What is a valid argument to convince a LtCol to sign my DD368 to do a lateral move into another branch? https://www.rallypoint.com/answers/what-is-a-valid-argument-to-convince-a-ltcol-to-sign-my-dd368-to-do-a-lateral-move-into-another-branch <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div> Sat, 17 Mar 2018 19:09:33 -0400 What is a valid argument to convince a LtCol to sign my DD368 to do a lateral move into another branch? https://www.rallypoint.com/answers/what-is-a-valid-argument-to-convince-a-ltcol-to-sign-my-dd368-to-do-a-lateral-move-into-another-branch <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div> SrA Private RallyPoint Member Sat, 17 Mar 2018 19:09:33 -0400 2018-03-17T19:09:33-04:00 Response by SrA Private RallyPoint Member made Mar 17 at 2018 7:14 PM https://www.rallypoint.com/answers/what-is-a-valid-argument-to-convince-a-ltcol-to-sign-my-dd368-to-do-a-lateral-move-into-another-branch?n=3456848&urlhash=3456848 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Went from Field Artillery in the Marines as a Staff Sergeant to a Senior Airmen in aircraft maintenance in the USAF. I absolutely hate the culture transition and am not passionate about this career let alone crushed as to how many ranks were taken from me. I&#39;m looking to have an audience with my Group commander to discuss with him my situation and future in the USAF and to see if I can get him to sign my DD368 conditional release to transfer to field artillery in the Army. <br /><br />The transition, loss of rank, having my background in the Marine Corps let alone as a Staff Sergeant be under utilized and treated like a troop has been detrimental to my career in putting me backwards versus forward and am looking to get out of this situation I&#39;m in to vector myself to a better path and get me back to a level of success I originate from.<br />Anybody have advice or success with this process? SrA Private RallyPoint Member Sat, 17 Mar 2018 19:14:56 -0400 2018-03-17T19:14:56-04:00 Response by SPC Jovani Daviu made Mar 17 at 2018 7:22 PM https://www.rallypoint.com/answers/what-is-a-valid-argument-to-convince-a-ltcol-to-sign-my-dd368-to-do-a-lateral-move-into-another-branch?n=3456861&urlhash=3456861 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Why did you make the transition in the first place? SPC Jovani Daviu Sat, 17 Mar 2018 19:22:49 -0400 2018-03-17T19:22:49-04:00 Response by Capt Daniel Goodman made Mar 17 at 2018 7:57 PM https://www.rallypoint.com/answers/what-is-a-valid-argument-to-convince-a-ltcol-to-sign-my-dd368-to-do-a-lateral-move-into-another-branch?n=3456964&urlhash=3456964 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>It&#39;d help if you could elaborate somewhat...I gather from where you&#39;d submitted this whole thing to, and what your branch is now, that you:re evidently field artipper wanting to go to aircraft maintenance. If I&#39;m wrong, obviously, correct me, however, let&#39;s start from that assumption, OK? I&#39;d wanted to go clinical in the world&#39;s worst way, worse than I&#39;m sure even you, tough I sense your eagerness, could ever possibly imagine. Clearly, I dont kmow how long you&#39;ve been in, I&#39;ll assume 2-4 yrs for sake of argument, give or take. Now, to answer you properly, I&#39;d need to know considerably more of the overall circumstances, same for anyone else giving you advice here, I&#39;ve answered numerous questions quite similar to yours, and, always, always, always, I need more info, it&#39;s something I ubiquitously ask for. So, elaborate, hobbies, reading, interests, sports, associates, bachelors, AP coursework, any prior exposure to aircraft at all, whether flying, before joining, aero club since you&#39;ve been in, or any FAA airframe and powerplant (A&amp;P) exposure, either coursework, or licensing. Then, too any exposure to electronics, of any sort, not simply software, if you&#39;ve done programming, what platforms, what languages, do you want aerostruftures, or avionics, or both? Have you ever submitted for any drone pilot chances, I dont kmow how USMC does it, I&#39;ve read how USAF does it, you could apply to go interservice as a drone pilot trainee, purely a thought, I&#39;ve read constantly in the USAF shortage of drone pilots. Might you also consider going into any other service for aircraft maintenance, Nav, USCG, Army for rotary wing? I didn&#39;t know if you&#39;d thought about those aspects, however, please understand, I didn&#39;t realize that where you&#39;te