Posted on Sep 15, 2015
SGT Squad Leader
So I'm nearing my 1 year out for ETS and I'm thinking of extending again. However I want to reclass, as I'm not really enjoying my current MOS. Currently I'm a 25U (and 25Q if it matters) and I am very interested in either 25D or 17C but it does not look like my state (currently) has either of these MOS'. Am I basically just out of luck or would I have better luck if I ETS and went into the Army reserves or maybe even just active duty (is that even possible?)

Basically I want to see what my options are for reclassing into these rather new and hard to get MOS' is before I decide either way on extending or just walking away.

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Responses: 5
1SG Special Agent Forensic Scientist
Keep in mind that 25D starts at E6. The addition of 25D slots to Brigade headquarters and up in the NG has been occurring with MTOE changes starting this month. 25D is a cyber defender position and the CPTs that the NG is standing up will have those positions as well.

17C is an offensive cyber job that starts at E1 and up. Currently there are no 17C positions in the NG that I'm aware of. Active duty is still staffing those specialized units.

Another thing to keep in mind is that both those MOS's require a TS/SCI clearance prior to re-classing.
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SSgt Carpenter
Don't ETS unless you are CONVINCED you are done. These days getting back in simply isn't guaranteed.
Talk to an active duty and reserve recruiter and find out! I just walked into the Army recruiters office last week. Turns out with my MOS and pay grade, the only way they'll take me is on an 18x contract. You might find something different, as I suspect the Army feels the need for your skillset more than mine.
Also, have you considered transferring to another battalion or brigade? I don't know if that's an option for you, but I've seen other soldiers do that to get a "reset" in their careers. You'll may be able to get a significantly different experience without changing your MOS, simply by moving to a battalion or brigade from a line company or vice versa.
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That is why I'm trying to do my homework now, so I can make a more informed decision.

As far as transferring, I tried that and was declined based on "being to valuable to the unit" I'm sure I could press the issue but I want to make sure I understand all the paths that are open to me before I do, it wouldn't make since too jump ship and still more or less be in the same boat (Lost my passion for my MOS etc)
SFC Retired
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As a former recruiter and current MEPS GC I can attest to SGT Brainard's statement. I see so many Soldiers get out of the Army, USAR or Reserves, then change thier mind a couple years later and have nothing but problems trying to get back in - usually revolving around getting medically DQ'd at MEPS when they re-PHYS. If you need more time just extend for the minium while you figure things out (and possibly wait for more options to open up). If you've completed your inital MSO, you can extend for 1 year a time in your current MOS.
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SSG Daniel Poulin (Retired)
Yeah don't ETS; that won't open very many doors. I'm not up all that much on the NG side of things, I can tell you that several 255S Reservists and NG went Active Duty real easy after they completed their course; General Odierno and LTG Cardone asked if they would be interested and they said yes, and now they are active duty on CPTs. If you reclass for 25D and successfully complete the course, you should have no problem getting into one of the NG CPTs. As SPC Monroe stated, it will be competitive, and don't expect a lot of help from your unit. 17C is both Offensive and Defensive "Jack of all Trades" ~ Cyber CSM, and as of right now only AD is recruiting 17Cs, but I don't think that will always be the case. You can attend 25D as an E-5, and if you complete it successfully, you will automatically be promoted to SSG, as the course counts as ALC as well as an in depth Cyber primer. So you understand, the 25D course is at Fort Gordon, and has a 80% pass rate, or at least it's supposed to. The 17C course is at Corey Station, Florida (JCAC), and it has an even more degraded pass rate.

What ever you do decide on, do it fast, as others are looking to do the same thing.
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