Posted on Feb 3, 2015
SGT Sentinel Team Leader
I am a New Specialist, and was just stationed at Camp Casey for the past year. I am PCSing to Fort Campbell, what should I expect when I first get there? And what is there to do in the area?
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Responses: 8
SFC Mark Merino
Edited >1 y ago
I loved the rich history of the 101st. If you aren't Air Assault yet, you are now. I was there in 2/17 CAV but that was back in 99-01. I'm sure it has grown. Every year, a local winery had the "Jazz on the lawn" festival that we never missed. It is a good drive, but Nashville has everything to offer. Most troops went down in groups and split a room for the weekend. Lot's of hunting and fishing. Do you just have orders for the replacement unit or do you have pinpoint orders?

I see you updated your new unit info. Here are the people in your unit that are RallyPoint members.....
SGT Sentinel Team Leader
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SPC Combat Engineer
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SGT (Join to see) Maybe you won`t end up like someone I met this week. He had just PCS`ed from Korea in the past few weeks to a unit under 36th Engineer Brigade only to find out his new unit is slotted for Korea soon. It was hard not to laugh.
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SFC Vernon McNabb
SGT (Join to see), Air Assault Course will be in your near future. WLC if you haven't gone already. Plenty of FTXs, STxs and CTC rotations. The beautiful sounds of helicopters flying day and night. Long waits coming into the gates at peak times (PT, Lunch and close of business). Other than that, Nashville, TN is about 45 minutes away, so there is plenty to do there. If you like to fish, ask people in your unit the best way to get to Land Between the Lakes (LBL). Plenty of places to hunt if you're into to that also.
SGT Sentinel Team Leader
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1SG Signal Support Systems Specialist
Agree with what everyone else said. The exception would be pathfinder school. Attendance is restricted to the follow MOS: 11B, 11C, 11Z (11Z must be assigned to a Pathfinder Billet), 15Q, 19D, 88M, 92R (skill levels 3 and 4 only), and 92Y (skill levels 1 through 3). Ft. Campbell's Pathfinder course was almost shut down by Ft. Benning due to Soldiers outside of the MOS's and billets stated above being allowed to attend the course. Prepare for your next RENDEZVOUS WITH DESTINY!
SGT Sentinel Team Leader
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