PV2 Private RallyPoint Member 3622456 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I have medical conditions such as severe inomnia, other disorders and anxiety and stress that doesn’t go away and it leads me to getting in trouble or leads me into getting into verbal altercations with E5s and below and has gotten me multiple counselings and prevents me from performing my job or doing my duties and functioning properly. I’ve seen posts pertaining to general discharges with misconducts, and have gotten general discharge or honorable, or general discharge without honorable conditions. What are the possibility of me getting discharged by medboarding and being 10 months in the army? General Discharge with medical conditions? 2018-05-12T15:36:11-04:00 PV2 Private RallyPoint Member 3622456 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I have medical conditions such as severe inomnia, other disorders and anxiety and stress that doesn’t go away and it leads me to getting in trouble or leads me into getting into verbal altercations with E5s and below and has gotten me multiple counselings and prevents me from performing my job or doing my duties and functioning properly. I’ve seen posts pertaining to general discharges with misconducts, and have gotten general discharge or honorable, or general discharge without honorable conditions. What are the possibility of me getting discharged by medboarding and being 10 months in the army? General Discharge with medical conditions? 2018-05-12T15:36:11-04:00 2018-05-12T15:36:11-04:00 SSG Private RallyPoint Member 3622486 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>It sounds like you have a lot more going on then just some medical stuff. Regardless you should be talking to behaver health and take your marching orders from them on the medbord. Also you have been in 10 months do what you are told by anyone who out ranks you which is about everyone. Response by SSG Private RallyPoint Member made May 12 at 2018 3:54 PM 2018-05-12T15:54:15-04:00 2018-05-12T15:54:15-04:00 SGT Joseph Gunderson 3622513 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>You&#39;re not, at least I hope, going to get a medical discharge because you have a shitty attitude problem. That is a failure to adapt situation and you need to get a general discharge for it. Thanks for playing kiddo. Response by SGT Joseph Gunderson made May 12 at 2018 4:09 PM 2018-05-12T16:09:41-04:00 2018-05-12T16:09:41-04:00 SSG Robert Perrotto 3622570 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>dear lord - there is so much here - first - did you disclose your medical condition to your recruiter? Did the Army evaluate your condition and give you a waiver? If this &quot;occurred&quot; while in Basic/AIT, did you or your leadership utilize behavioral health professionals in order to determine if you were fit to serve? I am not attacking you Troop, just trying to get information to formulate a proper response - as it stands right now - You need some help - and you need to inform your NCO&#39;s that you need to see behavioral health - if the leadership is good, they will se that you have some mental/emotional needs that have to be addressed, and not hassle you about it. I would focus on that and not worry about the med board/chapter or whatever. Get help first - worrying about other stuff is only going to stress you more. Response by SSG Robert Perrotto made May 12 at 2018 4:43 PM 2018-05-12T16:43:33-04:00 2018-05-12T16:43:33-04:00 SGM Bill Frazer 3623105 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>A MEDB can send you home at anytime your case is brought up. Have you seeked counseling? Better do it quick, before you get hammered for misconduct Response by SGM Bill Frazer made May 12 at 2018 9:16 PM 2018-05-12T21:16:58-04:00 2018-05-12T21:16:58-04:00 SSG Elyzabeth Cromer 6484597 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>You are a 19 year old 89B who has been in the Army for 10 months, and according to some of your answers to other comments you feel like you are discriminated against because <br />Others do not listen to your ideas. You have been in the Army for 10 months, Basic and AIT for 89B is 22 weeks, IF you only spent a total of a week at reception and in transit, (also assuming that exodus didn&#39;t fall during your training) you have been with your unit a grand total of... just over four months. Do you think that any job is going to let a 19 year old walk in, and start saying how things should be after four months? Unless you have been hired specifically for your special skills and experience NO ONE ever gets to walk into a new job and has that happen. Where did you get the idea that was how things work? If you were a SPC with a college degree in their middle thirties with some life experience I could understand your attitude, but what are you bringing to the party? <br />Get your self to behavioral health and get your head screwed on straight, because not only will that sense of entitlement not serve you in the military it won&#39;t serve you as a civilian either.<br />My words may seem really harsh but one of the issues I have is insomnia, (it started about the same time as a nerve issue I have) and there have been times when I was at work after the second night of no sleep, it is no excuse to be unprofessional. <br />You wrote this a rather long time ago, and there is no update showing advancement in rank; so my guess is either you are not who you say you are, or you are one of those kids who joined for the college money (or the bonus) and was looking for a way out. Which ever it is I hope you figure out that life doesn&#39;t owe you anything, you have to earn it. Response by SSG Elyzabeth Cromer made Nov 10 at 2020 4:11 AM 2020-11-10T04:11:26-05:00 2020-11-10T04:11:26-05:00 SSG Walt Musselman 7679713 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>As I see it, like a previous comment. You are failing to adapt. If you do get a Medical discharge that follows you into your civilian job. <br />How you think getting out of the military with your attitude towards supervisors and subordinates will not follow you, you are sadly mistaken.<br />What you are going to find in the civilian world is the same as in the military, that is you will start at the bottom and you will have to work to move up. This means you will have to follow orders from supervisors with respect and treat your coworkers with the same respect.<br />The best thing for you is to get your attitude correct and adapt to military life and finish your enlistment. Then get out with an honorable discharge. Response by SSG Walt Musselman made May 16 at 2022 2:50 PM 2022-05-16T14:50:41-04:00 2022-05-16T14:50:41-04:00 2018-05-12T15:36:11-04:00