down in the services, there shall you grow, that&#39;s just life, whether youre enlisted warrant, or commissioned, been there, done that (BTDT). You ambitions elsewhere can never, ever interfere with doing what you&#39;re assigned, that much I had quite pointedly driven home to me, I assure you, many, many times over. So, here are a few thoughts: are their aircraft at your installation at all? If so, f you really want to do what you describe, I know USMC has aircraft, the oodd thing infant quite figure out is, youre listed as SrA, which would seem yo be USAF, yet you also list USMC, so if you could also clarify that aspect, that&#39;d help, certainly. If your present installation has aircraftz, if you can&#39;t ne released, ask ifmyou can spend off duty time observing in any aircraft maintenance unit where you are. If there&#39;s Civil Air Patrol (CAP) or USCG Auxiliary where you are, ask if you might ne allowed to join, USCH Aux uses aircraft in many of it&#39;s flotillas. Next, find out where FAA A&amp;P training is given near you, possibly vocational high schools for adult students on your off hours, and, also, I can suggest numerous ways you can get exposed to such material to get training in it, should you want me to. If you haven&#39;t gotten a military transcript of all your active duty training thus far, look up and call DANTES, and request one. I can also suggest certain online programs that might ne quite useful for you, however, while I send you as much as I can, do your bio sketch, really, really detailed, so far as you can, remember, the more you elaborate, the more I or others here can suggest. If you&#39;ve done college coursework, I need titles of all science courses, with GPA, if you can also give that at all, not an imperative, however, it&#39;d just help, OK? Let me send this, I&#39;ll try to send Kore soon, for now, just try to elaborate as I&#39;d said, in as much concrete, specific detail as you can, OK? Capt Daniel Goodman Sat, 17 Mar 2018 19:57:38 -0400 2018-03-17T19:57:38-04:00 Response by Capt Daniel Goodman made Mar 17 at 2018 8:27 PM https://www.rallypoint.com/answers/what-is-a-valid-argument-to-convince-a-ltcol-to-sign-my-dd368-to-do-a-lateral-move-into-another-branch?n=3457010&urlhash=3457010 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>OK, I just saw...I&#39;d only ask, how and why did you shift from USMA to USAF to begin with? I realize there might ne aspects you&#39;d prefer to not go into, of course, however, knowing anything would obviously help...was it the technical lure of the field? Also, I&#39;m just wondering, did you interservice from USMC to USAF while still USMC, or were you prior USMC, and went back in as USAF? My understanding was that USMC are spared going through any sort of boot camp, that extends onoy to USMC, or so I&#39;ve gleaned in chatting with others in here for awhile. That being said, it&#39;d just help to kmow as much of the history of how you made the sift as you think you can explain further. Next, I can certainly perceive why your think youre being underused, that is a fairly steep drop, certainly. However being where you are now, let me see if I can help you at least try to make lemonade out of lemons, of you will, so far as I can. As I found out with me, I went in linez not clinical, and there proved to ne absolutely zero I could do to fix it, zip, zero, nada, I was engineeringz, there was a very reap shortage, I hadn&#39;t asked the right questions and that was just life, cut and dry, thst was it. Now, depending on your age, there are certain programs you could submit for. As a case in point, aside from drone pilot, which you might not want, you could conceivably submit for Army WOCS as rotary wing pilot, and try going that way, since you&#39;d said you want Army anyway. YpArmy onoy requires high school for WOCS for helicopters, look up the high school to flight school program at Ft. Tucker. Next, how much college have you done yet? Associates? Bachelors? AP credits from high school? Community College of the AF (CCAF)? I&#39;ll send you some other programs for you to look at, elaborate more, as I&#39;d said, reading, hobbies, interests, sports, volunteering, give me a clearer idea of your overall circumstances. Look at what I&#39;ll send in the meanwhile, and call DANTES if you haven&#39;t already,mamdmget your military college transcript, also, OK? Let me send this nowz then I&#39;ll try to send more as well...believe me, I&#39;ve been in a very similar circumstance, but