Posted on Feb 3, 2019
SGT Daniel Rocco Ames
My medical separation code on my DD-214 is listed as JEA, Combat-Related (Enhanced). I can't find this code on any lists, and was wondering what it meant exactly?
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Responses: 4
Lt Col Charlie Brown
Disability, Severance Pay, Combat Related (Enhanced)
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SFC Retention Operations Nco
You really couldn't put SPD JEA into a Google search bar and find it in the excel spreadsheet that pops up in the first result like I did out of curiosity?
SPC Training Room Nco
SPC (Join to see)
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SFC (Join to see) I wholeheartedly agree that a NCO should be able to do research on their own to find an answer, or know what resources to turn to, should they be unable to find it themselves. However, I have no doubt that he attempted to do research and found a partial answer, and was further seeking more information. So the next logical step would be to turn to a resource for higher information. One where others with varying levels of experience would be able to help him by either providing or guiding toward the answer to the secondary and tertiary components to his question.

Now, as a Senior NCO, and from the perspective therein, what would a good resource be for a separated NCO, where he might be able to contact other servicemembers to help facilitate an answer? Rallypiint maybe? So:

You couldn't do the basic task of a Senior NCO of assisting a Junior NCO obtain information and providing reliable and respectable leadership with impartiality and professionalism?

See how toxic behavior breeds further toxic behavior? As you attempted with this Junior NCO who DID HIS TASK of seeking further information, outside of a Google search; take this as a learning point. Just because you got that second rocker doesn't mean that you get to become the proverbial PRC-E7 just because someone asked a general question. Get off your high horse and remember that you were there once too, and at the end of the day, you're no more or less human than he.
SGT Daniel Rocco Ames
SGT Daniel Rocco Ames
>1 y
SPC (Join to see) Thank you. I was able to find JEA Combat Related (Enhanced) using Google before I posted this. All I was trying to find out was what that all meant exactly, and would it affect a reenlistment as I was possibly considering rejoining. It had my reenlistment code as "NA". I spoke to a former peer who is a recruiter, but he was unsure what the code meant in detail. Qe both knew it meant I was entitled to severance pay for combat-related injuries, I was just looking for more information and I worded it poorly. I'm certainly competent enough to use Google, and I initially posted exactly what I was able to find and what my 214 stated. I was looking for someone to elaborate and explain in a bit more detail so I knew exactly what I was looking at in terms of reenlistment. Be it waivers, Dr appointments, etc. Thank you for giving me a straight answer as well as teaching me the right way. I've been out for 7 years, but even while I was in I didn't have to deal with many chaptering soldiers.
SGT Daniel Rocco Ames
SGT Daniel Rocco Ames
>1 y
SGT Richard H. I do not personally know a career counselor or I would've done that first. This site has proven invaluable when needing answers from reliable soldiers as well as veterans. I didn't expect to receive so much backlash for an initial question where all I wanted was a bit more details than what is stayed on my 214. As far as questioning my skills, intelligence, and leadership abilities as an NCO, that's just uncalled for. I was under the impression seeking answers for a military-related issue is what NCOs should do?
SGT Richard H.
SGT Richard H.
>1 y
SGT Daniel Rocco Ames - The career counselor comment wasn't a dig at you.
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1SG Retired
ALARACT (All Army Activities) Message 147/2008.
SPD Code of JEA is appropriate when the narrative reason for discharge is disability, severance pay, combat related (enhanced), and the authority is Army Regulation 635-40, chapter 4.
Same message also directed SPD Codes of JFI and JFO would replace the SPD Codes of JFL and JEA. The SPD Code of JEB would also replace the SPD Code of JEL.
Ref: 30 December 2008, DOCKET NUMBER: AR [login to see] 5
SGT Richard H.
SGT Richard H.
>1 y
THIS is the kind of answer a leader gives.
SGT Daniel Rocco Ames
SGT Daniel Rocco Ames
>1 y
Thank you 1SG. This answers my question perfectly. I spoke to a former peer who is a recruiter currently, he looked up my REDD report and says if I wanted to I could reenlist. I was just curious what my codes meant. Thank you.
1SG Retired
1SG (Join to see)
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SGT Daniel Rocco Ames Exercise due diligence before you try to reenlist.
DODI 6130.03, and AR 40-501 provide medical standards.
If the medical conditions warranted separation, reentry may require your asserting those conditions have resolved. Passing the physical is also a requirement.
If you're receiving VA compensation, you should consider what implications this action would have on that, and, if you could reenlist, impact on VA compensation later.
SGT Daniel Rocco Ames
SGT Daniel Rocco Ames
>1 y
1SG (Join to see) I was merely researching my options. I have a decent defense contracting job at the moment, and am soon to start using my GI Bill. I was only curious, and your responses have been outstanding and truly appreciated. Thank you!
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