CH (MAJ) William Beaver 735789 <div class="images-v2-count-1"><div class="content-picture image-v2-number-1" id="image-46161"> <div class="social_icons social-buttons-on-image"> <a href='' target="_blank" class='social-share-button facebook-share-button'><i class="fa fa-facebook-f"></i></a> <a href=";;via=RallyPoint" target="_blank" class="social-share-button twitter-custom-share-button"><i class="fa fa-twitter"></i></a> <a href="mailto:?subject=Check this out on RallyPoint!&body=Hi, I thought you would find this interesting:%0D%0AYou are President: #1 thing you&#39;d do to improve the United States?%0D%0A %0D%0AHere is the link:" target="_blank" class="social-share-button email-share-button"><i class="fa fa-envelope"></i></a> </div> <a class="fancybox" rel="503187a079f5b91071c2fa868607a763" href=""><img src="" alt="Image" /></a></div></div>Let&#39;s say you got elected somehow, to serve as the United States President. What&#39;s the very first thing you would attempt to do to improve this nation? Got any fresh ideas? You are President: #1 thing you'd do to improve the United States? 2015-06-09T12:57:53-04:00 CH (MAJ) William Beaver 735789 <div class="images-v2-count-1"><div class="content-picture image-v2-number-1" id="image-46161"> <div class="social_icons social-buttons-on-image"> <a href='' target="_blank" class='social-share-button facebook-share-button'><i class="fa fa-facebook-f"></i></a> <a href=";;via=RallyPoint" target="_blank" class="social-share-button twitter-custom-share-button"><i class="fa fa-twitter"></i></a> <a href="mailto:?subject=Check this out on RallyPoint!&body=Hi, I thought you would find this interesting:%0D%0AYou are President: #1 thing you&#39;d do to improve the United States?%0D%0A %0D%0AHere is the link:" target="_blank" class="social-share-button email-share-button"><i class="fa fa-envelope"></i></a> </div> <a class="fancybox" rel="84d962dba8211f7590edd85ecffc7e07" href=""><img src="" alt="Image" /></a></div></div>Let&#39;s say you got elected somehow, to serve as the United States President. What&#39;s the very first thing you would attempt to do to improve this nation? Got any fresh ideas? You are President: #1 thing you'd do to improve the United States? 2015-06-09T12:57:53-04:00 2015-06-09T12:57:53-04:00 LTC Private RallyPoint Member 735796 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>We need to start at home first! Secure our boarders, and get America STRONG before we can even consider worrying about anyone else. Response by LTC Private RallyPoint Member made Jun 9 at 2015 1:01 PM 2015-06-09T13:01:57-04:00 2015-06-09T13:01:57-04:00 SCPO David Lockwood 735803 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Charity begins at home! Taking care of the US first! Response by SCPO David Lockwood made Jun 9 at 2015 1:05 PM 2015-06-09T13:05:53-04:00 2015-06-09T13:05:53-04:00 Sgt Aaron Kennedy, MS 735829 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Go through the active Executive Orders, rescind those that are no longer applicable. Response by Sgt Aaron Kennedy, MS made Jun 9 at 2015 1:19 PM 2015-06-09T13:19:07-04:00 2015-06-09T13:19:07-04:00 SGT Private RallyPoint Member 735850 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Change the way politicians are funded. No more &quot;paid for by the committee to elect ____&quot;, all political campaigns can only raise a total amount based on the office being run for and no more, and all special interest groups or it&#39;s members cannot contribute. That and kitty picnics. Response by SGT Private RallyPoint Member made Jun 9 at 2015 1:24 PM 2015-06-09T13:24:28-04:00 2015-06-09T13:24:28-04:00 SSG John Jensen 735872 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>&quot;the best form of welfare is a job&quot; FDR<br />back in the &#39;70&#39;s corporations got tax cuts AFTER they hired people - if they won&#39;t hire people, then the gov&#39;t should and charge the corp.s for it<br />bring back the CCCs to rebuild our broken infrastructure and train people for work<br />my grandfather was in the CCCs, and was trained in the brand new technology called &#39;arc welding&#39; during the war he was a shop chief in the ship yards in Portland Or. Response by SSG John Jensen made Jun 9 at 2015 1:31 PM 2015-06-09T13:31:45-04:00 2015-06-09T13:31:45-04:00 SPC Private RallyPoint Member 735873 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Lower the salary for state and federal representatives. If you want to serve your country you should do it becaue you want to, not for a paycheck. Response by SPC Private RallyPoint Member made Jun 9 at 2015 1:31 PM 2015-06-09T13:31:50-04:00 2015-06-09T13:31:50-04:00 MAJ Robert (Bob) Petrarca 735910 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Dear Mr. and Mrs. Illegal Immigrant or current illegal occupant, <br /><br />Here is your bus ticket, there&#39;s the border. Bu-bye.<br /><br />Sincerely,<br />The Prez Response by MAJ Robert (Bob) Petrarca made Jun 9 at 2015 1:48 PM 2015-06-09T13:48:40-04:00 2015-06-09T13:48:40-04:00 SPC(P) Jay Heenan 735932 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>The first thing that I would do is to STOP APOLOGIZING FOR BEING AMERICAN! Then I would work on term limits, special interest groups and that crazy thing called the Electoral College. Response by SPC(P) Jay Heenan made Jun 9 at 2015 1:56 PM 2015-06-09T13:56:39-04:00 2015-06-09T13:56:39-04:00 SrA Edward Vong 735934 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>My focus would be more towards education. Response by SrA Edward Vong made Jun 9 at 2015 1:56 PM 2015-06-09T13:56:42-04:00 2015-06-09T13:56:42-04:00 1SG Private RallyPoint Member 735997 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Reopen Ellis Island and require all immigrants to register there (or somewhere like it) prior to being allowed to work. Issue a biometrics card that is very difficult to forge and require it for employment as a non-citizen. Fine heavily any business/ entity that disregards this rule and is found with undocumented workers. Require that this card be presented for any government benefits or non-emergency hospital visits.<br />Sit back and watch the magic happen. Response by 1SG Private RallyPoint Member made Jun 9 at 2015 2:25 PM 2015-06-09T14:25:08-04:00 2015-06-09T14:25:08-04:00 CPT Ahmed Faried 736053 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Improve domestic infrastructure, you know, join the rest of the modern world. Free university for everyone with the stipulation that they serve at least 3 years in a civic or other national role (Peace Corps, AmeriCorps, Teach for America, Military Service etc). Revamp the entire criminal Justice System. Wait that was more than one. Response by CPT Ahmed Faried made Jun 9 at 2015 2:50 PM 2015-06-09T14:50:25-04:00 2015-06-09T14:50:25-04:00 WO1 Private RallyPoint Member 736073 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Reform everything around politicians and representatives.<br />If you are elected to office, Governor, Congress; House or Senate, or President. You are given a retirement and that&#39;s it. You do not get a career afterwards, you can except no gifts for outside groups or corporations, and checks are made to ensure your family members haven&#39;t received gifts/jobs because of your station.