SPC Private RallyPoint Member 4733615 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Recently my squad leader was selected to be a generals aide. I was selected to be the squad leader. What are things I should be doing? I’ve had leadership roles on my floor for different collateral duties but never a leadership role directly over soldiers. Need advice, tips, or any wisdom. What kind of things should I be doing as a squad leader? 2019-06-18T23:02:18-04:00 SPC Private RallyPoint Member 4733615 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Recently my squad leader was selected to be a generals aide. I was selected to be the squad leader. What are things I should be doing? I’ve had leadership roles on my floor for different collateral duties but never a leadership role directly over soldiers. Need advice, tips, or any wisdom. What kind of things should I be doing as a squad leader? 2019-06-18T23:02:18-04:00 2019-06-18T23:02:18-04:00 2LT Private RallyPoint Member 4733635 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Counsel regularly!<br />Keep your Soldiers informed of your expectations, let them know how they&#39;re doing, and provide guidance when necessary. Response by 2LT Private RallyPoint Member made Jun 18 at 2019 11:08 PM 2019-06-18T23:08:46-04:00 2019-06-18T23:08:46-04:00 SGM Private RallyPoint Member 4733869 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>First, mentor, mentor, mentor your subordinates. Second, prepare yourself for higher responsibilities by educating yourself on all the aspects of leasdership and been a servant to others. My two cents. Response by SGM Private RallyPoint Member made Jun 19 at 2019 2:18 AM 2019-06-19T02:18:41-04:00 2019-06-19T02:18:41-04:00 1SG Private RallyPoint Member 4733999 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Learn how to delegate. You do not have time to do everything yourself, so task a trusted agent. That doesnt mean you can not help them do it to get the job done, but focus your help on what priorities are based off commanders intent and priorities. It does mean you inspect and verify the task was completed to standard by said trusted agent. You can always delegate authority but never responsiblity.<br />Notice I didnt say the lieutenants intent<br /> He/She doesnt get one because they are not in command, but their priorities should mirror the commanders, if they dont you need to have a talk with the lieutenant to understand why. Response by 1SG Private RallyPoint Member made Jun 19 at 2019 4:32 AM 2019-06-19T04:32:03-04:00 2019-06-19T04:32:03-04:00 SFC Casey O'Mally 4734409 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>The list is longer than the internet. The best to start, honestly, is the NCO Creed. Live by that. With that in mind, look at the mantra &quot;Mission, men, myself.&quot; Mission comes first, always. Take care of your men (and women). In your spare time, take care of yourself. But you DO have to make the time to take care of yourself - burnout is real, and it leads to crappy leadership.<br /><br />You show on RP as a SPC, so you should be able to remember, quite vividly and quite easily, what being a &quot;joe&quot; feels like. Remember all the things that your squad leader did that ticked you off? Now don&#39;t do those things. Except, of course, that now that you are in that position, you may start to realize that some of those things were necessary. But when you find one of those things, a little communication goes a long way. &quot;Hey folks, I know this sucks, but here is WHY we have to do this.&quot; And always make it a &quot;we,&quot; you are in charge, but still part of a team. <br /><br />I have seen more than a couple questions from you on RP regarding things. That is great - there is a phenomenal brain trust here. But don&#39;t forget that you have a BETTER (usually) brain trust at your unit. It is better, because the other leaders around you at your unit will understand the ground truth for you, and can give tailored advice, far better than us armchair quarterbacks. Use your local leaders. Ask your peers for advice. don&#39;t be afraid to schedule time with your PL and PSG to plan, strategize, organize, or just learn. Each leader should be looking two echelons down. That means that as a squad leader, your PSG and PL have the primary role in teaching, coaching, and mentoring you, but the 1SG (and CO) ALSO has a role. Do not abuse this, but the 1SG is also there for mentoring. (Always go to and through PSG first, but don&#39;t be afraid of the 1SG - respect, definitely, but don&#39;t fear.)