Posted on Feb 12, 2014
MSG Bo Lathrop
I was pending orders to be an Observer Controller in Germany, and was told that my BDE CSM denied my orders.. If this has happened to you, what are your thoughts?
Posted in these groups: Images PCSD2d98f7c Orders
Edited >1 y ago
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Responses: 8
1SG Johnny Carter
This has happened to me and at the time I was crushed because it would have put me closer to my kids. But I understand CSM's have to make tuff calls that sometimes that are not going to be in our favor. At the end of the day I understood why the call was made and even though I didn't personally agree I understood why after talking to the CSM and realized hey I am a Soldier and sometimes that means tuff call have to be made to support mission readiness. Trust me you will be taken care of in the end. CSM's don't make those kinda calls just for anybody. You must bring something to the table that is crucial. Selfless service and sacrifice, thats our job.
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CSM Chief Executive Officer (Ceo)
Yes, BDE CSMs should be allowed to recommend (note they don't actually deny, just recommend) that soldiers be deleted or deferred from AI. I suggest there may not be enough data on both sides of the discussion to have the full story, so caution in pointing out right or wrong. It does sound like a drag if it was an anticipated assignment, but like others said the best approach is to request to see the BDE CSM and attempt to plead your case. Even if you don't get reconsideration you may get the rest of the story. Good luck.
MSG Bo Lathrop
MSG Bo Lathrop
>1 y
Thanks for the advice CSM. I hope I didn't come across as pointing out that people were right or wrong, I was just trying to tell the story as I know it. I try to remain professional, especially on sites such as these. Again, thank you for the input.

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SFC James Baber

SFC Lathrop,

I understand the frustration, but have you considered talking to the CSM directly and asking if he has other plans for you, I noticed you mentioned your current unit is disbanding/deactivating in 3 months, he may have another more challenging position in mind for you, that is why I would suggest approaching him professionally and inquiring. He could have something in mind or you might even be able to convince him of the benefit for your career with the position that was pending and he may contact branch and get them to put you back on it.

The old standard statement of "you will never know unless you ask," as a senior NCO you have built up a little credibility to go forth and speak with a higher echelon leader, after informing your level of leadership that you wish to speak to the CSM about it, you know the deal, company 1SG, BN CSM and then go forward with getting on the BDE CSMs calendar for their open-door policy, it is very easy, don't give up so fast.

MSG Bo Lathrop
MSG Bo Lathrop
>1 y
You're absolutely right brother. I guess I kinda got caught up in the "Poor me" syndrome. I'll be asking again to speak with him soon.
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