<br /><br />Policing/Courts/Jails.<br />End for profit jails, ending the hiring the best lawyer to win. Lawyers work for the state, and don&#39;t go for convictions just to get a conviction or plea deal. <br />Policing, tickets are not revenue, and can&#39;t be used to balance a budget, exist as surplus money. Response by WO1 Private RallyPoint Member made Jun 9 at 2015 2:57 PM 2015-06-09T14:57:01-04:00 2015-06-09T14:57:01-04:00 MSG Private RallyPoint Member 736155 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Executive Order to create term limits for the Senate and House of Reps. Because, if it is good enough for the goose, then it is good enough for the gander. Response by MSG Private RallyPoint Member made Jun 9 at 2015 3:27 PM 2015-06-09T15:27:21-04:00 2015-06-09T15:27:21-04:00 SGT John Wesley 736506 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Make PAC&#39;s illegal. When they are willing to spend millions and millions of dollars to elect any candidate, some kickbacks are required. <br /><br />This includes any religious PAC! They want something too...<br /><br />Term limits for all politicians <br /><br />Refurbish the welfare system <br /><br />Flat Tax<br /><br />Tax incentives for moving your factory out of China and moving it to America.<br /><br />Tax penalties for moving your factory out of America.<br /><br />That&#39;s a lot more than one! Lol Response by SGT John Wesley made Jun 9 at 2015 5:20 PM 2015-06-09T17:20:03-04:00 2015-06-09T17:20:03-04:00 SFC Private RallyPoint Member 1105691 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>You know what Hitler did in his rise to power? He used Jews as a scapegoat for Germany&#39;s problems. I see a lot parallels today in America blaming illegals for all of our problems. Yes, our immigration system is broken and needs reform, but it is not our #1 concern. Our focus should be on improving the American Education System. Schools are forced to focus on preparing kids to take standardized tests instead of focusing on real-world skills. Taking the ACT or SAT in 11th grade shouldn&#39;t determine your entry into Universities. You should take entrance exams at the schools you apply for that test you on information or skills relevant to your particular degree or the particular college. Many jobs require past experience. How the hell can you gain experience without first being hired? I believe that more fields should be apprenticeship-based. A college degree is quickly becoming as needed as a high school diploma. Making college more affordable has got to become a priority. Teachers need much better compensation for the work they do. Six-figure university presidents and district superintendents should be the first ones to face salaries cuts, not teachers, if budgets are reduced. There are so many more things, but these are a few. Response by SFC Private RallyPoint Member made Nov 13 at 2015 3:23 AM 2015-11-13T03:23:42-05:00 2015-11-13T03:23:42-05:00 Capt Adam Saxe 1509262 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>In an ideal world (at least by my standards) or realistically? Response by Capt Adam Saxe made May 7 at 2016 5:09 PM 2016-05-07T17:09:10-04:00 2016-05-07T17:09:10-04:00 CPT Private RallyPoint Member 2140182 <div class="images-v2-count-1"><div class="content-picture image-v2-number-1" id="image-123408"> <div class="social_icons social-buttons-on-image"> <a href='' target="_blank" class='social-share-button facebook-share-button'><i class="fa fa-facebook-f"></i></a> <a href=";;via=RallyPoint" target="_blank" class="social-share-button twitter-custom-share-button"><i class="fa fa-twitter"></i></a> <a href="mailto:?subject=Check this out on RallyPoint!&body=Hi, I thought you would find this interesting:%0D%0AYou are President: #1 thing you&#39;d do to improve the United States?%0D%0A %0D%0AHere is the link:" target="_blank" class="social-share-button email-share-button"><i class="fa fa-envelope"></i></a> </div> <a class="fancybox" rel="c95a7bcd6e12388492d5409382d6bf71" href=""><img src="" alt="29208c3c" /></a></div></div>Lock up the Clintons. Redistribute their wealth to the people of Haiti and the people who bought property at white water. Also I would have Danny Williams go on Maury&#39;s. And have the DNA results read out to the nation. Is Bill the father? Also do a separate episode with Webb Hubbell and Chelsea. Response by CPT Private RallyPoint Member made Dec 7 at 2016 11:39 AM 2016-12-07T11:39:07-05:00 2016-12-07T11:39:07-05:00 TSgt Thomas Monaghan 2140349 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>1 Vets, rebuilding the Military 2 3 getting rid of all the illegal immigrints who are criminals Response by TSgt Thomas Monaghan made Dec 7 at 2016 12:37 PM 2016-12-07T12:37:39-05:00 2016-12-07T12:37:39-05:00 SPC Sheila Lewis 2140384 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Immediately increase Border Patrols with any Veteran willing to do the job. Response by SPC Sheila Lewis made Dec 7 at 2016 12:51 PM 2016-12-07T12:51:28-05:00 2016-12-07T12:51:28-05:00 MSG Jay Jackson 2140461 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>First, I would have the IRS publish all the names of every American that owes back taxes along with the amount and how long you have been getting off. I would give you one year to get right or we will take you stuff. If you are a federal employee and at the end of the year you are still not in good standing, you&#39;re fired!! <br />All employers would be required to use E verify for employees hired. If upon inspection you were found to have hired and illegal, 10,000 fine and loss of business license for 1 week.<br />If any city wants to be a sanctuary city fine. No federal money for you. If a citizen is killed by a previous deported alien then the city would be held accountable in court and suffer for it&#39;s failed decision.<br />I would direct that all student loans be cut to one percent interest for all loans over the last 20 years. The govt would get out of the student loan business and only do grants.<br />Lastly I would make it law that if you get a divorce in West Virginia, Arkansas, Tennessee or Kentucky that you are still brother and sister for the next year!!!