<br /><br />Final note: You are in a squad leader position as a SPC. This is a VERY difficult line to walk. You have far more authority than your rank can support. Don&#39;t act or think like a SPC. You have to provide the leadership to your subordinates. BUT, you can&#39;t get too big for your britches either. A Team Leader who is a SGT still outranks you, even if you have a higher position. You have to learn when to exert the authority of your position, and when to acknowledge that you still are only a SPC in rank. I would recommend talking to your unit about at LEAST pinning on CPL to give you that NCO authority. Good luck and godspeed. Response by SFC Casey O'Mally made Jun 19 at 2019 7:49 AM 2019-06-19T07:49:33-04:00 2019-06-19T07:49:33-04:00 SGT Dave Tracy 4734648 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Your own experiences will probably be your first, best guide to what you need to do in your new position. Just remember, in a new leadership position the squad&#39;s dynamic in relation to you and you to them HAS to be different than it used to be; and as a SPC, that may be even more difficult. If you don&#39;t know what right looks like, learn fast.<br /><br />I get where you&#39;re coming from. I was a brand spanking new Specialist (a new soldier really) in a unit yet to be stood up, and was thrust into a leadership position. Several actually. Hell, I can even claim--but with only technical legitimacy--to have been put in charge of my new brigade once. Granted, at that point, there were only 40 of us, and our CPT and 2 NCOs were busy, but hey, I can still say I was a brigade &quot;commander&quot; for a day! LOL! (And yes, I&#39;m playing real fast &amp; loose with that term!) <br /><br />But I digress. <br /><br />As it turns out, for about 5 of my 8 year AD and Reserve time I was in some low level leadership position, whether I was a SPC or a SGT. Its a lot to rise up to initially, but you can figure it out if you try. Understand your role and your responsibilities and then take charge. be decisive, and when you fail own it and learn from it then drive on.<br /><br />Good luck. Response by SGT Dave Tracy made Jun 19 at 2019 9:25 AM 2019-06-19T09:25:40-04:00 2019-06-19T09:25:40-04:00 SFC Michael D. 4734786 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Get yourself into a Leadership course as soon as you can. In the mean time, you know how you were treated as a subordinate. Treat then as you would want to be treated. Respect the fact that you now have several new personalities and their issues to deal with. You&#39;re not their buddy. Act accordingly. Don&#39;t let it go to your head. Never be a &quot;because I said so&quot; type of leader. If your Platoon Sergeant tells you something needs to be done, own it and put it out their like it is coming from you. It&#39;s easy to say &quot; come on guys, SSG Doe wants us to go do police call&quot; instead of saying Soldiers we need to go out and do police call. You&#39;ll do fine and don&#39;t be afraid to speak with your leadership and get their points of view. They put you in that position for a reason. Response by SFC Michael D. made Jun 19 at 2019 10:04 AM 2019-06-19T10:04:25-04:00 2019-06-19T10:04:25-04:00 SGT Grant Erickson 4735007 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>1. Look to senior NCO&#39;s for mentorship. I was blessed to have several that were absolutely amazing and they took me under their wing and guided and and taught me how to be effective in my mission. Others, I looked to for guidance yet they had no idea they were mentoring me. I merely sat back and watched them, learned from them without them realizing. <br />2. Mission, men and you- which has been talked about prior. Yet when it comes to the mission, someone might have a better idea on how to complete it. It can come from those above you, and those below you. Never be too proud to listen to those below you. Your men come second. Listen to them, dont just hear them but listen. Give feedback and constructive criticism. Be real with them and be humble. Never let the &quot;power&quot; go to your head. As far as you are concerned, dont be toxic, yet dont be weak and dont fall prey to the &quot;good ole boy club&quot;. Learn everything you can, but make certain you have time to yourself and sort things out in your mind? Spend time with family etc. Its a balancing act. <br /><br />I have come across all sorts of leaders in the military, i liked some of their ideals and some that I didnt. For instance I&#39;m