Posted on Apr 8, 2014
SGT Journeyman Plumber
Do you think face to face veteran organizations are a dying breed being
replaced by online organizations, such as RallyPoint here, or do you
think veteran organizations in general are on the decline?

I am a life member of the VFW, but with few exceptions it seems like the vast majority of members at the posts I've been to are from the Vietnam generation, with few OIF/OEF veterans on the rolls. Newer veterans seem to have the impression that the VFW is obsolete and for the older guys.
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Responses: 11
PO1 Disaster Survivor Assistance Specialist
Edited 10 y ago
SGT (Join to see) First of all - great question! I think there has been an image problem with the VFW since the Viet Nam era. Many of the WWII / Korean War vets did not see the Viet Nam vets as "true" vets and gave them the cold shoulder. As the WWII / Korean War vets diminish through attrition at 555 per day the numbers within the VFW's, etc. are dwindling also.

Veterans seeking other veterans was a common thread in the beginning. What may well have been the simple need to sit and try to understand what had happened to themselves during war became a national effort to get help for veterans in general for common maladys that we understand today as PTS. For centuries war veterans knew they returned home changed. They instinctively knew WHY they had changed, but they simply couldn't explain it to someone who had never experienced war.

Have you ever returned from combat and sat in a room full of family, loved ones and old friends from home.....and feel completely alone? Don't feel too bad, most combat vets have that moment. Veterans felt that pull to talk with other veterans - because there was no treatment for PTS. What those veterans saw and understood was there was no one, other than themselves, that understood their problems. Those same veterans learned that to get a politician's attention you needed numbers - vast numbers.

Can Veteran Service Organizations change - absolutely. Will they? Not on their own.
PO1 Disaster Survivor Assistance Specialist
PO1 (Join to see)
10 y
SFC (Join to see) I agree 100%! I hope to hear from more Viet Nam veterans that seek to upgrade their DD-214's as soon as we hear from DOD on the exact details / methods for this effort created by the SECDEF. Hopefully, this initiative will help more of our Viet Nam bretheren in their efforts to become whole again.
SFC Fire Support Specialist
SFC (Join to see)
10 y
PO1 (Join to see) Yes, we have had many get updated DD-215's from their Veitnam service already. It is helping them. But they hold a light in my eye because these men some drafted just come home to a country that hated them even fellow veterans. I've been told stories of them spit on in uniform. I can't imagine the emotional scares that leaves.
PO1 Disaster Survivor Assistance Specialist
PO1 (Join to see)
10 y
SFC (Join to see) Great news! I forsee even more of this era getting their DD-214's upgraded due to the wider latitude being directed by SECDEF to the Service Agencies. If these guys/gals can prove that PTS was a contributing factor the directive is to upgrade. Many with OTH / General discharges stand to gain...everything from just the pride in an upgraded DD-214 to being compensated for things that happened decades ago......
SFC Fire Support Specialist
SFC (Join to see)
10 y
PO1 (Join to see) I agree 100%
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MSG Jose Colon
It's a culture thing.
In the 50's-90's, it was customary to physically hang out, be there. Now, since the advent/popularization of the internet, we hang out virtually.
SGT Journeyman Plumber
SGT (Join to see)
>1 y
MSG Colon,

Do you feel like the lack of face to face interaction is a hindrance, or do you believe that online centric social organizations are adequate?
MSG Beatrice Foster, PMP
MSG Beatrice Foster, PMP
>1 y
So true but virtual hang outs allows communication all over the world in real time.

I think it hinders the ability to have a conversation FTF, social skills decline, spelling and language is hindered.
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CPT Kit Lancaster
I actually think we will see more organizations like Team Red, White and Blue in the future. The VFW and American Legion are great organizations, but I'm not sure what they are doing for the local community and local veterans. It seems the nature of their work is very limited on the local front and greater on the lobbying / political posturing front.

While I'm all for organizations lobbying for veterans benefits etc. I don't feel connected to the VFW or American Legion despite membership. (I say this being mindful that all VFW / American Legion posts are different and perhaps offer much more than my local chapters.)

From my foxhole 0 they have too few events that relate to me and my family. I'm more interested in going for a run / bike ride / organized 5k or train for a triathlon with Team Red White and Blue. I feel more connected. Or attending events at Pritzker Military Library, such as guest speakers or a local blood drive.
SGT Journeyman Plumber
SGT (Join to see)
10 y
I've never heard of Team Red White Blue, but after reading your post sir I'll be checking into them. Thanks for sharing.
CPT Kit Lancaster
CPT Kit Lancaster
10 y - they put on events all over the country. From walk around the park together to let's train for a marathon and everything in between. I like Team RWB because they are activity focused. Not fundraiser focused or politically focused. They are perhaps my favorite veteran non-profit.
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