(SARC) Response by MSG Jay Jackson made Dec 7 at 2016 1:18 PM 2016-12-07T13:18:07-05:00 2016-12-07T13:18:07-05:00 MSgt Richard Randall 2140521 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>The very first thing? That’s easy. I’d immediately deport the following individuals to the middle eastern country of their choice. I wouldn’t want the shame of American citizenship to burden their delicate, feminine sensibilities: <br /> <br />• Whoopi Goldberg<br />• Joy Behar<br />• Lena Dunham<br />• Madonna<br />• Cher<br />• Natalie Maines<br />• Soledad O’Brien<br />• Rachel Maddow<br />• Rosie O’Donnell<br />• Sally Kohn<br />• … the list goes on and on<br />I could list males as well but you get the point Response by MSgt Richard Randall made Dec 7 at 2016 1:49 PM 2016-12-07T13:49:54-05:00 2016-12-07T13:49:54-05:00 MSG Dan Castaneda 2140526 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I would see to it that Hillary goes to jail Response by MSG Dan Castaneda made Dec 7 at 2016 1:52 PM 2016-12-07T13:52:57-05:00 2016-12-07T13:52:57-05:00 SGT William Benson 5333223 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Mandatory service. Not necessarily The Draft or military, but some sort of service, Peace Corps, Civilian Conservation Corps, state or local organizations... Call it &quot;Adulting/Nation Appreciation 101&quot; Response by SGT William Benson made Dec 11 at 2019 4:48 PM 2019-12-11T16:48:34-05:00 2019-12-11T16:48:34-05:00 Cpl Roger Cortez 5639238 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I&#39;d make sure that Trump is made accountable for his crimes and toss his arse in jail! Then I&#39;d order the DOJ to go after his family all done legally. Response by Cpl Roger Cortez made Mar 7 at 2020 6:56 PM 2020-03-07T18:56:14-05:00 2020-03-07T18:56:14-05:00 CW3 Private RallyPoint Member 5641435 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Heavily punish (put underneath the prison) anyone associated with hate groups (KKK,Crips, Bloods, Neo Nazi, any other trash). Response by CW3 Private RallyPoint Member made Mar 8 at 2020 2:27 PM 2020-03-08T14:27:04-04:00 2020-03-08T14:27:04-04:00 SFC Casey O'Mally 5641617 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Radically downsize federal government in keeping with 10th Amendment. Force Congress to resume legislation instead of abdicating their power to the executive. (Yes, I, as President, would be trying to give power away! Radical concept!)<br /><br />How?<br /><br />Step 0: Install a Constitutional 10th Amendment lawyer in the White House Counsel. This lawyer&#39;s only job is to review proposed bills/current laws to see if they are in keeping with the 10th Amendment. (S)he will have a modest staff (I am thinking 5 people) consisting of 1 admin clerk and a few Constitutional scholars/lawyers.<br /><br />Step 1: All executive agencies identify which Congressional law supports EVERY SINGLE rule they have which affects the public (not procedural rules governing only how the agency operates). If a rule cannot be DIRECTLY justified (I.e. Congress tells EPA to regulate carbon dioxide, specifically, not just a &quot;clean up the air&quot; or a &quot;protect health&quot; mandate) then the rule will be identified as in danger of deletion. Agencies will have 6 months to conduct this review.<br /><br />Step 2: Agencies will propose laws for Congress to vote on. These proposals will cover every single current rule that was identified in step 1 and must be in plain language understandable by anyone with a 12th grade reading level. Agencies will have 1 additional month to complete this process (this should be occuring simultaneously with step 1).<br /><br />Step 3: Congress will be informed that they have 4 months to consider/amend any such agency proposals. Agencies will be required to work with Congress to clarify projected impacts of changes to propsed laws or of the rules being eliminated. <br /><br />Step 4: At the end of 11 months, all rules must be scheduled for a vote. These votes must occur prior to 31 January (a little over 12 months in office). All proposed bills must be on my desk by 1 February. And rules not voted on or passed into law by this deadline are instantly null and void at the federal level. Any states (counties, cities, etc.) having existing laws to the same or similar effect are free to continue enforcing said laws. (Yay 10th Amendment!)<br /><br />Step 5: All bills will first be vetted by lawyer from step1. Any new law which is deemed to usurp power to the federal level which has not been Constitutionally granted will be instantly vetoed.<br /><br />Step 6: Actively invite Constitutional challenges to existing federal law based on 10th Amendment. Lawyer from step 0 will advise whether or not any such challenges are defended.<br /><br />Step 7: Moving forward, executive agencies will not have the authority to regulate anything without first being specifically granted that authority by Congress. If the EPA thinks we need to do something about tri-chloro-benzenates (I just made that up, don&#39;t google), then the EPA needs to propose a law for Congress. Additionally, a white paper on the dangers of TCBs must accompany said proposal. White paper must also be distributed to any other agency which may be affected by proposed new rules (for instance TCBs are used heavily by DoD - they get a paper. But they are also a heavy part of the Agriculture so Ag gets one. And since that is a major industry, the CBO gets one to look at impacts to the economy and to the national income (I.e. taxes)). Response by SFC Casey O'Mally made Mar 8 at 2020 3:48 PM 2020-03-08T15:48:56-04:00 2020-03-08T15:48:56-04:00 Maj John Bell 5641730 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Use the bully pulpit to stump for a personal income tax (where all types of income wages, capital gains, rental income etc. etc. are taxed the same) with no deductions other than per person. <br /><br />_No tax withholdings by the employer. <br />_Taxes are due in the month that equates to the last number of the head of households month of birth.<br />_Taxes must be paid and counted out into the clerks hand, in cash, at the county courthouse or local post office. <br />_The receipt for your taxes will have the picture of your elected officials, with their names, on it. And their government salaries (who needs terms limits?) Response by Maj John Bell made Mar 8 at 2020 4:29 PM 2020-03-08T16:29:45-04:00 2020-03-08T16:29:45-04:00 LT Ron Ealey 5820233 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Term limits for congress. The current system doesn&#39;t make them accountable to the people. Response by LT Ron Ealey made Apr 26 at 2020 8:36 PM 2020-04-26T20:36:18-04:00 2020-04-26T20:36:18-04:00 SGT Harold Ball 6464728 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Term limits for ALL elected officials serving in the United States Government.<br />Freeze all Federal employees pay.<br />Combine agencies.<br />Get rid of the Department of Homeland Security Response by SGT Harold Ball made Nov 3 at 2020 10:18 AM 2020-11-03T10:18:45-05:00 2020-11-03T10:18:45-05:00 LtCol Paul Bowen 6825284 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Audit Congress Response by LtCol Paul Bowen made Mar 15 at 2021 12:42 PM 2021-03-15T12:42:16-04:00 2021-03-15T12:42:16-04:00 LTC Denis Sullivan 6826019 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Bomb France. Response by LTC Denis Sullivan made Mar 15 at 2021 5:53 PM 2021-03-15T17:53:40-04:00 2021-03-15T17:53:40-04:00 Lt Col Jim Coe 6826149 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Secure land and sea borders. Use of deadly force authorized. Active duty land, air, and sea forces used to stop invasion of illegal aliens. <br /><br />Task force to help states call Article 5 constitutional convention. Propose amendments: term limits for congress and Fed judges; balanced budget; line item veto; repeal popular election of Senators. Response by Lt Col Jim Coe made Mar 15 at 2021 6:32 PM 2021-03-15T18:32:25-04:00 2021-03-15T18:32:25-04:00 PO1 Edward Miller 6827860 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Modify