not huge on ar 670-1. If my guys looked professional, and had their stuff then great. Yet I never hounded them on small piddly dumb shit like some leaders do. Instead I focused on training, safety, and making certain my soldiers had the right tools to complete their mission ie college stuff, able to be promoted etc. Does that make me a bad NCO for not hounding them on appearance? I dont think so, I was extremely lenient with it as long as we could complete our mission effectively. That&#39;s the great thing about the military though is that there are all sorts of different leaders, and you can pick what style of leadership works for you. <br /><br />Have fun with it... being in a leadership position will be stressful, there will be days you will wake up and be like &quot;wtf am I even doing? Why am I here and not so and so&quot;. You will second guess yourself (just dont do it in front of your soldiers) and you will at times hate it. Yet it is also rewarding, fun and exciting. Your soldiers will either make you or break you depending on how they are treated. If you show them respect, compassion and fairness then they will in turn help build you up as an effective leader. Yet if you are toxic and constantly on them over idiotic things while shirking work because you can- then they will make your life a living hell. <br /><br />Good luck and may the odds be ever in your favor. Response by SGT Grant Erickson made Jun 19 at 2019 11:34 AM 2019-06-19T11:34:59-04:00 2019-06-19T11:34:59-04:00 CPT Private RallyPoint Member 4736093 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Always be the first one to get up and the last one to hit the sack in the squad. Be a participative leader. Pull Guard duty with your guys (first shift or last but pull it). Inspect what you expect. PCCs and PCIS are your job! Don’t forget to check on your Soldiers. Know them and their families. Know their strengths and weaknesses. Always commend them in public and tear into them in private if you can help it. Give credit where it’s due! Don’t be afraid to lead. Always make a decision confidently, even if you are not sure. Delegate when you can. Ask for guidance from higher ups when in doubt! Know how to prepare and plan a mission. Know the troop leading procedures and how to write an Operation Order! And last but not least, always lead from the front! Response by CPT Private RallyPoint Member made Jun 19 at 2019 6:06 PM 2019-06-19T18:06:43-04:00 2019-06-19T18:06:43-04:00 SSG (ret) William Martin 4738074 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Make a leader&#39;s book. A leader&#39;s book can be many things such as an appointments tracker and a calendar. You may be a &quot;go to&quot; person by the PSG when someone needs information about a Soldier in the squad. A type of leader&#39;s book you should have is an informaiton list on all the Soldiers in your squad that details all the information from blood type, DoD ID number, SSN, NOK, and any known allergies. You can include anything else in there as well. You can put this on an excel spread sheet. When you&#39;re asked you won&#39;t have to hunt anyone down. You can keep it on your smart phone which is where mine was. Keeping it in a book is fine but it&#39;s less secure. Good luck! Response by SSG (ret) William Martin made Jun 20 at 2019 12:24 PM 2019-06-20T12:24:02-04:00 2019-06-20T12:24:02-04:00 SGT Private RallyPoint Member 5548456 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>1. You are going to quickly be exposed to a lot more of the administrative side of the army - embrace it. It will let you give better and more informed guidance on the day to day operations for your soldiers. <br /><br />2. As awkward as it is being a SPC, you will now be responsible for counseling your soldiers. Do Some Reading on this because it is an undervalued part of your job. <br /><br />3. I think we can all agree you are now a role model for your soldiers - you need to demonstrate what you want your soldiers to be. If you want people to do work for you, you have to do work too and communicate what you are doing on their behalf. <br /><br />3. Response by SGT Private RallyPoint Member made Feb 11 at 2020 8:14 PM 2020-02-11T20:14:11-05:00 2020-02-11T20:14:11-05:00 SFC Michael D. 5753207 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>What did you want/expect your squad leader to do for you? Whatever that was, do it better. Response by SFC Michael D. made Apr 8 at 2020 11:41 AM 2020-04-08T11:41:43-04:00 2020-04-08T11:41:43-04:00 2019-06-18T23:02:18-04:00