SGT Craig Northacker 172408 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>We were on a security detail when they first started lapes at Bragg. There were 5 or 6 C-130's coming in to try their hand at it. The first couple tumbled and rolled, the third almost made, the next one tumbled, and the last one had the drogue chute pop out late-the C-130 pulled back on the stick when he hit the end of the DZ, whereupon the tank decided to exit from an altitude of 500 feet or so-falling what looked like very near to our team-member Dykstra closest to the drop site. He started yelling that they were trying to kill him, then the tank hit with a giant thud nose first, with dirt and sand flying everywhere. After a few minutes a deuce and a half came out, and a bunch of soldiers jumped out with picks and shovels, stood around in a circle for a couple of minutes, threw their tools back in the truck and took off. Funniest accident while you were in? 2014-07-07T11:50:27-04:00 SGT Craig Northacker 172408 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>We were on a security detail when they first started lapes at Bragg. There were 5 or 6 C-130's coming in to try their hand at it. The first couple tumbled and rolled, the third almost made, the next one tumbled, and the last one had the drogue chute pop out late-the C-130 pulled back on the stick when he hit the end of the DZ, whereupon the tank decided to exit from an altitude of 500 feet or so-falling what looked like very near to our team-member Dykstra closest to the drop site. He started yelling that they were trying to kill him, then the tank hit with a giant thud nose first, with dirt and sand flying everywhere. After a few minutes a deuce and a half came out, and a bunch of soldiers jumped out with picks and shovels, stood around in a circle for a couple of minutes, threw their tools back in the truck and took off. Funniest accident while you were in? 2014-07-07T11:50:27-04:00 2014-07-07T11:50:27-04:00 SGT Michael Glenn 415434 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>It wasnt an accident but deliberate and hell yes I thought it was funny !!!! I was a radio operator on a few patrols in Korea (this was my last for obvious reasons) Our PLT leader was fresh out of West Point and was all high and mighty and thought it was funny to call me his puppy dog while pulling me every where with that damn mic chord. I let it go on for a few hours , promptly stopped and told him he needed to lay off the yanking thing to which I was blasted with a " AT EASE SOLDIER !!!!" My 1st thought..okayyyyy thats the way you want it...FINE!!! I had been lagging all day behind him and suddenly had a burst of energy which put me in front of him. He was having a hard time keeping up on the terrain we were in and kept pulling me backwards, but I was on a mission and didnt let that get to me. It got dark and all the while I was watching the vines and how they were laying through out that section of Jungle/ forest we were in. I dont know what time it was but it was dark when a pretty good sized vine hit my forehead...knowing this was the one I slid it over my head and gained just that much more distance between us.I felt the mic chord tighten and heard him starting to bitch at me about slowing down. He was a head taller than I and when I felt him pause for a second I pulled that mic cable so hard I thought I was gonna rip it away from the mic! at this point all you could hear was rustling from behind me, the chord went slack and then you could hear him gasping for air. The slope we were descending was VERY steep and he had lost his footing when I yanked the Chord and wound up dangling on the vine by his throat until he got his footing again or someone helped him I am not sure and didn't really care. I didnt gather the hand set up but rather let it trail behind me and finally made it to the bottom where everyone else was.He erupted through the underbrush sqwaking out something that sounded like threats so I threw my radio off in his direction and made a stand waiting for him to bring it. The PLT SGT wound up coming between us and told us both to knock it off or he was gonna kick both our asses. My stand on the entire issue was I slipped, didnt hear him gagging and thought he was in tow, or had to relieve himself and just let go of the chord. I did say I was not his mutt and he needed to quit yanking me all over the place. Like I said at the beginning, this was my last adventure as a RTO in that unit. Response by SGT Michael Glenn made Jan 13 at 2015 10:40 AM 2015-01-13T10:40:04-05:00 2015-01-13T10:40:04-05:00 SGT Michael Glenn 415452 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>On a more subtle note and not so violent( my last recollection to this thread) we were in basic and had a short legged kid who wound up carrying the 90 strapped to the top of his ruck.while attempting to jump a ditch he didnt make it, wound up falling backwards and struggled like a turtle trying to get up, all we could do (to include the Cadre) was stand there and laugh at the sight. Response by SGT Michael Glenn made Jan 13 at 2015 10:46 AM 2015-01-13T10:46:35-05:00 2015-01-13T10:46:35-05:00 2014-07-07T11:50:27-04:00