Posted on Apr 11, 2019
PFC Cannon Crew Member
I’ve been in the army since January of 2018 now i became permanent party at the medical holding unit I was at before completing ait! I’ve obviously Graduated basic but what are my chances of being assigned to the prior service side sure ait?
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Responses: 7
SGT Victoria Belbusti
Did you graduate an AIT or are you on a med hold waiting to be cleared to attend an AIT? Generally prior service is those who are MOS qualified. Meaning they completed an IET in any branch of service. An IET solider on a med hold is most likely not considered a prior service.
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SSG Cbrn Nco
Do you have orders designating you as permanent party at your current duty station? I'm guessing the answer is no. Your cadre may be treating you as permanent party because of your extended stay, but to "Big Army" you're still a soldier in Initial Entry Training status. I was in a similar situation as a PFC myself many years ago; when I returned to school house there was a new command and they initially put me in PS Barracks, but they soon learned of their error and placed me with the IET soldiers.

Also I'm going to go out on a limb and assume that the PS Barracks are 75-100% NCOs. They aren't supposed to be housed with you unless a legitimate shortage of billets exist, and a O-6 and above in the Chain has to sign off on it. Most likely your cadre aren't going to jump through those kinds of hoops to accommodate a PFC.

The Army typically designates "Prior Service" as a soldier who has completed Basic and AIT and 180+ days of service. You don't have an MOS yet so you wouldn't qualify under that designation. Should you be chaptered due to your injury or academic failure you would be classified as "Glossary Prior Service" because you never completed AIT. If you came back in you would be treated as another Non-Prior Service Applicant so long as you had an acceptable RE Code.

At this point your mind is on the wrong things, you've been in IET status for over a year and by the time you graduate and then complete Airborne School you will be nearing two years. If your enlistment is the standard 3 years you will barely have a glimpse of what the real Army is like before it's time to decise to reenlist. Focus on your studies, stay healthy, pass PT, and height and weight. There will be plenty of opportunities for fun and great memories in the near future.

Good luck.
PFC Terry Elliott
PFC Terry Elliott
5 y
These are truthful statements. I was injured and seriously ill during Basic Training at Ft. Leonard Wood, MO, and thanks to paperwork backlogs, I was there a lot longer than I should have been. I saw MANY situations pass me by, and because of some very serious shenanigans going on at the Retention and Holding Unit, I got stuck with my Company right up until the cycle behind my original cycle GRADUATED. Needless to say, I tried to stay below the radar with Cadre, as by that point I was considered an “Army Albatross”. When they finally transferred me over to RHU, half of the barracks was designated to Prior Service Soldiers. I won’t say the rules are different for them, but the respect climate is different because these are MOS fully graduated servicemen (and women). At the point in my story, they were responsible for “trucking” us ungraduated service members around for various appointments, and then handling whatever else the DS hand on hand for them. Most of them had some pretty good stories to tell, but for the most part, they kept to everything else in the Army, there is a reason for certain segregation—if you haven’t yet finished, you haven’t earned the right. If you quit, you haven’t earned the right. If you’re sent out on medical, why do you need to know? And on the flip side, the less that a Prior Service soldier is exposed to someone who shouldn’t know, the less likely he or she is to impart knowledge that could be of a detriment later. It’s a matter of doing the RIGHT THING for the Army and the Unit.
I truly sympathize for your plight, and I hope whatever is blocking your path is cleared away soon. Be clear in your objectives, and best of luck to you!!
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SPC Practical/Vocational Nursing
Do you hold an MOS and are reclassing? Are you still completing IET? Or have you finished AIT and are assigned to a unit your were a student in?

If you hold an MOS and are reclassing you should be placed with prior service. If you have yet to complete IET sucks to suck you’re gonna be in the IET barracks. If you are 100% done and your first duty assignment is a unit your were a student at then you don’t stay in either you stay in the normal barracks.
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