the Constitution to protect the rights of individual Americans from Constructionism/interpretational lawyer, judges and politicians who will destroy the constitution to make it mean whatever they want or benefits them. Response by PO1 Edward Miller made Mar 16 at 2021 11:14 AM 2021-03-16T11:14:58-04:00 2021-03-16T11:14:58-04:00 SSG Private RallyPoint Member 6885971 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Motivational training for impoverished people. Free counseling hotline for survivors of childhood rape no questions asked paid for by revenue obtained from court costs of convicted sexual predators. Encrypted concealed wellness device that allows parents and guardians to track their children in an emergency situation. Response by SSG Private RallyPoint Member made Apr 8 at 2021 8:21 AM 2021-04-08T08:21:30-04:00 2021-04-08T08:21:30-04:00 SFC Michael Smith 6889822 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Term limits Response by SFC Michael Smith made Apr 9 at 2021 4:43 PM 2021-04-09T16:43:29-04:00 2021-04-09T16:43:29-04:00 SFC Michael Smith 6916188 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Revisit congressional pay, benefits and term limits. There are so many laws in the books being ignored or twisted to fit. No reason our lawmakers should become millionaires while serving. There is no such thing as selfless service on Capitol Hill. Response by SFC Michael Smith made Apr 20 at 2021 3:38 PM 2021-04-20T15:38:54-04:00 2021-04-20T15:38:54-04:00 SPC Michael Tierney 6963638 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Initiate term limits for all senators and congressmen and Supreme Court justices. Response by SPC Michael Tierney made May 10 at 2021 2:54 AM 2021-05-10T02:54:41-04:00 2021-05-10T02:54:41-04:00 SPC Michael Tierney 7090073 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>If I could unilaterally make changes I would change terms for Congress to four years, leave Senate at six and have term limits of two terms for each. No more career politicians in these offices. No more McConnels, Pelosis, Schumers, Grahams, etc. Response by SPC Michael Tierney made Jul 6 at 2021 3:36 AM 2021-07-06T03:36:51-04:00 2021-07-06T03:36:51-04:00 SSgt Cynthia Hamilton 7204753 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I&#39;d make the Republicans and their current cult confront the lies and sedition of administration like we did to the German people after Hitler. We must scrub fascism and hate from that tattered fabric of our democracy. Response by SSgt Cynthia Hamilton made Aug 21 at 2021 7:22 PM 2021-08-21T19:22:19-04:00 2021-08-21T19:22:19-04:00 PVT Mark Whitcomb 7218807 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>abolish the income tax and have a federal sales tax. that way everybody pays. even those &quot;off the books&quot;. the rich would pay more as they also spend more. there would be no corporations getting away with loopholes in the tax code they would pay taxes on all materials they buy. Even drug dealers would end up paying taxes. When you filed your taxes every year you would not pay as you do now you would get a refund decided by your income level. Response by PVT Mark Whitcomb made Aug 26 at 2021 5:24 PM 2021-08-26T17:24:33-04:00 2021-08-26T17:24:33-04:00 SSG Sidney Galloway 7229339 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I&#39;ve got two ideas I think are good enough to share. 1. Income tax- 5%, across the board. No penalizing those with more wealth, and NO tax refunds. I know a lot of the impoverished count on Child Tax Credit and Earned Income Credit, but we didn&#39;t always. Let it be so again. 2. Drug testing for welfare and food stamps. If those who pay taxes to fund the programs must pass a drug test to earn it, you&#39;ve got to pass a test to receive the handouts. Response by SSG Sidney Galloway made Aug 30 at 2021 11:12 AM 2021-08-30T11:12:38-04:00 2021-08-30T11:12:38-04:00 Cpl Lorraine Ceniceros 7442085 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Infrastructure! Response by Cpl Lorraine Ceniceros made Dec 26 at 2021 7:04 PM 2021-12-26T19:04:28-05:00 2021-12-26T19:04:28-05:00 SGT Samuel Prestofilipo 7479256 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>move all democrats to china Response by SGT Samuel Prestofilipo made Jan 16 at 2022 10:40 PM 2022-01-16T22:40:48-05:00 2022-01-16T22:40:48-05:00 SPC Michael Duricko, Ph.D 7479762 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Get rid of all Leftest Liberal Democrats. Response by SPC Michael Duricko, Ph.D made Jan 17 at 2022 8:42 AM 2022-01-17T08:42:19-05:00 2022-01-17T08:42:19-05:00 SFC Stephen King 7479852 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Mandatory service obligation, I figured mandates are the new thing... Response by SFC Stephen King made Jan 17 at 2022 10:19 AM 2022-01-17T10:19:24-05:00 2022-01-17T10:19:24-05:00 CMSgt Marcus Falleaf 7479881 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Enforce border protection. Response by CMSgt Marcus Falleaf made Jan 17 at 2022 10:53 AM 2022-01-17T10:53:58-05:00 2022-01-17T10:53:58-05:00 SSG Sherwin Richardson 7479968 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I&#39;d push for campaign finance reform by abolishing Citizens United. Term limits aren&#39;t the problem. Politicians being in the pockets of billionaires and corporations is the problem. <br /><br />Then I&#39;d push for healing our county of its ugly past racial history by advocating that true, factual history is taught in our schools. Politicians with ulterior motives should not be allowed to write off any critical thought about racial history as Critical Race Theory &quot;indoctrination.&quot; The truth is the truth. It broke my heart to hear this guy in attached link to say he gave up on teaching history in Virginia because he was not allowed to actually TEACH. Watch his story here: <a target="_blank" href=""></a> <div class="pta-link-card answers-template-image type-default"> <div class="pta-link-card-picture"> <img src=""> </div> <div class="pta-link-card-content"> <p class="pta-link-card-title"> <a target="blank" href="">Log into Facebook | Facebook</a> </p> <p class="pta-link-card-description">Log into Facebook to start sharing and connecting with your friends, family, and people you know.</p> </div> <div class="clearfix"></div> </div> Response by SSG Sherwin Richardson made Jan 17 at 2022 12:00 PM 2022-01-17T12:00:02-05:00 2022-01-17T12:00:02-05:00 Cpl Lorraine Ceniceros 7480101 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Sorry, but the cost of medical care and medication is outrageous! This would be my first concern! Response by Cpl Lorraine Ceniceros made Jan 17 at 2022 1:05 PM 2022-01-17T13:05:27-05:00 2022-01-17T13:05:27-05:00 MSG Stan Hutchison 7480284 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Reading over the responses here, I would like to say:<br />Regarding the size of our government and the 10th amendment, when that amendment was written, the United State consisted of less than 2 million people, less than 1% of today&#39;s population. We need a larger government than our founders envisioned. Also, the 10th was added to ensure passage. <br />Regarding our borders and those seeking a better life here, is that not what our nation was intended to be? I don&#39;t recall any mention of immigrants in our founder&#39;s writings. <br /><br />Other than those two items, I see some good ideas and some not so good. But that is to be expected.