Posted on Mar 13, 2015
PO1 Jeff Doan
During the Ferguson Riots last year, many (if not most) of the rioters were from distant cities, states, and yes, even distant countries! They were inciting a riot in a situation that could have been peaceful. Instigators like Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton have made a habit of inserting themselves into local matters all over the country, and stirring up a frenzy with the public. When the peaceful protests turn to riots because of the involvement of outsiders, the outsiders should be removed from the equation.
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Responses: 6
Sgt Aaron Kennedy, MS
People throw around terrorist way too easily.

Rioters, insurgents, instigators, unless using "terror" to act political change are not terrorists.

Attempting to redefine an act as something else is disingenuous. This is the reason I have a problem with "internet piracy" and the willingness to call a myriad of things "treason."

Words have meaning.
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PO1 Jeff Doan
According to Miriam Webster's Dictionary Terrorism is defined as: "the use of violent acts to frighten the people in an area as a way of trying to achieve a political goal".

Encyclopedia Britannica defines terrorism as: The systematic use of violence to create a general climate of fear in a population and thereby to bring about a particular political objective.

Are the instigators of violent riots not using violence to achieve apolitical goal?
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CW5 Desk Officer
I think I would say yes to your question, PO1 Jeff Doan. I was watching CNN the other day (yesterday, maybe), and I was taken surprised to hear that it was day #240 or #241 of the Ferguson protests. One of the CNN anchors was interviewing a protest organizer about the protestors' plans for the evening (the night after the two police officers were shot). The organizer said the leaders were going to meet to discuss their strategy for the evening.

For crying out loud! Have these folks heard of working for a living? How do you live as a protester? Who feeds you? Who pays for your clothes? Your phone? Your car? I was almost struck dumb -- the "protest organizers" act like it's the most ordinary thing in the world. You're a civil servant? That's nice. I'm a protest organizer. Holy cow!
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