COL Ted Mc 427451 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>From "The DEBKAfile"<br /><br /><a target="_blank" href=""></a><br /><br />Israel’s climb-down over Golan air strike: We didn’t know Hizballah’s convoy carried high Iranian officers<br /><br />Israel Tuesday, Jan. 20, used Western and Arab media outlets for "clarification” to Tehran of the purpose of its air strike over the Golan Sunday, asserting that Revolutionary Guards Gen. Mohammad “Ali Allah Dadi and his staff of five were not known to be traveling in the Hizballah convoy and were not the target.<br /><br /> “We thought we were hitting an enemy field unit that was on its way to carry out an attack on us at the frontier fence,’ a senior security official in Tel Aviv informed the media. “We went on the alert, we spotted the vehicle, identified it as an enemy vehicle and took the shot,” he said, adding: “We saw this as a limited tactical operation.”<br /><br />This semi-apology, say debkafile’s military and intelligence sources, was intended to tell Tehran that had Israeli intelligence identified the group of high-ranking Iranian officers in the Golan convoy, the air strike would have been called off. There was no reason why an intelligence mistake should cause a broad or even a limited military showdown between Iran and Israel, was the implied message.<br /><br />[EDITORIAL COMMENT:- Interesting. Now do you think that Iran is going to accept Israel's "Ooops, sorry about that." without further payment? Or is the Iranian government going to "show itself as the face of peace" by acknowledging that mistakes do happen?] <div class="pta-link-card answers-template-image type-default"> <div class="pta-link-card-picture"> <img src=""> </div> <div class="pta-link-card-content"> <p class="pta-link-card-title"> <a target="blank" href="">DEBKAfile, Political Analysis, Espionage, Terrorism, Security</a> </p> <p class="pta-link-card-description">DEBKAfile, Political Analysis, Espionage, Terrorism, Security</p> </div> <div class="clearfix"></div> </div> Did Israel Kill The Iranian General On Purpose Or Not? 2015-01-20T16:51:15-05:00 COL Ted Mc 427451 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>From "The DEBKAfile"<br /><br /><a target="_blank" href=""></a><br /><br />Israel’s climb-down over Golan air strike: We didn’t know Hizballah’s convoy carried high Iranian officers<br /><br />Israel Tuesday, Jan. 20, used Western and Arab media outlets for "clarification” to Tehran of the purpose of its air strike over the Golan Sunday, asserting that Revolutionary Guards Gen. Mohammad “Ali Allah Dadi and his staff of five were not known to be traveling in the Hizballah convoy and were not the target.<br /><br /> “We thought we were hitting an enemy field unit that was on its way to carry out an attack on us at the frontier fence,’ a senior security official in Tel Aviv informed the media. “We went on the alert, we spotted the vehicle, identified it as an enemy vehicle and took the shot,” he said, adding: “We saw this as a limited tactical operation.”<br /><br />This semi-apology, say debkafile’s military and intelligence sources, was intended to tell Tehran that had Israeli intelligence identified the group of high-ranking Iranian officers in the Golan convoy, the air strike would have been called off. There was no reason why an intelligence mistake should cause a broad or even a limited military showdown between Iran and Israel, was the implied message.<br /><br />[EDITORIAL COMMENT:- Interesting. Now do you think that Iran is going to accept Israel's "Ooops, sorry about that." without further payment? Or is the Iranian government going to "show itself as the face of peace" by acknowledging that mistakes do happen?] <div class="pta-link-card answers-template-image type-default"> <div class="pta-link-card-picture"> <img src=""> </div> <div class="pta-link-card-content"> <p class="pta-link-card-title"> <a target="blank" href="">DEBKAfile, Political Analysis, Espionage, Terrorism, Security</a> </p> <p class="pta-link-card-description">DEBKAfile, Political Analysis, Espionage, Terrorism, Security</p> </div> <div class="clearfix"></div> </div> Did Israel Kill The Iranian General On Purpose Or Not? 2015-01-20T16:51:15-05:00 2015-01-20T16:51:15-05:00 CW5 Private RallyPoint Member 427505 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div><a class="dark-link bold-link" role="profile-hover" data-qtip-container="body" data-id="337757" data-source-page-controller="question_response_contents" href="/profiles/337757-col-ted-mc">COL Ted Mc</a>, I'll take the Israeli government at its word, but in response to your question:<br /><br />"Or is the Iranian government going to 'show itself as the face of peace' by acknowledging that mistakes do happen?"<br /><br />Iran, the "face of peace"? I don't see that happening, sir. Just my personal opinion. Response by CW5 Private RallyPoint Member made Jan 20 at 2015 5:28 PM 2015-01-20T17:28:52-05:00 2015-01-20T17:28:52-05:00 1SG Private RallyPoint Member 427696 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Yeah, right. Oops.<br />Not a chance.<br /><br />Much more likely:<br />Israel - Hey look! Hezbollah and a bunch of Revolutionary Guards, all of whom have sworn to destroy Israel. Just across the border. Sounds like a target.