MSgt Steve Sweeney 6866942 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>From<br /><br />This bill addresses voter access, election integrity, election security, political spending, and ethics for the three branches of government.<br /><br />Specifically, the bill expands voter registration and voting access and limits removing voters from voter rolls.<br /><br />The bill provides for states to establish independent, nonpartisan redistricting commissions.<br /><br />The bill also sets forth provisions related to election security, including sharing intelligence information with state election officials, protecting the security of the voter rolls, supporting states in securing their election systems, developing a national strategy to protect the security and integrity of U.S. democratic institutions, establishing in the legislative branch the National Commission to Protect United States Democratic Institutions, and other provisions to improve the cybersecurity of election systems.<br /><br />This bill addresses campaign spending, including by expanding the ban on foreign nationals contributing to or spending on elections; expanding disclosure rules pertaining to organizations spending money during elections, campaign advertisements, and online platforms; and revising disclaimer requirements for political advertising.<br /><br />This bill establishes an alternative campaign funding system for certain federal offices. The system involves federal matching of small contributions for qualified candidates.<br /><br />This bill sets forth provisions related to ethics in all three branches of government. Specifically, the bill requires a code of ethics for federal judges and justices, prohibits Members of the House from serving on the board of a for-profit entity, expands enforcement of regulations governing foreign agents, and establishes additional conflict-of-interest and ethics provisions for federal employees and the White House.<br /><br />The bill also requires candidates for President and Vice President to submit 10 years of tax returns.<br /><br />See full text here: <a target="_blank" href=""></a> <div class="pta-link-card answers-template-image type-default"> <div class="pta-link-card-picture"> <img src=""> </div> <div class="pta-link-card-content"> <p class="pta-link-card-title"> <a target="blank" href="">Text - H.R.1 - 116th Congress (2019-2020): For the People Act of 2019</a> </p> <p class="pta-link-card-description">Text for H.R.1 - 116th Congress (2019-2020): For the People Act of 2019</p> </div> <div class="clearfix"></div> </div> H.R.1 - For the People Act: Support or oppose? Why? 2021-03-30T22:37:15-04:00 MSgt Steve Sweeney 6866942 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>From<br /><br />This bill addresses voter access, election integrity, election security, political spending, and ethics for the three branches of government.<br /><br />Specifically, the bill expands voter registration and voting access and limits removing voters from voter rolls.<br /><br />The bill provides for states to establish independent, nonpartisan redistricting commissions.<br /><br />The bill also sets forth provisions related to election security, including sharing intelligence information with state election officials, protecting the security of the voter rolls, supporting states in securing their election systems, developing a national strategy to protect the security and integrity of U.S. democratic institutions, establishing in the legislative branch the National Commission to Protect United States Democratic Institutions, and other provisions to improve the cybersecurity of election systems.<br /><br />This bill addresses campaign spending, including by expanding the ban on foreign nationals contributing to or spending on elections; expanding disclosure rules pertaining to organizations spending money during elections, campaign advertisements, and online platforms; and revising disclaimer requirements for political advertising.<br /><br />This bill establishes an alternative campaign funding system for certain federal offices. The system involves federal matching of small contributions for qualified candidates.<br /><br />This bill sets forth provisions related to ethics in all three branches of government. Specifically, the bill requires a code of ethics for federal judges and justices, prohibits Members of the House from serving on the board of a for-profit entity, expands enforcement of regulations governing foreign agents, and establishes additional conflict-of-interest and ethics provisions for federal employees and the White House.<br /><br />The bill also requires candidates for President and Vice President to submit 10 years of tax returns.