Posted on Nov 8, 2013
SSG Robert Burns
Can you cross the line as disrespectful or insubordinate on Rally Point in some comments/discussions? &nbsp;I think it's important to promote an atmosphere of openness, honesty, and candidness. &nbsp;Do you think the line can be crossed? &nbsp;<div>If so can a soldier be baited into a hot topic thats starts out as a discussion until it becomes a strong disagreement of opinions.</div><div>I think you may also get into issues of "proving" the soldier posted it and what not. &nbsp;Also things can be taken out of context a lot of times in online forums.</div><div>What do you think?</div>
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Responses: 76
LTC Engineer Officer
There are some great entries in this discussion already. &nbsp;A few of my thoughts ...<div><br></div><div>We can have frank, open, and honest conversations among members of various ranks in person or online. &nbsp;Our organizations are better if this is true and it requires leaders who set the correct climate and servicemen and women who are willing to participate.<div><br></div><div>Whether in person or online, if we keep in mind that we are professionals and conduct ourselves as such, the danger of "crossing a line" is greatly reduced. &nbsp;If we are afraid of saying anything because it may be misconstrued we are doing ourselves and our service a disservice. &nbsp;</div><div><br></div><div>If I say or write something out of line, inappropriate, or unprofessional I should be corrected. &nbsp;Correction doe not always have to be in the form of a written counseling or necessitate punishment. &nbsp;In many cases it can be a comment to the individual. &nbsp;If I realize I've said something that should not have been said, I can apologize for it and if possible delete it. &nbsp;If it is flagrant unprofessionalism or violates the UCMJ then appropriate action must be taken but I can think of very few instances, especially here on RallyPoint, where this would be the case.</div><div><br></div><div>A "strong disagreement of opinions" does not equate to something to counsel someone about. &nbsp;The only time this would be a problem is in an organization after a decision has been made and people are still arguing about it. &nbsp;At that point it's time to accept the decision. &nbsp;But in online forums such as this, there is absolutely nothing wrong with differing opinions ... as long as they are presented professionally and do not violate regulations.</div></div>
SGT Joseph Jones
SGT Joseph Jones
9 y
LTC Jacob Bruhl said it the best! My thoughts exactly I guess that's why your an officer. I'm not as educated. I don't have the tact or words to say it that way. But that was my exact thoughts but sounded smarter. I feel we should all conduct ourselves with Military bearing but be allowed to be honest and correct one another regardless of branch or rank.
SGT Frank Yarum
SGT Frank Yarum
7 y
SGT Joseph Jones, I disagree with the last sentence of your comment. Yes anyone in Military Service MUST (not should) conduct themselves with the proper Military Discipline and respect for the rank and uniform no matter the service branch they are in. As for being honest and correct one another regardless of branch or rank, are you nuts? If a private or any other rank below my grade tried to honestly correct me, well Katty-bar the doors. No one, no matter the branch has the authority to correct a higher rank. It's called Military etiquette. You may want to look into the UCMJ.
SPC Infantryman
SPC (Join to see)
7 y
Actually, although it might backfire everyone has the general authority to correct other soldiers higher rank included
SPC Mike Davis
SPC Mike Davis
6 y
SGT Frank Yarum - Be happy to correct you any time Sgt Happy!!!
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CW3 Allied Trades Technician
Good question... First, comments made on social media can be used against you, and you can be counseled, or worse. Second, I agree, it is important to promote a positive atmosphere, and yes, lines can be crossed. Baiting people is wrong. Anything outside of a face-to-face conversation (and even those aren't safe) can be taken out of context. Everyone should bear in mind that we're supposed to be professional at all times... even online.&nbsp;
SFC Rvsr
SFC (Join to see)
>1 y
I couldn't agree more. Thank you for explaining this so well. It saves others like myself from having to do it.
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SSG Robert Burns
Just becasue we have freedom of speech doesnt mean we have freedom from the consequences of that speech.
CMDCM Gene Treants
CMDCM Gene Treants
>1 y
I fully agree SSG Robert B.  and that is a lesson we need to remember not only here, but also in life in general.  Many people do not remember that yelling fire in a crowded theater is NOT protected speach and neither are Slander nor Libel.
SGT Mark Grier
SGT Mark Grier
7 y
First of all UCMJ does not allow free speech so that's not really an issue.
Second it all depends what they are saying. If someone says something that could be harmful to themselves or others and OPSEC violations then I would be inclined to act. If what they said hurt my feelings I would just suck it up.

We had this SSG in desert storm who decided that he wanted to join the E-4 fight club and he got body slammed. He tried to bust the guy who did it. Didn't happen though
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