Posted on Nov 5, 2019
PFC Erikka S
I was Medically separated from the Army last year. I got 10% disability so I ended up getting a severance pay.
My REENTRY Code is 3.
My Separation Code is JEB.
I talked to my old recruiter and he said that I would have to get a waiver, but I could get back in.
So I went to a recruiter near me and she told me that I can't get back in because I medically separated. Now, I don't know if that is true, or if she just didn't want to do my paperwork. Can someone please give me some information and advice?
Edited 5 y ago
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Responses: 13
SSgt Auto Total Loss Claims Associate
PFC Erikka S I am not finding a translation for JEB. If you could enlighten on what that means?

My personal story (as has been relayed multiple times):
I was given a medical discharge in 2000; RE-3 Code JFL (Physical Disability with severance pay). I was given 10% for diagnosed migraines.
I fought for 18.5 years to get back in. I burned through 3 different recruiters before I found one that was willing to fight to get me back in. The others opted for the "easy gets" over me, because they knew there would be a fight on multiple levels.
She had to get a waiver for me to go to MEPS. MEPS then had to clear me. I then needed a waiver from Surgeon General of the discharging branch (Active Air Force) in order to get back in. I am now back in the MO Air National Guard.

So, yes, you can get back in. You will need waivers. It will be a fight, and will take some time.
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1SG Vet Technician
I am all about someone trying to return to service, if they are fit to do so. My next comment comes without knowing what your medical issue was and where it is at now. The Army is having an increased focus on Soldier readiness and physical capacity. Part of this is reflected in the new Army Combat Fitness Test. Not only do they want a better assessment of a Soldier's potential ability to handle the rigors of combat deployment, but it will also be a driver to push Soldiers to either step up their physical fitness or get out. The "So What" for you: Things are not going to get any easier. You need to think about the effort you want to put into trying to reenlist and if your condition has healed enough to handle things going forward.
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SSG Brian G.
In a word? That recruiter lied to you. How you separated is irrelevant. What matters is the RE and separation code. RE3 makes it stiff for you to get back in but is doable, as your old recruiter told you.

Sad thing is not all recruiters have the same moral code as you just found out. Go see another recruiter. Go to that recruiters boss. Don't accept some half arsed answer. Make them show you the reg or pam where it states that. If they cannot, it just means it was some BS pulled out of their arse to avoid doing your paperwork because you are not a green recruit and Prior Service require a bit more work.
SSG Brian G.
SSG Brian G.
5 y
SFC (Join to see) - Before you go hopping into something, slow your roll and SLOWLY re-read what I stated. I said rather specifically what matters is the RE code and separation code. You clearly did not so much as read what I wrote or let that impact fully sink in. You read the first few lines and got your dander up.

Last I checked JEB separation code has nothing to do with with misconduct or drug use.

How a person is put out does not matter in the least. They can get retire, voluntarily get out, get med boarded or get put out by non med chapter. All of that is meaningless. What matters is what the commander/commanding authority puts as an RE code and separation narrative. Which is what I said.
SFC Recruiting Standards Directorate
SFC (Join to see)
5 y
SSG Brian G. unless you’re a 79R, your input is moot.
SSG Brian G.
SSG Brian G.
5 y
Go back, check your ego and READ what I put. How a person is put out does not matter. What the CoC puts as their RE code and separation code DOES. Obviously being a 79R does not give you enhanced skills in reading comprehension.

A person can voluntarily get out, get put out through either chater etc., does not matter as how they got out is NOT looked at in terms of them being able to get back in. Let that stir around in your brain and sink in.

What MATTERS is what the RE code is and the Separation code. THOSE are what determine whether the SM can join and what level of hoops they might have to jump through. No whether they voluntarily got on or were chaptered etc., THAT is exactly what I put and what you fail to grasp even remotely.

Great Authority Fallacy there.

As has already been shown time and again, not even a 79R knows it all, this being just another case.
SSG Steven Davis
SSG Steven Davis
5 y
Real Quick, I was a 79R, Check out 601-210, that was the bible for Recruiting. I believe you can get back in, but, there will be hurdles. First: You have to prove that whatever reason you were seperated for, is gone or better. The money will be recouped, i assume. Second, You will have to pass the new APFT. These are just two hurdles, there will be more, including but not limited to, interviews with the Station Commander, and Company Leadership team, and also Battalion Leadership Team. Etc... Doable, but tough
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