Posted on Jul 11, 2022
LTC Battalion Commander
I’m looking ahead by several years. Because of time spent in the IRR my MRD kept ticking forward but I lost good years to advance. My MRD is at 28 years as a LTC but it looks like my COL promotion board would be about 6 months later. Has anyone ever received or seen someone else receive a waiver to extend their MRD as an officer?
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Responses: 5
MSG Intermediate Care Technician
I've only ever seen one person get an extension. In my last unit, there was this LTC that hit her MRD but was going to be shy of her 20, so she submitted for one and was approved for another 6 months so she could get her 20 Letter. On the flip side, there was a MAJ in the same unit as that LTC and I, and he was denied his Extension and he MRD'd just shy of his 20.
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LTC Self Employed
The Army Reserve did offer a two-year extension( back in 2018?) for those hitting the 28-year Mark if you had good evaluation reports and if you fit the branch requirements. I know that the NGB is a different animal.
I'm sure the National Guard agr's will know
LTC Battalion Commander
LTC (Join to see)
2 y
That's good to know. I've got really good OERs, education complete, I'm just running out of time. If I can get an extension, hopefully get selected, and then retire.
LTC Self Employed
LTC (Join to see)
2 y
LTC (Join to see) with 40,000 National Guard in 20,000 Army Reserve not being able to drill because they refuse the covid-19 vaccine that's ineffective, this may be an opportunity for you. I was in a one-star command. I was with the 364th expeditionary support command out of marysville, washington. We were always having a shortage of officers. When I applied for the G9 civil affairs position, they didn't mind that I was one pay grade over. I could have been a plans officer full-time on orders or many other positions within the organization. I'm sure that some Office of the adjutant general are going to be the same or maybe they'll let you have a second Battalion command? I don't know what your desire is.

I can imagine that retention is really bad even before the July 1st deadline for those willing to get the vaccine. The Army Reserve and National Guard I'm sure are really hollowed out now with those combined 60,000 who don't show up for drill. This is all self-inflicted by the administration especially with an antidote like the covid vaccine given to you an even Dr fauci got sick after getting booster shots. I never got mine I got out on one January and I was already putting in for a religious exemption. I got covid-19 in May and I was sick for a week but I was no sicker than I was when I got the cold a couple years before. I had no comorbidity issues. I did have some phlegm but I didn't have to go to the ICU.

I know an officer was coming up on his 28 year and he did get selected for full bird colonel. He never even deployed to Iraq or Afghanistan but he was a squared away colonel. Maybe you will be the 40% that will get selected to full bird colonel. I work 50 to 60 hours a week on my civilian job and I was barely able to finish my intermediate level education Common Core. I never even thought about doing the advanced operation course. The only thing that may happen to you is HRC may not allow you to take some schools when you get close to your retirement. I tried applying for the National Security course with the one we course in Washington DC. One year I wasn't selected in the second year I applied when I made lieutenant colonel I was within three years of retirement and they wouldn't let me apply. So don't be surprised if some doors are shut to you. It was very frustrating for me because I wanted to do something additional education short of taking the advanced operation course. The lieutenant colonel that made full bird colonel that I just mentioned also was in the irr for about 6 to 8 years.
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SGM G3 Sergeant Major
NGB will approve an MRD extension If the state can demonstrate it will support a mobilization, or that an O6 promotion fill will happen before the end of the extension.
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