to try to suggest things for you, I&#39;d need to kmow as !much as you might ne able to relate for the moment, OK? Capt Daniel Goodman Sat, 17 Mar 2018 20:27:40 -0400 2018-03-17T20:27:40-04:00 Response by Capt Daniel Goodman made Mar 17 at 2018 8:31 PM https://www.rallypoint.com/answers/what-is-a-valid-argument-to-convince-a-ltcol-to-sign-my-dd368-to-do-a-lateral-move-into-another-branch?n=3457016&urlhash=3457016 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div><a target="_blank" href="http://www.uopeople.edu">http://www.uopeople.edu</a><br /><br />This is not a panacea, I&#39;m unsure if the svcs, VA, or industry accept it, look at the assoc and bach in comp sci (CS), they started taking transfer credits awhile ago. They also have an MBA, not that you want that, necessarily, however, they also charge zero tuition, amdmgot endorsed by the Vatican recently. The thing is, they&#39;re not region ally accredited, thouguntheyre approved by DETC, formerly NHSC, which is Federally recogniEd, their offices are in acalif, they charge only for exams and admin, howeverzmdont assume they&#39;re OK, check, before you&#39;d do anything with them for the svcs,mOK? <div class="pta-link-card answers-template-image type-default"> <div class="pta-link-card-picture"> </div> <div class="pta-link-card-content"> <p class="pta-link-card-title"> <a target="blank" href="http://www.uopeople.edu">University of the People Accredited Online American University | University of the People</a> </p> <p class="pta-link-card-description">Welcome to the world’s first non-profit, tuition-free, accredited, online, American university. Follow your dreams. Your career starts here.</p> </div> <div class="clearfix"></div> </div> Capt Daniel Goodman Sat, 17 Mar 2018 20:31:55 -0400 2018-03-17T20:31:55-04:00 Response by Capt Daniel Goodman made Mar 17 at 2018 8:36 PM https://www.rallypoint.com/answers/what-is-a-valid-argument-to-convince-a-ltcol-to-sign-my-dd368-to-do-a-lateral-move-into-another-branch?n=3457025&urlhash=3457025 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div><a target="_blank" href="http://www.excelsior.edu">http://www.excelsior.edu</a><br /><br />This is totally legitimate inform early NYS govt, it privatized, ingot a 2nd bach IH math frommthem, a friend got a bach in math, amdmwemt Navy OCS using it, so I kmow it&#39;s real,mthey had a 2nd degree rule, 14 assoc credits for a 2nd assocs, 39 credits for a 2ndmbach, 15 assoc level, 15 bach level. They&#39;re regionally accredited, very military friendly, theynhabe a toll free,mand a masters in liberal studies that could I think ne done in comp sci (CS), or math, they also have electronic and mechanical technology assoc and bach not engineering alngnwith computer software!as opposed to comp sci. Look up also Oak Tree College in CT, and Edison State in NJ, they&#39;re quite similar OK? <div class="pta-link-card answers-template-image type-default"> <div class="pta-link-card-picture"> </div> <div class="pta-link-card-content"> <p class="pta-link-card-title"> <a target="blank" href="http://www.excelsior.edu">www.excelsior.edu</a> </p> <p class="pta-link-card-description"></p> </div> <div class="clearfix"></div> </div> Capt Daniel Goodman Sat, 17 Mar 2018 20:36:37 -0400 2018-03-17T20:36:37-04:00 Response by Capt Daniel Goodman made Mar 17 at 2018 8:40 PM https://www.rallypoint.com/answers/what-is-a-valid-argument-to-convince-a-ltcol-to-sign-my-dd368-to-do-a-lateral-move-into-another-branch?n=3457030&urlhash=3457030 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div><a target="_blank" href="https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Community_College_of_the_Air_Force">https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Community_College_of_the_Air_Force</a><br /><br />Call them if you haven&#39;t used them already, get your DANTES transcript, DANTES also has its own exam program, though Excelsior does also, get everything you&#39;ve taken on it, USMC and USAF coursework and send that, withmaol civilian college coursework to them to eval, OK? <div class="pta-link-card answers-template-image type-default"> <div class="pta-link-card-picture"> <img src="https://d26horl2n8pviu.cloudfront.net/link_data_pictures/images/000/273/443/qrc/Community_College_of_the_Air_Force.png?1521333488"> </div> <div class="pta-link-card-content"> <p class="pta-link-card-title"> <a target="blank" href="https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Community_College_of_the_Air_Force">Community College of the Air Force - Wikipedia</a> </p> <p class="pta-link-card-description">The Community College of the Air Force (CCAF) is a federal program offered by the United States Air Force which grants two-year Associate of Applied Science (AAS) degrees in association with Air University.