Posted on Oct 29, 2014
Col Squadron Commander
How do you give back during the holidays
Now that we are rapidly approaching the holiday season, my family is thinking about starting a tradition of giving back to others, but we would like some ideas.
What are your ideas, or what do you do to give back to those who are less fortunate?
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Edited >1 y ago
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Responses: 4
SGT(P) Harry Clyde Jr.
Edited >1 y ago
I deliver thanksgiving meals with my daughter that my wife and son helped prep ealier in the morning. We took the route that nobody really wants which is in the more poor and rougher neighborhood s cause it needed done, they were in need too. The organizers ran out of drinks so i got drinks for my route with my money.
I Also give back all year yhough with House of Heros helping less fortunate veterans get their homes back on shape. It should never just be the holidays to give back cause people are always in need. Im equal opportunity to help anyone at anytime with anything if I can. Not so much with money cause I have little but with time energy and what skills I have.
Others above self!!
My 2 bits.
Col Squadron Commander
Col (Join to see)
>1 y
I agree SGT (P) Harry Clyde Jr., it should be all year long. But I am looking to start with the holidays as those seem to be the toughest times for some.
SGT(P) Harry Clyde Jr.
SGT(P) Harry Clyde Jr.
>1 y
You are giving to others. What you plan to do is a start and shows you care.
There are many in need that time a year and unfortunately too few in this world that care about others at anytime. Kudos to you!
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CPT Richard Riley
Donating time - energy - and sweat equity into a program or organization is far better than throwing money at it. You have a personal stake in what you do and how long you spend. If the program or organization is doing something you admire then giving time is a great way to show that you believe in what they are doing.

Food banks, homeless shelters, abuse shelters all have needs continuously so there are plenty of ways to 'give back' during the holiday season. You can also look at the different veterans associations who support assistance issues, and sadly the needs increase during the holiday season.

If you want to look more into civic situations, local libraries need readers for children's story times, boys and girls clubs as well as boys and girls scouting can always use volunteer help at any time of year but with a bunch of holiday festivities approaching I'm sure it would be a welcome boost.
Col Squadron Commander
Col (Join to see)
>1 y
Thanks CPT Riley. Yeah we have a few homeless shelters in Baltimore. I think I am also going to volunteer as a nurse at the free clinic for the homeless. I want to do more than just donate money for the reasons you mentioned.
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SSgt Forensic Meteorological Consultant
PV2 (Join to see) This fine young lady decided to dump me for the New Kids on the Block and I am crestfallen. Anyhow, not sure yet but definitely am going to help.
PV2 Senior Web Designer, Web Team Lead
PV2 (Join to see)
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I'm more of a Luke Beyan and Jason Aldean kind of gal. :-)
SSgt Forensic Meteorological Consultant
SSgt (Join to see)
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Yeah but PV2 (Join to see) but I got Steve Perry going on ha.....
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