Posted on Jul 27, 2015
GySgt Wayne A. Ekblad
Russia will strengthen its naval forces in the Arctic and Atlantic as a response to Nato activities close to Russia's borders, the Kremlin says.

Russia's plans are outlined in a new naval doctrine, launched on Sunday as the nation celebrated Navy Day.

The navy will get a fleet of new icebreakers, because the Arctic region gives Russia unrestricted access to the Atlantic and Pacific, Russian Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin said.

The Arctic is also rich in minerals.

The new doctrine calls for close co-operation with China in the Pacific region and India in the Indian Ocean.

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Edited 9 y ago
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Responses: 16
COL Mikel J. Burroughs
GySgt Wayne A. Ekblad Unfortunately I believe that Russia, along with China and other countries will continue to increase military spending and modernization of their military. They have watched the United States engage in 14 years of war and all you read about is how the US Military is the strongest and the best in class in the world. They are tired of hearing it and now when we have decided to cut defense spending and reduce our forces the other nations will continue to strengthen and build. I believe they are doing it to prepare for any future confrontation with the United States and their allies. I think that our future on earth will become very uncertain and volatile in the future with this continued build up of military force throughout the world. I'm just hoping that we (those of us on RP) today don't experience that day in the near future. Just my opinion.
SGT Mike Marino
SGT Mike Marino
9 y
Our politicians have to meet force with equal or greater force. We have to get politicians that counter certain actions by the Russians , Chinese etc. Our President acts as if he is afraid , uncertain. Actually he doesn't act at all. that's the problem. The rest of the world thinks we are becoming soft and they are having a field day building Islands taking territory etc etc. We stand there and throw stones.
SGT Mike Marino
SGT Mike Marino
9 y
My opinion only, But I think the United Nations is a waste, ineffective political bullshit organization. They suck. What have they accomplished with what is going on now in the world. A Civilian airline shot down over Ukraine, the Russian aggression in Ukraine and Crimea. The Island building in the Pacific by China. Obama administration Just sits there and does sht. The United Nations does squat, and the U.N is total horse shit.
SGT Robert Andrews
SGT Robert Andrews
9 y
Politicians are not military strategists, Its unfortunate when the United States President does not pay attention to the enemies of the united States and counter the actions of the enemy. No One wants another event like the Cold War, however, when the enemy presents clear and present danger there is no choice but to respond. I did send a message similar to the to our President I did get an email back and it was in true form of a typical Obama response. If you want the email let me know.
PO3 Bob Walsh
PO3 Bob Walsh
9 y
SGT Mike Marino - "We stand there and throw stones". that is to aggressive, We stand there and pick our nose, is more like our leadership.
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SGT Jeremiah B.
Just mount an anti-ship missile battery on Sarah Palin's porch. She can cover from there apparently.

Seriously though, the arctic is "heating up" with regards to claims. It's the great untapped resource frontier and the melting is opening up new avenues into that area. The traditional neutrality of it is being chipped away in "dare you to stop me!" land grabs. It may be time to start thinking of the Navy as cool again.
CAPT Senior Principal Policy Analyst
CAPT (Join to see)
9 y
We need to ante up quickly and with commitment. Our lack of icebreakers is appalling. This region will continue to grow in its importance as a sea lane, resource-rich sea bed, and even tourist destination. 

I heard a great quote several years ago by a U.S. Coast Guard admiral: "Regardless of what you think about global warming or climate change, the fact is there is now water where once there was ice." 
SPC George Rudenko
SPC George Rudenko
9 y
Sabra rattling. Russia is still in economic turmoil.
PO3 Bob Walsh
PO3 Bob Walsh
9 y
CAPT (Join to see) - A year or two ago, FORBES MAGAZINE, had an article on Oil Drilling in the Arctic. Royal Dutch Shell Petroleum invested millions in start up cost, for Arctic drilling. In short the project was shut down because when the drilling started the Ice was too thick.
SSG(P) Casualty Operations Ncoic
SSG(P) (Join to see)
8 y
The Arctic has been a potential powder keg for decades. Everyone knew that there are untapped natural resources there, but no one had the time, equipment, nor the wearwithall to drill through the ice to get at them. Now that the ice is receding, all the nations with borders on the Arctic are getting spun-up to claim slices of it.

Heck in 1994 I had a DOS-based video game add-on for Gunship 2000 called "Islands & Ice" that took place in the Arctic against an entrenched USSR. The Arctic has been a known quantity for a while now.

If we want to get in on the game or even defend what we might see as ours, we need to start taking this frontier into consideration when it comes to defense spending. I think the USCG has TWO icebreakers, and that's 100% of our icebreaking capability. If some nation wanted to keep us at home, those icebreakers would present a nice target. Canada better start increasing their forces too..

Russia has already completed a massive exercise in the Arctic, so they are now probably the most experienced in operating up there. They are also reopening several old Cold War era bases on their northern border.
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CAPT Lawrence Olsen
Putin is taking the advice of Lenin. Lenin, speaking about moving a cause forward, once said: “Probe with a bayonet: if you meet steel, stop. If you meet mush, then push.” So far, the Russians have encountered little more than mush.
MSgt Jim Bain
MSgt Jim Bain
9 y
Agree sir, my Dad was a twenty year man, BMC, I miss his sea story's like crazy, he's probably turning over in his grave right now knowing what Washington has done to his Navy, or might I say what they not doing for his Navy!
CAPT Lawrence Olsen
CAPT Lawrence Olsen
9 y
I have a great deal of respect for anyone who makes Chief, but especially within the Boatswain's Mate rating. I was First Lieutenant (Deck Department Head) onboard an amphibious ship during Desert Shield/Desert Storm and I can tell you that the BMs are some of the most hard-working and skilled people I have had the pleasure to lead.
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