<br />Iranian RG General - Hi, Ahmed. Good to see you keeping the Zionists busy while we build weapons to destroy them once and for all. We just need a couple more years of fooling those idiots in Washington, London, and Berlin and all will be accomplished. Here are a few more rockets and some intellig... BOOM!<br />Israel - Splash some bad guys. Bummer if that derails those farcical &quot;peace talks&quot;.<br />Iran - We still hate you.<br />Israel - Ditto<br /><br />Israel has learned the hard way not to pussyfoot around with it&#39;s enemies. They genuinely can&#39;t figure out why the West seems to be bamboozled by the Mullahs in Iran. CLEARLY, they are playing us for suckers and trying to buy time, just like North Korea did until they figured out how to make a bomb (sort of). <br />I have no idea what our foreign policy is. Just when I think I&#39;ve got it, along comes Libya. Then Ebola. Then Cuba. Wait, WHAT?! Our allies have been scratching their heads for years. Response by 1SG Private RallyPoint Member made Jan 20 at 2015 7:35 PM 2015-01-20T19:35:07-05:00 2015-01-20T19:35:07-05:00 TSgt Private RallyPoint Member 428388 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Good response by Israel!<br /><br />&quot;Oops! We were shooting at known terrorists. By the way, why WAS one of your Generals hanging out with a known terrorist organization? There isn&#39;t any truth behind those &#39;allegations&#39; that Iran has supported Hezbollah since its inception right?&quot; Then smile sweetly and walk away. Response by TSgt Private RallyPoint Member made Jan 21 at 2015 7:27 AM 2015-01-21T07:27:46-05:00 2015-01-21T07:27:46-05:00 CSM Private RallyPoint Member 428420 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>If I was the Prime Minister of Israel and my intelligence agency told me that a high ranking military official from a country that has publicly announced the complete destruction of my country and it's people was travelling in a country that is supporting IS, that has pledged the same destruction and has acted on it previously...I would take the shot!<br /><br />Just my opinion. Response by CSM Private RallyPoint Member made Jan 21 at 2015 7:59 AM 2015-01-21T07:59:26-05:00 2015-01-21T07:59:26-05:00 SFC Private RallyPoint Member 428948 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Who cares - Iran supplied many of the IEDs that killed my brothers and sisters during our deployment. <br /><br />I just wish it happened more. Response by SFC Private RallyPoint Member made Jan 21 at 2015 1:57 PM 2015-01-21T13:57:08-05:00 2015-01-21T13:57:08-05:00 COL Ted Mc 433779 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>An update from "The Jerusalem Post"<br /><br /><a target="_blank" href=";utm_campaign=Newsletter&amp;utm_medium=email">;utm_campaign=Newsletter&amp;utm_medium=email</a><br /><br />srael source says leaked report of Netanyahu-Mossad rift on Iran sanctions is 'Obama's revenge' <br /><br />Israeli officials in Jerusalem told Army Radio on Thursday that a report in Bloomberg highlighting the rift between Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and the vaunted intelligence agency Mossad over Iran sanctions was “the Obama administration’s revenge” over the Republican-controlled Congress’ invitation to the premier to speak before a joint session without consulting the White House.<br /><br />According to the report, officials from Mossad have lobbied Congressional and administration officials to refrain from imposing new sanctions against Iran for fear that it would lead to a collapse of the Western powers’ talks with the Islamic Republic over its nuclear program.<br /><br />[EDITORIAL COMMENT:- Which does lead one to believe that the killing of the Iranian general was NOT something done after due deliberation. You can expect that some low-level heads with "officially" roll.] Response by COL Ted Mc made Jan 24 at 2015 1:54 PM 2015-01-24T13:54:55-05:00 2015-01-24T13:54:55-05:00 SGT Steven Eugene Kuhn MBA 439076 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>haha, well, ummm....yes Response by SGT Steven Eugene Kuhn MBA made Jan 27 at 2015 2:35 PM 2015-01-27T14:35:44-05:00 2015-01-27T14:35:44-05:00 SSG Private RallyPoint Member 511762 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>The fact that Israel is striking at military forces in Syria that are fighting ISIL tells us a lot about how complex the situation is... <br /><br />That part of Syria is still contested between Syrian Opposition Forces and the Syrian Government which is supported by Iran and Hezbollah. For Israel to be taking out Syrian/Iranian forces in that contested area amounts to protection and support for allies of ISIL... you can't hurt one set of bad guys, without helping another set of bad guys. Response by SSG Private RallyPoint Member made Mar 4 at 2015 2:42 PM 2015-03-04T14:42:20-05:00 2015-03-04T14:42:20-05:00 Cpl Mark McMiller 512153 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>We all know why the general was there. Kudos to Israel for taking him out whether it was planned or not. Response by Cpl Mark McMiller made Mar 4 at 2015 6:03 PM 2015-03-04T18:03:38-05:00 2015-03-04T18:03:38-05:00 SPC Mike Lake 3354252 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Probably so but he had bad intentions and weren&#39;t gonna wait for the outcome... Response by SPC Mike Lake made Feb 14 at 2018 3:23 PM 2018-02-14T15:23:38-05:00 2018-02-14T15:23:38-05:00 2015-01-20T16:51:15-05:00