of authority, just to start.
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PO1 William "Chip" Nagel
MAJ Bryan Zeski Must Be Getting Close, Making the President Nervous. This Might Just Play Like Watergate Part Deux.
SSgt Gary Andrews
SSgt Gary Andrews
7 y
Once there were some indication that Mueller was interested in Trump finances......Trump started sweating bullets. Leads me to believe there might be something to all the talk about Russian mob money being laundered through New York real estate (Trump?).
1SG John B. Enlow
1SG John B. Enlow
7 y
The presidents finances are none of his business. There is no LAW requiring presidential candidates to release tax forms. But, I have an idea what his one "Wealthy". page two "Really Wealthy, and final page "You Gotta Be Kidding Me Wealthy".
PO2 Robert Aitchison
PO2 Robert Aitchison
>1 y
1SG John B. Enlow - Perhaps, I think it's more likely to show "Not nearly as wealthy as he pretends"
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