Posted on Jul 16, 2015
SGT Infantryman (Airborne)
Why Aren’t Democratic Candidates Proud Of Planned Parenthood?
You would think candidates bought and paid for by Planned Parenthood would be proud of their organ recycling program.

Democratic candidates running for president have had no problems taking money from Planned Parenthood over the years, yet none have spoken up to defend their organ-harvesting benefactor.
Posted in these groups: Democratic party Democrats6262122778 997339a086 z Politics
Edited 9 y ago
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Responses: 13
CW3 Kevin Storm
For the record, I know people love to bash Planned Parenthood. But before you go off the deep end on them keep in mind for a lot of women they are the provider, yes some of there locations perform abortions, but that is not the only thing they do. They also do sex education, almost 80% of their client receive services to prevent unwanted pregnancies, they perform testing for STD's, and 1 out of 5 women have been to a planned parenthood facility. Keep in mind many of the facilities are independently owned, what one does, does not mean they all do it. Having been a former street Paramedic I can tell you with out Planned Parenthood, there would be a lot more STD's out there and a lot more pregnant teenagers, and young adults out there. DO I agree with the actions of this one facility, no.
SSG Program Control Manager
SSG (Join to see)
9 y
The actions were clearly wrong and illegal, and those responsible should be prosecuted. That doesn't change the fact that the world is a better place because Planned Parenthood exists.
SSG Program Control Manager
SSG (Join to see)
9 y
SSG (Join to see) - After reviewing I'm no longer sure what was happening was illegal. So instead of saying it was clearly illegal, I'll say that if it was illegal... those responsible should be prosecuted.
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SGT Kristin Wiley
Edited 9 y ago
What I have an issue with is that we continue to claim a fetus is not yet human at the gestation abortions are legal. Yet, planned parenthood is selling organs from an infant that has been labeled nothing more than a blob of tissue. If they have organs, they are not blobs of tissue. The organization itself was founded on the concept of Eugenics. The U.S. government funds at least 1/3 of planned parenthoods total costs. I don't believe the government should be funding this organization, and especially if it is conducting morally questionable activities (lets not even discuss allowing minors to get abortions without parental consent). Since every American is now supposed to have health care, the government should advocate for these services being provided through everyday healthcare facilities. At a glance it appears the services are redundant and that tax money is funding the same healthcare services provided by the Affordable Health Care Act and Planned Parenthood.
SGT Infantryman (Airborne)
SGT (Join to see)
9 y
The entire idea is revolting. These aren't kittens or puppies were discussing. They are human beings. If they weren't a "human being", how could they advertise selling human being body parts? The fetuses are more than a blob, like you wrote, @SGT Kristin Wiley.
SGT Kristin Wiley
SGT Kristin Wiley
9 y
SGT (Join to see) I actually think kittens and puppies have more legal protection than a fetus (unborn baby).
SGT Infantryman (Airborne)
SGT (Join to see)
9 y
SGT Kristin Wiley, I hadn't thought of that. You're probably correct. The Planned Parenthood group have really pulled the wool over a lot of eyes. Planned Parenthood, sounds like a wonderful organization, until you read the fine print.
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LTC Stephen F.
SGT (Join to see), I am pro-life and saddened but not surprised at all by the news. While horrifying, the leaking of this news is a benefit of living in a relatively free society which is still generally a nation governed by law.
The actions by Planned Parenthood are a natural extension of the views of their founder Margaret Sanger. At a time when communism was fashionable and eugenics was discussed with pro and con views, Margaret Sanger dreamed of a way to reduce the burden of the historically poor and downtrodden, primarily what was termed people of color, and encourage to go through an induced abortion. She wanted to "improve" society.
It isn't surprising when there are "needs" for research to cure diseases and very few options to test cures on humans, cloning of tissue is being advanced, and their is lots of money involved in black market organ harvesting that Planned Parenthood would look at a potential cash cow from otherwise "waste products" of human remains which they term products of abortion or similar words.
Being in favor of the choice to go through induced abortion is not a worldview that is limited to democrats. There are a number of republican elected official who are "pro-choice" and while many democrats are pro-choice on abortion there are some who aren't = granted their numbers have dwindled as the part has tended to back candidates favored by Emily's List and other pro-abortion funding groups.
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