Posted on Sep 28, 2018
SPC Motor Transport Operator
Looking for information about what AIT for 88M is like for Prior Service soldiers. Any information would be greatly appreciated!
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Responses: 11
MSG Frank Kapaun
Prepare to be be bored to tears. The army has a way taking one hours worth of training and “compressing” it into eight.
SPC Motor Transport Operator
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All too familiar with that MSG. It's my understanding that there is regular AIT and a reclass school both in different places. Is this accurate?
CPL Motor Transport Operator
CPL (Join to see)
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I went to reclass the first time in Fort Dix, New Jersey, that was fun and the other time in California. In Jersey, we actually had a dirt track dug out in the woods with two hills that we went over and we were training in HEMMTS. I learned they don't take hills at full ramming speed very well. I did take out some vegetation when I finally ba-had over the hill and landed in a side ways skid. Told the 1SGT that I just wanted to see what it could (I can hear all the gasps from
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SGT Dave Tracy
Are they dropping you directly into AIT or as prior service, into a reclass? I reclassed from my prior Active Duty (Army) MOS, so I'm not sure exactly how it would work for you.

As for myself, it was nice; just under 1 month at Ft. Knox, got private on-post hotel room, meals, and we would simply do MOS training and be free for the rest of the day. No PT. No drill sergeants (most of us were E4s and up anyway). No silly games. Just being in the right place at the right time in the right uniform.

If its AIT, it will be more structured, longer, and you likely won't have as much downtime/free time, based on 88M AIT alums I know, but experiences vary; particularly as a prior service I would think our experience would vary from people fresh out of basic, but I don't claim to know.

Either way, you get to drive stuff, which is fun more often than not. Good luck.
SPC Motor Transport Operator
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From the sounds of it SGT, they are sending me to AIT as prior service. I am just waiting to process into my unit and get a ship date from training.
SGT Dave Tracy
SGT Dave Tracy
>1 y
SPC (Join to see) I see.
You may be afforded some measure of latitude that your AIT peers won't be, having been prior service, so long as you are doing all that is expected. This isn't guaranteed of course.
SPC Motor Transport Operator
SPC (Join to see)
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Understandable. Thank you for the insight. Very much appreciated.
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CPL Shayne Sanchez
We had several prior service and a few reclass soldiers with us in AIT. The reclass were pretty much left alone. They just showed up for training and formations. The prior service were just like us.
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