<br /><br />Anyone have any ideas that would not require a Constitutional amendment? Response by MSG Stan Hutchison made Jan 17 at 2022 2:40 PM 2022-01-17T14:40:56-05:00 2022-01-17T14:40:56-05:00 SPC Steven Depuy 7480697 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>What’s needs to be done is term limits but I could not do that as POTUS. Maybe just tell congress any thing added on to an original bill as a rider will make the bill be veto’d instantly Response by SPC Steven Depuy made Jan 17 at 2022 7:06 PM 2022-01-17T19:06:14-05:00 2022-01-17T19:06:14-05:00 PO1 David Cunningham 7551901 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Outlaw Democrats. Response by PO1 David Cunningham made Mar 2 at 2022 1:08 PM 2022-03-02T13:08:36-05:00 2022-03-02T13:08:36-05:00 SPC Michael Duricko, Ph.D 7583672 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>GOOD GRIEF, THERE ARE SO MANY THINGS WRONG WITH OUR NATION UNDER BIDEN THAT HE DESTROYED THAT I WOULD HAVE TO HAVE A LIST OF ABOUT 20 OBJECTIVES, BUT ALL WOULD BE LISTED AS THE #1 THINGS TO DO. OUR COUNTRY IS IN SERIOUS DECLINE AND QUICKLY HEADING DOWN THE TOILET ESPECIALLY WITH THE IRAN DEAL THE RADICAL BIDENITES ARE TRYING TO PUSH THROUGH. IDIOCY AT ITS&#39; PEAK!!!!!! Response by SPC Michael Duricko, Ph.D made Mar 21 at 2022 2:25 PM 2022-03-21T14:25:55-04:00 2022-03-21T14:25:55-04:00 LTC Ray Buenteo 7589543 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Move toward energy independence . Response by LTC Ray Buenteo made Mar 24 at 2022 6:49 PM 2022-03-24T18:49:44-04:00 2022-03-24T18:49:44-04:00 SFC Private RallyPoint Member 7590994 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>What a cesspool this turned into. I’m voting for Giant Meteor 2022. Just end it already Response by SFC Private RallyPoint Member made Mar 25 at 2022 5:14 PM 2022-03-25T17:14:39-04:00 2022-03-25T17:14:39-04:00 SCPO Jeff Conz 7591167 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Project our Legal Immigration, project the American People, stay out of Ukraine! Focus on our fossil fuels before switching to renewables. Peace through Power! Response by SCPO Jeff Conz made Mar 25 at 2022 7:34 PM 2022-03-25T19:34:51-04:00 2022-03-25T19:34:51-04:00 MSG Gary George 7592638 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Put groups together to review every Federal Law, looking for outdated and conflicting ones, and a group to go over all the IRS rules and eliminate conflicting and unneeded rules. Response by MSG Gary George made Mar 26 at 2022 5:58 PM 2022-03-26T17:58:53-04:00 2022-03-26T17:58:53-04:00 SrA Tracy Leviner 7592843 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Stop giving money to other countries ! We borrow money from China and then turn around and give them aid and every other country , even the ones that hate us . Our Visa card is maxed out and we need to stop with the donations . Use our money to fix the roads and bridges . Take care of America First ! Term limits would be a great thing too and if in office you are not allowed to accept any gifts , donations , stock tips , etc . That is called a bribe ! No lobbyest and no Pork in bills , you have to vote on each and every part of a bill separately no matter how long it takes to do so . That is your job . Response by SrA Tracy Leviner made Mar 26 at 2022 8:31 PM 2022-03-26T20:31:21-04:00 2022-03-26T20:31:21-04:00 SGT Judy Pomrenke 7595691 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Lower wages on senator, congressman and president. Plus put term limits on all of them. Response by SGT Judy Pomrenke made Mar 28 at 2022 12:54 PM 2022-03-28T12:54:03-04:00 2022-03-28T12:54:03-04:00 SSG Private RallyPoint Member 7600703 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I would get rid of the old bums and make America diverse so America looks like America , but tweeting and following the Constitution like all men are created equal I would start from that Response by SSG Private RallyPoint Member made Mar 31 at 2022 9:38 AM 2022-03-31T09:38:57-04:00 2022-03-31T09:38:57-04:00 SGT Kathleen Regan 7601225 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Move to a private island. I can face-time. Response by SGT Kathleen Regan made Mar 31 at 2022 3:27 PM 2022-03-31T15:27:11-04:00 2022-03-31T15:27:11-04:00 Lt Col Scott Shuttleworth 7601421 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Eliminate the IRS and income tax and go to a Flat Tax on everything because Pimps/Hoes/Druggies/Billionaires/Middle class/lower Class/male/female/illegals/all races/all religions...everyone spends and all make purchases...they all have to eat, drink, put gas in cars, buy clothes, and poop. Response by Lt Col Scott Shuttleworth made Mar 31 at 2022 5:24 PM 2022-03-31T17:24:56-04:00 2022-03-31T17:24:56-04:00 SSG Jack Scott 7601680 <div class="images-v2-count-1"><div class="content-picture image-v2-number-1" id="image-679723"> <div class="social_icons social-buttons-on-image"> <a href='' target="_blank" class='social-share-button facebook-share-button'><i class="fa fa-facebook-f"></i></a> <a href=";;via=RallyPoint" target="_blank" class="social-share-button twitter-custom-share-button"><i class="fa fa-twitter"></i></a> <a href="mailto:?subject=Check this out on RallyPoint!&body=Hi, I thought you would find this interesting:%0D%0AYou are President: #1 thing you&#39;d do to improve the United States?%0D%0A %0D%0AHere is the link:" target="_blank" class="social-share-button email-share-button"><i class="fa fa-envelope"></i></a> </div> <a class="fancybox" rel="b6a9ed77a27103f1ca7d1876566f0bcc" href=""><img src="" alt="7d2d76d" /></a></div></div>Immediately reverse Bidens energy policies back to the trump Policies day one. Then go through every government office and fire every woke liberal appointed by Biden first day escort him to the door. And on my big list will be to rain in the IRS and other three letter agencies for abuse of powers. My biggest issue is with the BLM land management. If anyone followed the Bundy Ranch incident with the BLM and their brown shirt stomping on American citizens. My first act would be to disarm the entire BLM agency remove all arrest Authority and disband their swat team and make them strictly an administrative agency for land management. They can go back to Counting squirrels, Rivers, lakes and Buffalo. I would also take away the authority of the BLM over the American Mustang population, simplify that process of adoption for a small fee plus transportation. No more American Mustangs going to slaughter houses and lining the pockets of the BLM and rich leftist politician. The BLM is just one of my little pet peeves, I cannot stand and the iron boot they have placed on ranchers cattlemen and American citizen. My motto will be cheap gas and an American Mustang in every corral just pay Taxes and transportation or haul home in your trailer. As a retired Police Officer America has too many