Posted on Nov 10, 2020
Cpl Vic Burk
I don't celebrate my biological birthday ever since I earned the title United States Marine when I was seventeen years old. (It pisses my wife off. She makes a cake for me and I refuse to eat it, every year!) Since she doesn't want to celebrate with me, I celebrate with one of my classes. I pick the best class I am teaching on 10 November for this occasion. Usually this is either my first or second class of the day however, this year it is my last class. That is unusual because most of the time when the end of the day rolls around they have their brains overloaded and don't want to do too much, not this group!

I call the class to attention and put on a youtube video with the Marine Corps Hymn. I talk to them for a few minutes about the Marines and our military and then we chow down on donuts and orange juice. I think the word must have got out this year because I had students yesterday asking if we were going to have a party during class today!

Happy Birthday to my Marine Corps family. Semper Fi!
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Responses: 6
SGT David A. 'Cowboy' Groth
I was a member of the Army National Guard, originally the militia, that was brought into being in the early 1600's, the oldest form of military in the U S. I normally salute the day with a piece of cake, have a great Tuesday Cpl Vic Burk
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SCPO Yeoman
Happy Birthday to all Marines!! Enjoy your day!!
Coast Guard birthday is in the summer, August 4, 1790. It's called Coast Guard Day and is traditionally celebrated summer family style outside: BBQ, picnic, music, games, contests, static display of helos (such as let kids putting on the pilot's helmet and sitting in the pilot seat, etc.), open house or tours on boats or ships. There is fun stuff specifically for the toddlers/little kids. Also, there's been a big birthday cake at every one that I've been to.
Oh, and in Grand Haven, MI (AKA Coast Guard City, USA) there is the mother of all celebrations, the Coast Guard Festival, which has bands, parades and fireworks.
I haven't gone to a birthday celebration in years due to various reasons. But on August 4 every year I will specifically wear my retiree ball cap if I'm going out and about. When back at home I'll wish people Happy Coast Guard Day, and have some kind of adult beverage to toast the Service that I am so proud of and grateful for being a part of.
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Sgt Field Radio Operator
Edited >1 y ago
Cpl Vic Burk With the Virus, I will not attend any Marine Corps Birthday celebrations. I also usually attend a Veteran's Day ceremony and parade, but that will have to wait until next year. This year, it is all about staying safe at home.

Semper Fi to all Marines. Happy 245th Birthday.

Since Wednesday is Veterans Day, enjoy the Armed Forces Medley: [login to see] 99342932&mid=1759AB4389A15CB740FA1759AB4389A15CB740FA&view=detail&FORM=VIRE
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