Capt Brandon Charters 6698352 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Situation: You don’t know the owner, but the home is in your neighborhood and you drive by the house every day. How would you handle it if someone in your neighborhood started flying the U.S. flag upside down? 2021-01-27T19:14:38-05:00 Capt Brandon Charters 6698352 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Situation: You don’t know the owner, but the home is in your neighborhood and you drive by the house every day. How would you handle it if someone in your neighborhood started flying the U.S. flag upside down? 2021-01-27T19:14:38-05:00 2021-01-27T19:14:38-05:00 SFC Private RallyPoint Member 6698426 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>One of two things.<br /><br />Either find someone to do a welfare check on them since the upside down flag is a sign of distress, or if that was not the case, as noted by observation, I would probably respectfully request the flag be reflown upright.<br /><br />In the latter case if the owner made an honest mistake and hadn&#39;t noticed then they will likely fix the situation. If the upside down flag was an intentional act (political protest, hates the USA, whatever) I&#39;d probably tell him he&#39;s a prick and leave. Response by SFC Private RallyPoint Member made Jan 27 at 2021 7:30 PM 2021-01-27T19:30:16-05:00 2021-01-27T19:30:16-05:00 MAJ Ken Landgren 6698430 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I would contemplate taking his flag. Response by MAJ Ken Landgren made Jan 27 at 2021 7:31 PM 2021-01-27T19:31:20-05:00 2021-01-27T19:31:20-05:00 SFC Marc W. 6698442 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I agree with a possible welfare check. <br />Other than that, they&#39;re an American that has the right to freedom of speech. I may not like it, but it&#39;s really not worth giving the attention or the likely horrendous confrontation. Response by SFC Marc W. made Jan 27 at 2021 7:33 PM 2021-01-27T19:33:40-05:00 2021-01-27T19:33:40-05:00 Cpl Vic Burk 6698449 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I would go talk to the person. Explain that most Americans view this as a from of disrespect to the United States of America. If he still won&#39;t correct the situation there is nothing you can really do about it. Maybe tell the person if they don&#39;t love the USA they should move to another country. Most likely they will not be able to get away with it there and may very well imprisoned for their actions. Response by Cpl Vic Burk made Jan 27 at 2021 7:35 PM 2021-01-27T19:35:06-05:00 2021-01-27T19:35:06-05:00 SFC Melvin Brandenburg 6698487 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Free country. People are free to be morons if they want to. Although, with the Biden win it might be time. Response by SFC Melvin Brandenburg made Jan 27 at 2021 7:51 PM 2021-01-27T19:51:13-05:00 2021-01-27T19:51:13-05:00 Sgt Private RallyPoint Member 6698554 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Since flying a United States flag upside down is a distress signal, I would knock on the occupant&#39;s door and if home, ask if they knew what the upside-down flag meant... If they did not I would explain it to them... If they knew and meant it as a protest, then I would notify the police to make them aware... I would not try to escalate the problem with the person... Response by Sgt Private RallyPoint Member made Jan 27 at 2021 8:22 PM 2021-01-27T20:22:48-05:00 2021-01-27T20:22:48-05:00 SFC Private RallyPoint Member 6699802 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Not worry about it because there are far bigger things in my life to worry about than someone likely making a political statement. Response by SFC Private RallyPoint Member made Jan 28 at 2021 10:35 AM 2021-01-28T10:35:27-05:00 2021-01-28T10:35:27-05:00 SSgt Christophe Murphy 6700357 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>You are free to ask the owner about it but no law is broken and no one is being harmed. As much as I disagree with it you are limited in what you can do as a response. Just be careful because the person may want the attention to turn it into a public spectacle. Response by SSgt Christophe Murphy made Jan 28 at 2021 1:46 PM 2021-01-28T13:46:12-05:00 2021-01-28T13:46:12-05:00 LTC Jeff Wilkinson 6700852 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I don&#39;t need to invert. It annoys the snowflake neighbors just by flying.<br />Especially after finding a solar spotlight for it.... Response by LTC Jeff Wilkinson made Jan 28 at 2021 4:19 PM 2021-01-28T16:19:41-05:00 2021-01-28T16:19:41-05:00 CWO3 Private RallyPoint Member 6700853 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>His Castle, his Flag. A neighbor across the field did until 1/20/21 and it&#39;s blood red here. Nobody bothered him. A good way to get shot around here. On their land uninvited, making demands. Someone burning it in public might push me to get involved, even though it is legal. Still worth going to jail over. Response by CWO3 Private RallyPoint Member made Jan 28 at 2021 4:20 PM 2021-01-28T16:20:15-05:00 2021-01-28T16:20:15-05:00 Sgt Dale Briggs 6701832 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>A dick being a dick, it’s not illegal to be an asshole. Response by Sgt Dale Briggs made Jan 28 at 2021 10:26 PM 2021-01-28T22:26:35-05:00 2021-01-28T22:26:35-05:00 LTC Private RallyPoint Member 6701873 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I would mind my own business Response by LTC Private RallyPoint Member made Jan 28 at 2021 10:51 PM 2021-01-28T22:51:08-05:00 2021-01-28T22:51:08-05:00 MSG Danny Mathers 6703542 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I do nothing, this is a free country at least for now. Response by MSG Danny Mathers made Jan 29 at 2021 1:31 PM 2021-01-29T13:31:21-05:00 2021-01-29T13:31:21-05:00 SSG Steve Knox 8057227 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>This has happened in my neighborhood before. An elderly couple mistakenly hanged their flag upside down. At first, I thought they were in distress. They later explained. The older gentleman was a war vet like me. They displayed their flag &quot;upside down&quot; by mistake. They were very appreciative of me checking on them. Had it been deliberate, I would have continued to fly my flag right side up Response by SSG Steve Knox made Dec 30 at 2022 1:00 PM 2022-12-30T13:00:34-05:00 2022-12-30T13:00:34-05:00 2021-01-27T19:14:38-05:00