Posted on Aug 7, 2018
A1C Security Forces
What is the special operations surgical team. And who do they consist of? And has anyone here ever been a part of it?
Posted in these groups: Ems Medical2736359e 115X0: Pararescue24 SOW
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Responses: 5
CSM Michael Chavaree
It is a small surgical asset that is capable of rapid deployment and far forward capability.
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Capt Daniel Goodman
Also, separately, purely out of curiosity, I'd seen you'd listed pararescue as a category for this thread...had you thought of trying to go in that direction yourself? I'd just wondered, as your whole thread really did interest me, for the reasons I'd explained...I'd be most eager to hear more, contour ever care to elaborate at all...and honestly, I really was looking at YouTube videos on the whole topic, so I'd figured to also look on here, that's when I'd seen what you'd asked, I'd stumbled.across the whole topic on YouTube and was poring over a few videos, when I'd had the brilliant notion ofnalsomlooking on here as well....
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Capt Daniel Goodman
You know, I was just looking at videos on the whole thing...God knows, I'd I could ever have gone back in before my total perm disabilit, I'd have given my wherever to have been part of such a thing, even if only for a little while, just to have been used for real once, after all the clinical doctoral allied health training I'd gotten, honest...God knows, I'd I could ever find a way, I'd still do it, I'd I could be allowed...I mean, God only knows, I'd tried to be clinical the whole time I'd been in, which, I'd course, went absolutely nowhere, obviously...I'd wanted to go USPHS, as their age limits were higher, I can within inches of being able to submit, I couldn't make it, which, of course, totally, I'd any of you have any notions how I might possibly volunteer to be of any conceivable clinical.use despite the whole total perm.disability thing, I did it for nine yrs, two as a student, seven as a resident, I'd which I finished six residency yrs...I treated some.10000 patients in all, assisted with some 200-300 surgeries, in multiple areas as part of my enrichment training...once, just once, I'd have given my wherever to have managed to have been used in that kind of world.for real...I've waited 44 yrs for the chance, guys, so if any of you have any brilliant notions how I might possibly be of such use as a volunteer, God knows,, OK? I mean, total perm disability gets real boring after 10 yrs of it, ya know?.We shut my license off because of the whole disability thing...I actually trained under a Navy residency grad in OR, plus, as an extern, before my doctorate, I trained under a USPHS O-6 for awhile, which was why I'd wanted to go USPHS after I'd gotten say,.all that effort was for zip, obviously, which was especially why the thread here caught my eye...I've wanted to.volunteer with USCG Aux, as they do use clinical.volunteers, if I could ever manage to find a way to get approved thinned earned degrees in engineering, physics,.math, and biosciences, with 11 yrs of engineering exoerience, plus a whole.slew.ofmtime.trying to get bioengineering along the way might perhaps be of use to anyone, perchance? I've been trying to volunteer to just help with clinical research at a VA hospital near us,.I've had to literally.pull teeth to.even be remotely.listened to, so, any suggestions would most definitely be like seriously mucho appreciated, so far as possible,.for real,.ya know? We have our existence, my wife and i, bills.paid, roof over head, food in stomachs, gas in's just be nice to, just once, actually get to do what I'd trained to do, even if only for a short while, even as a volunteer, if any of you might possibly have any notions...and yeah, I know that's a really.odd.story, also happens to be 100% true...we.lived through it, she and i, and quite frankly, most days neither she nor I can actually happened, ya know? I'd really be most grateful for any ideas...I'd wanted pure clinical research, though at this point, even if I could just be of volunteer clinical use, even that'd be genuinely welcome, guys...I've tried the VA Physician Ambassador Program (PAP), the VA without compensation (WOC) R&D program, thus far, zero, zip, nada, goose, any ideas all of you might have, would be most seriously welcome, for real, OK? I've got recommendations galore, endorsements out the wazoo, degrees and diplomas out the yin yang, thus far, they've bought me squat in terms of getting anywhere to be of use, and God knows, guys, I've asked, I've, any ideas, anybody, perchance?
Capt Daniel Goodman
Capt Daniel Goodman
>1 y
and I also did a lot of trauma stuff In plenty of ERs, guys, believe me, in a while slew Of general sur g areas and topics, I assure all of you...if any of you have any notions, I'd really love to hear them, honest, for real...I can't do normal volunteer stuff in hospitals or Red Cross stuff guys, I've been the real.thing, trained for it, lived it, wanted it since the day I went in, got none of it while I was in, a big fat zero...I was in the wrong assignment, at the wrong installation, doing the wrong work For the wrong people...every time I asked to be clinical, I was told be a good little munchkin, shut uo, and so quarantine told, so I did, and learned how to do what I was told (God knows how)...if any of you have any thoughts how I can be of serious clinical use for real, as I'd said, for all those reasons, candidly, my wife and I would both quite seriously canonize any of you with any decent notions, honest, many thanks...and yeah, I insinuate a really oddly phrased request, I'm just saying I'm for real, my training was for real, and is just love, just once to actually use it for real, I'd any of you might possibly give thought to helping me try to find a way, I inventiveness really odd place and way to ask, however, if nothing else, you've all gotta admit my approach is certainly at least reasonably creative, hopefully, ya think?
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