<br /><br />See full text here: <a target="_blank" href=""></a> <div class="pta-link-card answers-template-image type-default"> <div class="pta-link-card-picture"> <img src=""> </div> <div class="pta-link-card-content"> <p class="pta-link-card-title"> <a target="blank" href="">Text - H.R.1 - 116th Congress (2019-2020): For the People Act of 2019</a> </p> <p class="pta-link-card-description">Text for H.R.1 - 116th Congress (2019-2020): For the People Act of 2019</p> </div> <div class="clearfix"></div> </div> H.R.1 - For the People Act: Support or oppose? Why? 2021-03-30T22:37:15-04:00 2021-03-30T22:37:15-04:00 CSM William Everroad 6867688 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div><a class="dark-link bold-link" role="profile-hover" data-qtip-container="body" data-id="863133" data-source-page-controller="question_response_contents" href="/profiles/863133-msgt-steve-sweeney">MSgt Steve Sweeney</a> I am opposed for the simple fact the the Constitution gives the responsibility for conducting federal elections to the states. I like the idea of a uniform set of rules on how to manage the election process including maintaining voter rolls, however, that is up to the state legislature, not the federal government. This is one more way that allows states to cede power and authority to the federal government. They will end up complaining about &quot;states&#39; rights&quot; and how powerless they are while asking for more federal funding. Legislation like this creates a culture of dependence and citizens will continue to blame presidential administration for local problems when the real culprit is the state legislature.<br /><br />This only came about because a states (Texas) had a problem with how another state (Pennsylvania) conducted their election. Such a disagreement should be settled in the SCOTUS, not the legislative branch. If a state wants universal mail-in ballots, let them vote for it. Response by CSM William Everroad made Mar 31 at 2021 9:57 AM 2021-03-31T09:57:02-04:00 2021-03-31T09:57:02-04:00 Lt Col Jim Coe 6868336 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>The Act is unconstitutional. The US Constitution, &quot;Article 1, Section 4 1: The Times, Places and Manner of holding Elections for Senators and Representatives, shall be prescribed in each State by the Legislature thereof&quot;. <br />Amendment X. &quot;The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.&quot; <br />Amendment XIV. &quot;No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or <br />property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.&quot;<br />Article 1 says state legislatures make laws concerning elections in their state. The 10th Amendment clearly states the Federal Government cannot exercise powers not enumerated in the Constitution and such unenumerated powers are left to the States and the People. The 14th Amendment includes the equal protection clause requiring the United States and states to apply laws equally to all Citizens. Mandating the manner in which elections are conducted as to time, place, and format (mail-in ballots for example) is Federal intrusion on states rights and therefore unconstitutional.<br /><br />I&#39;m extremely opposed to the Government &quot;matching funds&quot; provision. Taxpayers will be providing funds matching contributions to candidates six times the amount of the contribution. This means my tax dollars will be funding candidates I may not agree with. My contributions, if any, are an expression of my First Amendment right to free speech, i.e., freedom of expression. If a candidate can&#39;t raise enough money to run for office, then do they have the leadership qualities, positions on issues, and other characteristics necessary to serve.<br /><br />Same-day registration sounds good at first. It denies states and local governments the capability to ensure people who register are actually Citizens and actually live in the precinct in which they register. Same for the requirement to allow updates to address up to and including election day.<br /><br />Limits on use of interstate cross checks. This provision makes it more difficult for states to remove voters from their role who have moved to other states. It puts additional burdens on the states to prove the person has moved. Additional costs will possibly inhibit some jurisdictions from cleaning voter roles. Also requires changes to voter roles to be completed 6 months before election. <br /><br />The law sets up the precursor to allowing children ages 16-17 to vote. Children as young as 16 can register to vote for when they turn 18. Too easy to change this provision to start voting at 16.<br />The law allows felons to vote regardless of state laws to the contrary.<br /><br />Plus many other provisions that make it easier to cheat, such as universal mail-in ballot requirements with no signature verification. Prohibition of voter ID requirements.<br /><br />Basically the law is a guarantee that all the voting fraud and irregularities that happened in 2020 will be perpetuated and legal. Response by Lt Col Jim Coe made Mar 31 at 2021 3:09 PM 2021-03-31T15:09:22-04:00 2021-03-31T15:09:22-04:00 2021-03-30T22:37:15-04:00