CAPT Kevin B. 659426 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I'm in a laugh deficit mode at the moment. So many of you have been with our brothers and sisters in foreign military organizations? What slang did you think hit the mark?<br /><br />I'll start with Cambodia. I'd eat lunch frequently at the French Military Liaison Mission in Phnom Penh. They'd have meat that you didn't have to worry about. I was hanging swapping sea stories with some Brit officers. Somewhere along the line I said "GD REMFS!". The Brit Bird asked what that meant. When I told him his response was:<br /><br />"You Colonials have such a way with words. We call them TIPs. Tactically Insignificant Personnel."<br /><br />Fire when ready Gridley. What foreign military slang have you used? 2015-05-11T11:58:37-04:00 CAPT Kevin B. 659426 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I'm in a laugh deficit mode at the moment. So many of you have been with our brothers and sisters in foreign military organizations? What slang did you think hit the mark?<br /><br />I'll start with Cambodia. I'd eat lunch frequently at the French Military Liaison Mission in Phnom Penh. They'd have meat that you didn't have to worry about. I was hanging swapping sea stories with some Brit officers. Somewhere along the line I said "GD REMFS!". The Brit Bird asked what that meant. When I told him his response was:<br /><br />"You Colonials have such a way with words. We call them TIPs. Tactically Insignificant Personnel."<br /><br />Fire when ready Gridley. What foreign military slang have you used? 2015-05-11T11:58:37-04:00 2015-05-11T11:58:37-04:00 MSgt Michael Durkee 659428 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Beaucoup :) Response by MSgt Michael Durkee made May 11 at 2015 12:00 PM 2015-05-11T12:00:02-04:00 2015-05-11T12:00:02-04:00 1SG Private RallyPoint Member 659429 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I love using "Schwerpunkt" and watching the quizzical looks. I think they have figured out what it means via context now. Response by 1SG Private RallyPoint Member made May 11 at 2015 12:00 PM 2015-05-11T12:00:53-04:00 2015-05-11T12:00:53-04:00 SPC Charles Brown 659436 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Mian ham nida<br /><br />Not sure if I spelled it right but those who served in Korea are probably familiar with the term for various reasons. Response by SPC Charles Brown made May 11 at 2015 12:03 PM 2015-05-11T12:03:53-04:00 2015-05-11T12:03:53-04:00 SPC Jan Allbright, M.Sc., R.S. 659446 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Fig-Mo Response by SPC Jan Allbright, M.Sc., R.S. made May 11 at 2015 12:08 PM 2015-05-11T12:08:15-04:00 2015-05-11T12:08:15-04:00 MSG Private RallyPoint Member 659458 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I tend to use &quot;Operator Head Space and Timing.&quot; My wife hates it when I use that one, since she doesn&#39;t understand it. Response by MSG Private RallyPoint Member made May 11 at 2015 12:09 PM 2015-05-11T12:09:31-04:00 2015-05-11T12:09:31-04:00 PO1 John Miller 659599 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Not necessarily a foreign military term, but I say no worries a lot. It's an Aussie phrase if you've been living under a rock in Afghanistan with no wifi and have never heard it before. Response by PO1 John Miller made May 11 at 2015 12:51 PM 2015-05-11T12:51:13-04:00 2015-05-11T12:51:13-04:00 CPT Bruce Beattie 662363 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>"Beaucoup dinky dau" (Beaucoup dien cai dau!)(very crazy)," chieu hoi!" (surrender!)," di di mau!" (go fast), "Sin loi!" (Sorry about that!), " choi oy!" (Vietnamese version of the yiddish, Oy vey!), " Dai-uy" (Captain) Response by CPT Bruce Beattie made May 12 at 2015 2:01 PM 2015-05-12T14:01:42-04:00 2015-05-12T14:01:42-04:00 SGT Daniel Merriman 6197095 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Hit It !!!! Hint, only 4000 Response by SGT Daniel Merriman made Aug 11 at 2020 6:36 PM 2020-08-11T18:36:40-04:00 2020-08-11T18:36:40-04:00 2015-05-11T11:58:37-04:00