</p> </div> <div class="clearfix"></div> </div> Capt Daniel Goodman Sat, 17 Mar 2018 20:40:15 -0400 2018-03-17T20:40:15-04:00 Response by Capt Daniel Goodman made Mar 17 at 2018 8:41 PM https://www.rallypoint.com/answers/what-is-a-valid-argument-to-convince-a-ltcol-to-sign-my-dd368-to-do-a-lateral-move-into-another-branch?n=3457035&urlhash=3457035 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Next, wherever your installation is, does your education office have schools that teach onmsite? And, if so, habemyou Eger usedmor explored them, at all? Capt Daniel Goodman Sat, 17 Mar 2018 20:41:10 -0400 2018-03-17T20:41:10-04:00 Response by Sgt Private RallyPoint Member made Mar 17 at 2018 8:42 PM https://www.rallypoint.com/answers/what-is-a-valid-argument-to-convince-a-ltcol-to-sign-my-dd368-to-do-a-lateral-move-into-another-branch?n=3457036&urlhash=3457036 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div><a class="dark-link bold-link" role="profile-hover" data-qtip-container="body" data-id="1452205" data-source-page-controller="question_response_contents" href="/profiles/1452205-0811-field-artillery-cannoneer">SrA Private RallyPoint Member</a> Is there some reason you would not want to go back to the Marine Corps? The Army is also a different culture. Mentioning that the culture change is difficult for you to adjust to, might work if you were trying to go back to the Marine Corps. Wanting to now switch to the Army, might be a difficult or near impossible argument to make. Sgt Private RallyPoint Member Sat, 17 Mar 2018 20:42:16 -0400 2018-03-17T20:42:16-04:00 Response by Capt Daniel Goodman made Mar 17 at 2018 8:44 PM https://www.rallypoint.com/answers/what-is-a-valid-argument-to-convince-a-ltcol-to-sign-my-dd368-to-do-a-lateral-move-into-another-branch?n=3457046&urlhash=3457046 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div><a target="_blank" href="https://www.goarmy.com/careers-and-jobs/current-and-prior-service/advance-your-career/warrant-officer/flight-warrant-officers.html">https://www.goarmy.com/careers-and-jobs/current-and-prior-service/advance-your-career/warrant-officer/flight-warrant-officers.html</a><br /><br />Ifmtouremwithin the age range, I&#39;d very seriously consider this, first, youre a prior SSgtz second youre avionics qualified to some extent, third, dont just look at pilot, if ttheyntake nav/WSO back seaters, apply for that also, OK? <div class="pta-link-card answers-template-image type-default"> <div class="pta-link-card-picture"> <img src="https://d26horl2n8pviu.cloudfront.net/link_data_pictures/images/000/273/445/qrc/header.png?1521333759"> </div> <div class="pta-link-card-content"> <p class="pta-link-card-title"> <a target="blank" href="https://www.goarmy.com/careers-and-jobs/current-and-prior-service/advance-your-career/warrant-officer/flight-warrant-officers.html">Flight Warrant Officers</a> </p> <p class="pta-link-card-description">If you have dreamed of becoming a helicopter or fixed-wing pilot, the Army can help you turn that dream into a reality. Warrant Officers fly some of the most exciting, technologically advanced aircraft in the world.</p> </div> <div class="clearfix"></div> </div> Capt Daniel Goodman Sat, 17 Mar 2018 20:44:37 -0400 2018-03-17T20:44:37-04:00 Response by Capt Daniel Goodman made Mar 17 at 2018 8:49 PM https://www.rallypoint.com/answers/what-is-a-valid-argument-to-convince-a-ltcol-to-sign-my-dd368-to-do-a-lateral-move-into-another-branch?n=3457051&urlhash=3457051 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div><a target="_blank" href="https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_Air_Force_Academy_Preparatory_School">https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_Air_Force_Academy_Preparatory_School</a><br /><br />I didn&#39;t know if you knew of this, or were within the needed age rangez, there&#39;s one for both Annapolis as well as West Point, when I was in an airman where I was got into USAFA without this, so it is possible, at least look at this and the other two Wikipedia pages on the other school, OK? There are also the maritime colleges, which are all NROTC, as well as USMMA and USCGS, as well as the military junior colleges, ROTC USMC Platoon