three letter law-enforcement agencies, we need to cut that down way down. Give all the Authority back to the states and keep the FBI, IRS, and other agencies at the federal level. And really do we need an ATF the FBI conducted those duties till the Left wanted big Government, simplify things keep it simple and stupid! Response by SSG Jack Scott made Mar 31 at 2022 8:09 PM 2022-03-31T20:09:16-04:00 2022-03-31T20:09:16-04:00 Lt Col Timothy Cassidy-Curtis 7601859 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>First priority: Regain global energy dominance by a three-stage plan. Stage one is to maximize natural resource production (coal, oil, gas); cost, minimal. Stage two is to develop Thorium Molten Salt Reactors (TMSR&#39;s); cost, less than for one B-2 bomber to develop within one Presidential Term of Office (TMO). Stage three is to perfect fusion energy (major strides have been already accomplished). Response by Lt Col Timothy Cassidy-Curtis made Mar 31 at 2022 10:25 PM 2022-03-31T22:25:20-04:00 2022-03-31T22:25:20-04:00 MSG Eugene Gonzales 7602117 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>T Response by MSG Eugene Gonzales made Apr 1 at 2022 1:36 AM 2022-04-01T01:36:10-04:00 2022-04-01T01:36:10-04:00 SR Kenneth Beck 7602419 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>&quot;Demand a recount&quot;<br />That was the immortal response of William F. Buckley Jr., when asked what the first thing would be he would do if he actually won his rollicking, long-shot campaign for mayor of New York City in 1965. Response by SR Kenneth Beck made Apr 1 at 2022 7:20 AM 2022-04-01T07:20:24-04:00 2022-04-01T07:20:24-04:00 Maj John Bell 7602938 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Resign Response by Maj John Bell made Apr 1 at 2022 12:46 PM 2022-04-01T12:46:36-04:00 2022-04-01T12:46:36-04:00 A1C Medrick "Rick" DeVaney 7613576 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>As President, My Very First Objective Would Be To Jail Trump Then Execute Him IMMEDIATELY,<br />After The Other Inmates Had Their Chances To Stab Him With A Wooden Stake Through His Heart FIRST..<br /> Other Than THAT, I&#39;d Have To Deal With PUTIN By Dropping A Grenade Down His Shorts,,,, Response by A1C Medrick "Rick" DeVaney made Apr 7 at 2022 4:20 PM 2022-04-07T16:20:16-04:00 2022-04-07T16:20:16-04:00 SGT Doug Blanchard 7640296 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I would fire the Joint Chiefs if they are a bunch of yes men or women and put new people in charge that have a pair and stand up for the troops and are not pushing their own agenda, such as wanting to force our c troops to take have to take crt courses. Along with pushing to make sure our military learns to respect and honor for the flag and this country again. Response by SGT Doug Blanchard made Apr 23 at 2022 8:39 PM 2022-04-23T20:39:54-04:00 2022-04-23T20:39:54-04:00 Maj John Bell 7644798 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Resign. You thought President Trump was mean. Hold my beer. Response by Maj John Bell made Apr 26 at 2022 4:54 PM 2022-04-26T16:54:41-04:00 2022-04-26T16:54:41-04:00 SFC Private RallyPoint Member 7644880 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>1: push for a flat tax rate with no exemptions. <br />2: enforce immigration Laws<br />3: enforce voting Laws Response by SFC Private RallyPoint Member made Apr 26 at 2022 5:52 PM 2022-04-26T17:52:17-04:00 2022-04-26T17:52:17-04:00 SFC William Linnell 7646093 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>That is one hell of a good question. What to do what to do. <br />First act. Activate the National Guard to work with US Customs and Border Patrol and ICE. Collect ALL, yes ALL, illegal aliens. Transport them down to the border. They will be given a choice. Go back to whatever country they came from or....OR stay here in the US, live and work in tiny towns along the border building the Great Wall of the United States. There will be educational/school, mess halls, medical/dental clinics, and building to worship in if they so desire. Also US citizens can seek employment there as well. BUT, if anyone causes hate and discontent will face justice. Regardless of who they are.<br /><br />5 day work week. Saturday is for the adults to go to school to learn English, other academics. Sunday is off to spend with family and relax. They will do their own laundry services, cooking and cleaning with meals, garbage details, police calls picking up trash. Of course school age kids will be in school.<br /><br />Once completed, those that stayed can take the Citizenship test, once passed they will get a total of all the amount of wages they earned, subtract meals at a fixed rate (like in the military) same with housing, medical and dental. They complete all this they will be sworn in and be United States Citizens. They can then go buy a car or bus ticket to move any where in the US they want.<br /><br />A rough draft. It would work. Response by SFC William Linnell made Apr 27 at 2022 10:15 AM 2022-04-27T10:15:28-04:00 2022-04-27T10:15:28-04:00 SPC Lyle Montgomery 7646244 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Fix the damn boarder. Response by SPC Lyle Montgomery made Apr 27 at 2022 11:53 AM 2022-04-27T11:53:30-04:00 2022-04-27T11:53:30-04:00 SFC Jim Ruether 7646630 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Completely finish the wall! Reenstate all restrictions on immigration!! Response by SFC Jim Ruether made Apr 27 at 2022 4:52 PM 2022-04-27T16:52:16-04:00 2022-04-27T16:52:16-04:00 Cpl Lorraine Ceniceros 7648521 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Health insurance should be at the top. Response by Cpl Lorraine Ceniceros made Apr 28 at 2022 1:53 PM 2022-04-28T13:53:09-04:00 2022-04-28T13:53:09-04:00 CMSgt Donald ONeill 7650698 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>They throw enlisted out of the service at age 60 and something to consider for those wanting to represent all Americans . Response by CMSgt Donald ONeill made Apr 29 at 2022 7:17 PM 2022-04-29T19:17:10-04:00 2022-04-29T19:17:10-04:00 SFC Private RallyPoint Member 7655319 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Push Congress to start repaying all the money that has been robbed from Social Secruity fund over the years just because the money was there. This is one of the many reasons this fund is now in dire situation. <br /><br />In addition , the cap income level needs to be raised on what has taxes taken. OASDI tax rate for wages paid in 2022 is set by statute at 6.2 percent for employees and employers, each and the Max income is mere $147,000.00. There is many people who earn well above this that only have to pay on the first $147,000.00 <br /><br />Yet, when they get older they willbe drawing benefits just like everyone else. In my opinion this rate needs to move up to match what the US Senator Salary is for example. Based on current data this would be $178,500 for most. Just this slight difference would make up some significant short falls in this system. <br /><br />In addition, would make all federal postions to include elected postions required to pay OASDI regardless if they have defined pensions . <br /><br />Speaking of pensions, since Congress decided to screw the Service Members when it came to Benefits. All Congressional members would forced to go under the &quot; new blended&quot; retirement plan vs the pension that they all once got. <br /><br />Health Care Benefits once all US elected members leave office with the exception of President and Vice President and their spouse they will have the option of Tricare at Cobra rates until they reach age 60 when they can convert to Tricare for life. <br /><br /><br />Some have asked for free college , but there is options for this already such as Peace Corps, Armed Forces. But not everyone is going to attend college, or has a desire to attend college. For those that do select this route. Some better options to getting help such as low interest loans needs to be an option for the 1st $30,000. <br /><br />There is no reason that large banks like Citi Bank , Wells Fargo,Chase, are able to get funds as low as .55% from the government and they then turn around and issue it out in the form or high interest credit cards and student loans that only cause those that are trying to get some better skills only to go deeper into debt. <br /><br />I am not saying that someone should get the loan for free, I am merely stating that if our government can cut deals with the banks that make billions using tax dollars then we as a nation should be able to offer similar interest rates for our next generation that will be doctors, nurses , teachers,social workers, and many other professions that incur huge debts and takes decades to repay. <br /><br /><br />Term limits need to changed like some have said, but this involves Congress making changes that would mean changes that impact many of them. ( Ideally no Senator or House Rep should be in that office more than a decade or the most 12 years. ) <br /><br />Health Care Reform: how do we fix things we first off kick all the lobbists out of D.C. and really talk about how to fix things. Many things are being overcharged just because of insurnance and the Affordable Care Act that had good intent but got screwed up when the health insurnance and health care providers got to decide what to charge. <br /><br />Reality is that every American citizen should have some basic coverage that if things were done right could be covered by the medicare. Basic coverage is things like annual health checks, vaccines, basic life saving care or minor wound care. <br /><br />If this was provided to every working person and their families this actually may save in the long run. Yes it will create more demands for services but wellness and prevention actually is cheaper. <br /><br />This is my list of ideas and I am not running for office nor would any person that is running for office even consider most of my ideas. <br /><br />But it would make this nation much stronger overall. Response by SFC Private RallyPoint Member made May 2 at 2022 4:11 PM 2022-05-02T16:11:56-04:00 2022-05-02T16:11:56-04:00 TSgt Private RallyPoint Member 7658580 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Make USA completely 100% autonomous. to include;<br />Oil independent.<br />Medical drug manufacturing independent <br />Food independent.<br />To sum it up make it so we depend on nobody for anything.<br />Kinda where President Trump was taking us. Response by TSgt Private RallyPoint Member made May 4 at 2022 12:11 PM 2022-05-04T12:11:11-04:00 2022-05-04T12:11:11-04:00 CPO James Harrison 7687444 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Deport ALL Liberals. Response by CPO James Harrison made May 20 at 2022 8:30 PM 2022-05-20T20:30:09-04:00 2022-05-20T20:30:09-04:00 SPC William Szkromiuk 7693399 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Ban the Political Parties. No one is beholding to anyone. Government pays for your election campaign. Everyone gets equal $. I have so much more :-) Response by SPC William Szkromiuk made May 24 at 2022 12:06 PM 2022-05-24T12:06:57-04:00 2022-05-24T12:06:57-04:00 SFC Rodney Platt 7701898 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Stop the attacks on the 2nd amendment!!! Stop idiots from calling the AR15 a weapon of war. Response by SFC Rodney Platt made May 29 at 2022 6:47 PM 2022-05-29T18:47:32-04:00 2022-05-29T18:47:32-04:00 SSgt Dayna Beth Olsen 7737114 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Convene a constitutional convention. Response by SSgt Dayna Beth Olsen made Jun 21 at 2022 9:47 AM 2022-06-21T09:47:25-04:00 2022-06-21T09:47:25-04:00 CH (CPT) Jerry McGowin 7740794 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Enforce border security. Response by CH (CPT) Jerry McGowin made Jun 23 at 2022 11:40 AM 2022-06-23T11:40:49-04:00 2022-06-23T11:40:49-04:00 SGT David Kazmierski 7742804 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>right with the term limits. and NO grandfathering, just time to go at the end of the current term he was elected to then out the door. Response by SGT David Kazmierski made Jun 24 at 2022 2:53 PM 2022-06-24T14:53:51-04:00 2022-06-24T14:53:51-04:00 SPC Russell T. Andrews 7746865 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Cut the billions in foreign aid to countries who hate the United States of America! Response by SPC Russell T. Andrews made Jun 27 at 2022 8:48 AM 2022-06-27T08:48:10-04:00 2022-06-27T08:48:10-04:00 CW4 Private RallyPoint Member 7747678 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Run to the oval office, sit behind the resolute desk, take a selfie and post it on RallyPoint for all of you to see! Response by CW4 Private RallyPoint Member made Jun 27 at 2022 6:01 PM 2022-06-27T18:01:25-04:00 2022-06-27T18:01:25-04:00 PO1 Helena Janice Ritz 7762707 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>First, pack the Supreme Court by adding additional seats. Second, immediately write an Executive Order that defines what a &quot;person&quot; is and, therefore, what is a citizen of the United States. For example, it would state that a &quot;person is a single living, breathing individual, not a corporation (as in Citizens United), and because a person is living &amp; breathing, the unborn are not persons.