Posted on Oct 21, 2014
CW2 Jonathan Kantor
What do you think about this? I will post my opinion after we rack up a few from some other members.
Posted in these groups: 74e0f2f8 ClothingWorld religions 2 Religion
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Responses: 276
MAJ Deputy Director, Combat Casualty Care Research Program
Uhm... that does not appear to be a muslim in that picture. He appears to be a sikh.
SSG Military Police
SSG (Join to see)
>1 y
SGT Robert Hawks... Did you hear.. ? The new helmet will be call the Dark Helmet from space balls
Sgt Yolanda Orozco
Sgt Yolanda Orozco
>1 y
The muslims are demanding? We have our own regs and should be as is. If they don't like it join a service that will let you have a beard and turban. Not everyone can be in the service, it's a privileged. This is AMERICA, The United States of America. We can't just give in to everyone. What is our country coming too. First the illegals and now the muslims.
Cpl Don "GUNNY" Miller
Cpl Don "GUNNY" Miller
>1 y
Semper Fi
SrA Airman
SrA (Join to see)
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This is true that the picture is a Sikh, but I'm sure many people apart of the U.S military do not want anything that looks like a middle eastern person with a beard in the military . Even if the rules changed, many people would be disgusted to see someone in uniform that look as the person in the picture looks.
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COL Strategic Plans Chief
Concur with a couple of other comments on here. Sikhs have a religious requirement to wear the headdress they wear. Muslims do not. There is no requirement in the religion to do so. We don't account fo cultural norms in 670-1. We cannot allow it and we should not. Pretty simple. You want to celebrate and recognize culture...the Army has a culture...celebrate and recognize that. As far as the Sikh beard, that will last as long as we don't have a chemical threat and then we won't have to worry about it because they will all die since they can't seal their mask properly. I guarantee everyone in the military will understand why we require clean shaven faces and will overlook their religious requirements as soon as survival becomes a LIMFAC. The Army has a culture. When you join, you assimilate. We made a mistake with the Sikh change. It will reverse itself over time.
SFC Mark Merino
SFC Mark Merino
>1 y
COL (Join to see) "You gotta keep your head on a swivel..."
COL Strategic Plans Chief
COL (Join to see)
>1 y
Brick...where'd you get a hand grenade? I don't know.
SR Javier Betancourt
SR Javier Betancourt
>1 y
Sgt Michael Glenn it sounds to me like you feel like a minority. The rights given to every citizen is not sectioned of by race. The fact that there are people who will manipulate the system will never change, one thing is sure though, there will always be a sgt michael glenn whom feels what done to his race is wrong. Well think about yourself being black or hispanic. Im Mexican and damn proud of it but i put my neck on the line for the US just like my white comrades. Suck it up we live on this land that allows these atrocities you can't stand but thats our right and you could say what you want that's your right but to judge others based on the help provided through our government is hypocritical for i know plenty of whites who pull the same stunts MINORITIES do!
1px xxx
Suspended Profile
>1 y
SrA Ali Wins, I find the whole "shaving profile" a cop out. I'm 42 and for my entire life and career my face bleeds when I shave, I even dealt with it in BMT. Now, when I say "bleed" I don't mean a little, I mean A LOT! It bleeds so much, I literally look like I have a blood beard. This is NOT nicks or face just naturally bleeds for some reason. I have actually been OFFERED shaving profiles on more than one occasion. I declined the offers. I have spent hundreds of dollars and have (literally) tried every razor on the market....nothing works. I can take pics and post them, but it would probably gross you out.

I believe in conforming to military standards, not the other way around, and if I couldn't, then I would separate if the time came. I don't expect the military to change for me, because [I] made the decision to join, they didn't force me to join. You make a decision to move somewhere....then conform! If you can't conform, then leave....or don't go there in the first place! Don't expect the majority to conform to you! That is one of the problems with today's's all "me, me, me"!

Stip using [your] personal norms for how the military should operate! If you can't, then leave!

Pecae out!
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COL Jean (John) F. B.
Very troubling... While the military (actually our political leaders) have stopped anything to do with Christianity in the military, they now roll over and provide accommodations based on Muslim religious beliefs. Can't have it both ways...
COL Jean (John) F. B.
COL Jean (John) F. B.
>1 y
SSG James Lopez

I guess one the problems I have with things like this, and it is not limited to the military, but includes commercial activities (like the Hobby Lobby situation, for example), is that folks knew the standards, rules, requirements, benefits, etc. before they voluntarily joined the military or accepted a job with a company, then, after they are in, they demand a change to those standards, rules, etc.

Of course, I also realize that, in many cases, it is not the individuals themselves, but outside persons and entities doing so "on their behalf" (even if they did not ask them to).

Don't like the standards, rules, etc.?? Get out... Nobody is holding a gun to your head to make you stay.
SPC Chrishalodebany J.
SPC Chrishalodebany J.
>1 y
I totally agreed!
MSG Instructor
MSG (Join to see)
>1 y
Amen sir!
PV2 Violet Case
PV2 Violet Case
>1 y
How on earth can a turban protect your head from bullets or flying objects from explosions. This is America not a muslim country. We need to keep the military codes we have honored for every military way, Navy, Marines, Army, Air Force, and all need to keep their codes of honor for our country. If the Muslims do not like our beliefs tell them to get out of our country then. Because I hope and pray that all Americans will stand strong for our country and not bend an inch on this.
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