Posted on Feb 14, 2022
PFC Infantry Recruit
My mother is terminally ill. She is not projected to live until my ETS date, but has more than the amount of time to live than I would be able to be gone for on emergency leave. I’ve submitted a request for a hardship discharge, and my formal packet isn’t even built let alone submitted, but I was just told that coming down from staff my request has been denied. What does that mean, and is there any option for some kind of appeal or reconsideration?
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Responses: 9
MSG Intermediate Care Technician
Edited >1 y ago
You didn't submit a packet? You NEED to submit a packet. You are REQUIRED to submit a packet. Informal requests for discharge will go as far as the latrine. I gave you the regulations a bit ago. Those regulations have the steps in which you NEED to complete. Just asking for a hardship with no papertrail......yea....that dog won't hunt.
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SSgt Christophe Murphy - Lack of understanding about request processes, and unfortunately some junior leaders encourage that perceptions rather than providing factual information.
MSG Intermediate Care Technician
MSG (Join to see)
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SSgt Christophe Murphy - What I am looking at is that he stated the Doctor gave an estimated TOD around his ETS (which is a few years from now). Unless the Command sees something that the mother has no definitive capability to self care and/or not have medical assistance (such as home health visits or other family in the AO), I just don't see the packet being approved. Obviously I don't have the full details, but what I do have is not blowing up my skirt.
PFC Infantry Recruit
PFC (Join to see)
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I was in the process of sending everything to legal to have the packet built when I was pulled aside and told that coming down from staff, my request had been denied. It was very confusing. I’m unaware of what staff is being referred to, and I never told my leadership I wanted to submit that request prior to the packet being built. It was actually the NCO that originally told me to talk to legal in order to build a packet that pulled me aside to tell me my request had been denied. I don’t know if they submitted only part of a packet or no packet at all, and that’s why it was denied? I asked him if there was anything else I could do given the fact that my packet want even finished, and he said the legal team had looked at it from every angle, and there just wasn’t any way for them to sell that. He did say that I would be able to appeal it once I get to my duty station (Campbell), but there isn’t anything else they could do as of right now. The bright side to this is my command reassigned me to Campbell in order to make me closer to my mom, because I was going to Fort Hood. This makes me think that something was either skipped over or done differently than it was supposed to be. Any advice for when I get to Fort Campbell and attempt to once again get this discharge would be very much appreciated.
MSG Intermediate Care Technician
MSG (Join to see)
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PFC (Join to see) - Ok. So, you have not arrived to your duty station...which means you are still in training. Am I correct? If so, there is what you need to do. Read those regs I gave you previously. IF....and that's a big qualify then you NEED to fill out that packet. Get with your NCO and Leadership as soon as you get there. Be prepared to be told NO since you are just getting there. Considering they rerouted you to be closer...take that as a blessing. Do not be surprised if this is all you can get. Regardless, you need to have that packet filled out completely with all required forms. Again, be prepared to be told no.
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SPC Member
Edited >1 y ago
Your "staff" denied a packet that hasn't been submitted.

I have issue with that statement, do you mean staff sergeant? Do you mean staff NCO's? Do you mean battalion staff?

To be clear, NCO's have no say whatsoever in whether a packet goes forward or not, that belongs to the realm of commanders. Additionally, intermediate commanders only get a recommendation on yes or no, the approval authority makes the final decision and the approval authority is a general officer.

So I question who denied a packet that hasn't been submitted even if the request is informal at this time. Talk with your Chaplain and your local JAG on how to process the packet as well as any other options available to you. Additionally if you are being deterred and blocked by someone not in the chain of custody for that packet utilize the open door policy with your commander.
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Sgt Field Radio Operator
PFC (Join to see) On your previous post, SFC Thomas Livingston provided you with your options. Why have you not followed his guidance?
MSG Intermediate Care Technician
MSG (Join to see)
>1 y
Because that would be silly to follow actual procedural steps
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