Posted on Apr 15, 2015
SPC Mathew Brady
I was partnered with a veteran organization in my area until recently unearthing how fake they were and the lack of help they were providing veterans but yet taking in tons of donations and not putting it to use like their website claims. We all know they exist. I demanded they terminate our partnership agreement legally through attorneys and their CEO completely lost it with me. What would you guys do? Obviously I want to protect Purple Heart Acres from becoming anything but an organization for veterans about veterans and that's why the split. All of our board members are veterans. They didn't have a single veteran on their board. I almost feel it's our responsibility to stop corrupt organizations like this from gaining money claiming they're helping veterans when they're not. Advice?
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Responses: 7
SGT Richard H.
I'd suggest filing a complaint with the FTC if you're sure it's a fraud.
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SFC Walt Littleton
I understand the frustration. Unfortunately these bad organizations are everywhere. It's like buyer be aware.

Do your research before you commit to any of these organizations. My experience is that if they operate under a suite or PO Box I don't give. Another red flag if it is a local group or they have a local office see how many employees drive BMW's or Mercedes. That's a good indicator that the money collected goes into salaries and nice office space. The bare minimum is given to the charity they supposedly support.

Most are fronts for making money. Non-Profits are tax exempt and are a very lucrative business. There is a charity or non-profit for everything you can think of. It's the new business enterprise. You complete the paperwork, set up a pay for service website and you are in business. All you have to do is prove that the charity is supported and that profits are used for business only. The argument for these bad charities is 1. It cost us this much to make that? Meaning huge salaries for the fund managers and 2. I need a nice office and perks to compete.

It's shameful! But perfectly legal. Look right now at the Predidential PAC's? These are all non-profits and $100,000,000s dollars are pouring into them everyday now.
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MSgt Cyber Ops
sounds like you did the right thing to me: sever the relationship and try to expose them via legal means
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