Leader Course (PLC), and the regular OCS andmOIs orograms, I&#39;d need to kmow more about what you&#39;d want to try for, OK? Give me more, I&#39;ll try to suggest more, absorb these!so far, OK? <div class="pta-link-card answers-template-image type-default"> <div class="pta-link-card-picture"> <img src="https://d26horl2n8pviu.cloudfront.net/link_data_pictures/images/000/273/448/qrc/USAFA_Prep_Sch_Logo.jpg?1521333963"> </div> <div class="pta-link-card-content"> <p class="pta-link-card-title"> <a target="blank" href="https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_Air_Force_Academy_Preparatory_School">United States Air Force Academy Preparatory School - Wikipedia</a> </p> <p class="pta-link-card-description">The U.S. Air Force Academy Preparatory School—usually referred to as &quot;the Prep School&quot; or &quot;The P School&quot;—was established in May 1961. The school&#39;s founder and first commander was Colonel Lee Charles Black. It is located on the campus of the United States Air Force Academy near the Community Center. The Prep School&#39;s mission is to prepare, motivate, and evaluate for admission to and success at the Air Force Academy. Students at the prep school...</p> </div> <div class="clearfix"></div> </div> Capt Daniel Goodman Sat, 17 Mar 2018 20:49:17 -0400 2018-03-17T20:49:17-04:00 Response by COL Private RallyPoint Member made Mar 17 at 2018 9:09 PM https://www.rallypoint.com/answers/what-is-a-valid-argument-to-convince-a-ltcol-to-sign-my-dd368-to-do-a-lateral-move-into-another-branch?n=3457072&urlhash=3457072 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Really? Can’t keep a job much. What do you really want to do? I would question the fortitude of your decisions. Why would DOD spend more money and a training slot for a guy who just jumps around. That’s is what you need to overcome. Good luck. COL Private RallyPoint Member Sat, 17 Mar 2018 21:09:17 -0400 2018-03-17T21:09:17-04:00 Response by Sgt Aaron Kennedy, MS made Mar 17 at 2018 9:59 PM https://www.rallypoint.com/answers/what-is-a-valid-argument-to-convince-a-ltcol-to-sign-my-dd368-to-do-a-lateral-move-into-another-branch?n=3457123&urlhash=3457123 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Honestly I’d get your 1stSgt, career planner and Oic together for a sitdown. It’s in no one’s best interest if your morale is tanking to the point where you are looking to just leave the service completely. <br /><br />Some things they can fix. SrA to SSgt (E5 AF) they can fix administratively and they can probably discuss TSgt options getting you at least back to ground zero as far as rank/responsibilities.<br /><br />Culture is going to be a different challenge. And I don’t know whether Army would fix that. That said, “in house” first with the option of looking at “out of house” later if you can’t work something out.<br /><br />Basically “don’t hand me problems, hand me possible solutions “ Sgt Aaron Kennedy, MS Sat, 17 Mar 2018 21:59:09 -0400 2018-03-17T21:59:09-04:00 Response by SFC Private RallyPoint Member made Mar 17 at 2018 10:01 PM https://www.rallypoint.com/answers/what-is-a-valid-argument-to-convince-a-ltcol-to-sign-my-dd368-to-do-a-lateral-move-into-another-branch?n=3457125&urlhash=3457125 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>If you’re trying to go Army. A LTC is not the approving authority for your 368. Need to look at USAREC 601-210 SFC Private RallyPoint Member Sat, 17 Mar 2018 22:01:28 -0400 2018-03-17T22:01:28-04:00 Response by CW3 Kevin Storm made Jun 25 at 2018 5:21 PM https://www.rallypoint.com/answers/what-is-a-valid-argument-to-convince-a-ltcol-to-sign-my-dd368-to-do-a-lateral-move-into-another-branch?n=3742223&urlhash=3742223 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Not much of an article to form a valid judgment to help you here. You are currently FA and want to go back to Aviation? Or? Sorry brother if you hate FA, and were in Aviation you kind of screwed up. You need more posted here. CW3 Kevin Storm Mon, 25 Jun 2018 17:21:35 -0400 2018-06-25T17:21:35-04:00 Response by SSgt Gerald Sapaugh made May 8 at 2019 11:07 PM https://www.rallypoint.com/answers/what-is-a-valid-argument-to-convince-a-ltcol-to-sign-my-dd368-to-do-a-lateral-move-into-another-branch?n=4616501&urlhash=4616501 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>NONE. He needs to keep what he has for mobility and combat readiness. SSgt Gerald Sapaugh Wed, 08 May 2019 23:07:45 -0400 2019-05-08T23:07:45-04:00 2018-03-17T19:09:33-04:00