Posted on Jul 20, 2015
SFC Nikhil Kumra
So I see some of these jerky movements that look EXTREMELY unsafe... Especially some of these overhead barbell moves, where these people's shoulder looks like it's coming disjointed.

I'm more the traditional lift, run, eat, sleep type.... when did working out get so fadish and crazy? Is this a gimmick? Or is it "better" than what we've always done to stay in good shape?

With this, I am a pretty anti-traditional OR, and I believe fitness has evolved since the 50's mentality on PT that the Army seems to have.... but this crossfit stuff is madness!
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Responses: 5
MAJ Intelligence Officer
Crossfit is as safe as you and your instructor make it -- and no more. Execute the exercises sloppily or improperly, whether by poor following of directions, poor instruction, or poor supervision, and you can get seriously hurt. Execute them properly, and you will only get "butthurt", which is to say you will experience some extremely painful exercise recovery days, but in the end will get stronger for it.

My advice is not to avoid crossfit, but spend time making sure you drill the technique in a non-strenuous form just like we say about PT in general, and find a crossfit center that you like and stick with that place. Don't be afraid to shop around, or simply go to observe to find the right place with the right instructors.
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SGT Writer
A host on the Barbell Shrugged podcast once stated there's a difference between the sport and the concept and exercises. If I'm going to do a pull-up, there will be no butterfly nonsense. I like cartilage in my shoulders. However, the concept of keeping the heart rate up with running and explosive exercises is, I believe, the reason why so many people get behind it with testimonials like "it works." Regular circuit training with cardio has been around for a long time - HIIT, supersets, etc. However, many seem to enjoy the community aspect. Many people have to be dragged to the gym. A few of us do not.
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COL Charles Williams
SFC Nikhil Kumra I have an idear... Join the military, its free... and if conventional forces are not extreme enough, you can volunteer for special operations...
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