&quot; Next, I would increase the budget for social programs tenfold and write an EO to raise the minimum wage to $25 /hour. Most of the issues we have in this country are because of the vast differences in the socioeconomic statuses of our citizens. Working people deserve to be able to purchase a home, feed their families, and save money for emergencies. I would also stop all corporate welfare. I would end tax cuts and industry-specific subsidies, using that money for social programs. Also, I would stop giving money to ALL nation-states that provide their people with universal healthcare. They do not need our nation&#39;s financial support. The list goes on: from term limits for Congress unless they pass Universal Healthcare (similar to the care we veterans already enjoy) to making Voting Day a National Holiday to outlawing the advertising of prescription drugs on television. It&#39;s a big job and takes a lot of courage to make changes not everyone agrees with. But, then again, I was elected. :D Response by PO1 Helena Janice Ritz made Jul 7 at 2022 9:48 AM 2022-07-07T09:48:16-04:00 2022-07-07T09:48:16-04:00 Cpl George Matousek 7823046 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Term limits for sure Response by Cpl George Matousek made Aug 13 at 2022 12:45 PM 2022-08-13T12:45:12-04:00 2022-08-13T12:45:12-04:00 SPC James Cooke 7848398 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Legalize marijuana. Tax it. Response by SPC James Cooke made Aug 28 at 2022 8:26 PM 2022-08-28T20:26:59-04:00 2022-08-28T20:26:59-04:00 PV2 Anthony Taylor 7850061 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Abolish political parties; one nation, indivisable remember? Response by PV2 Anthony Taylor made Aug 29 at 2022 5:32 PM 2022-08-29T17:32:30-04:00 2022-08-29T17:32:30-04:00 Sgt Chris Fisher 7851898 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>On Day One I would mandate that the IRS would no longer be a terrorist organization that Americans fear. They would become advocates for the American people with the main focus of their job to find Americans the most refund possible. Response by Sgt Chris Fisher made Aug 30 at 2022 5:19 PM 2022-08-30T17:19:32-04:00 2022-08-30T17:19:32-04:00 SGT Jeff Bush 7852349 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Mandatory E-verify I-9 employment eligibility verification with fines for non-compliant businesses who employ ineligible non-citizens of $25,000 per employee hired and 90% tax on all money wired south of the border by such individuals, with the revenue going toward completion of the wall and repatriating those without a green card or a visa to their countries of origin and decreasing foreign aid to those countries to make up the difference. Response by SGT Jeff Bush made Aug 30 at 2022 9:49 PM 2022-08-30T21:49:17-04:00 2022-08-30T21:49:17-04:00 SFC David Reid, M.S, PHR, SHRM-CP, DTM 7852415 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I agree with both having term limits for both the House and Senate the way things are now we are preventing new blood and ideas to be heard. The current leaders are hard to be elected out because they become cronies of those who are embedded in the Good Ole Boys who are more Senior. The average citizen does not usually have the money and or resources that could result in them being elected. This results in us, being led by the elitist in Washington Response by SFC David Reid, M.S, PHR, SHRM-CP, DTM made Aug 30 at 2022 10:45 PM 2022-08-30T22:45:48-04:00 2022-08-30T22:45:48-04:00 SPC Richard Rauenhorst 7853252 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Oh there can not be just one thing. Term limits is a good idea but along with that I feel there needs to be an age limit. I feel the age limit should go along with the retirement age. We need to help those countries were immigrants are coming from so that they don&#39;t have a reason to leave their country. Response by SPC Richard Rauenhorst made Aug 31 at 2022 11:18 AM 2022-08-31T11:18:47-04:00 2022-08-31T11:18:47-04:00 A1C Medrick "Rick" DeVaney 7864189 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Put More Pressure On The Drug USERS.<br />When That&#39;s Under Control, The Dealers Will Be Losing Customers<br /> And The Money That Goes With It...<br /> At Least It&#39;ll Legally Force It To Reduce In Volume.<br />OR Of Course, If You Believe In JUSTICE As I Do,<br />There&#39;s Always The Method Of &quot;LOCK &amp; LOAD&quot;<br />Thereby Eliminating The Problem And Putting The Message Out There... Response by A1C Medrick "Rick" DeVaney made Sep 6 at 2022 10:11 PM 2022-09-06T22:11:30-04:00 2022-09-06T22:11:30-04:00 PO2 Scott M. 7871227 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Round up every liberal politician and lock them away in prison for good! Response by PO2 Scott M. made Sep 10 at 2022 9:19 PM 2022-09-10T21:19:28-04:00 2022-09-10T21:19:28-04:00 SFC David Reid, M.S, PHR, SHRM-CP, DTM 7871242 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Reduce non value addeded spending Response by SFC David Reid, M.S, PHR, SHRM-CP, DTM made Sep 10 at 2022 9:32 PM 2022-09-10T21:32:26-04:00 2022-09-10T21:32:26-04:00 AN Ralph Shields 7871901 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Remove all Who are Controled By Other Powers then #WeThePeople and The #USConstitution !!! Response by AN Ralph Shields made Sep 11 at 2022 8:45 AM 2022-09-11T08:45:20-04:00 2022-09-11T08:45:20-04:00 LCpl Sidney Green 7872243 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>That&#39;s easy: a flat tax. That would be 25% across the board and all the tax break shenanigans go away. In addition, no citizen would ever pay more than 30% of his earning in taxes, e.g. Judgements, lotto winnings, etc.<br /><br />Second (since you mentioned it), would be Criminal Justice System reform. That travesty has turned from reforming criminals into Big Business. <br /><br />Third? If you insist: The dismal failure, War on Drugs goes away -- especially since it feeds #2. Only drug trafficking, will remain significant. Response by LCpl Sidney Green made Sep 11 at 2022 1:40 PM 2022-09-11T13:40:20-04:00 2022-09-11T13:40:20-04:00 SGM Private RallyPoint Member 7872793 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>&quot;The&quot; POTUS is very limited to what he can do alone. Not easy when you have the Senate and HoR going in opposite directions. There&#39;s just too much corruption to make any difference. <br /><br />The politicians are there to make money, period. Response by SGM Private RallyPoint Member made Sep 11 at 2022 8:57 PM 2022-09-11T20:57:49-04:00 2022-09-11T20:57:49-04:00 A1C Bernadette Sava 7872894 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Get rid of taxes. Response by A1C Bernadette Sava made Sep 11 at 2022 10:25 PM 2022-09-11T22:25:54-04:00 2022-09-11T22:25:54-04:00 1SG Michael Bonnett 7873008 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Eliminate the Secret Service, the FBI and the Justice Department. Return the Justice Department and FBI funding to the State law enforcement agencies. The federal government was never meant to have civilian arrest authority. No federal government position should warrant bodyguard protection, travel outside public transportation, or any extralegal protection other than what any legal American citizen is granted. We do elect a ready made replacement for the President so maybe the President will start acting like he has no expectation for security than any other American citizen. Response by 1SG Michael Bonnett made Sep 11 at 2022 11:32 PM 2022-09-11T23:32:05-04:00 2022-09-11T23:32:05-04:00 LCDR Jonathan Roudabush 7873213 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Get the potholes filled around here. Response by LCDR Jonathan Roudabush made Sep 12 at 2022 1:39 AM 2022-09-12T01:39:01-04:00 2022-09-12T01:39:01-04:00 SSgt Paul Mulwitz 7874412 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I would undo the damage Biden has done to the oil industry and restore America&#39;s place as the largest producer of energy in the world. I would use the first increases in oil to refill the STRATEGIC oil reserve which Biden has emptied in the hope of getting members of his party elected. Response by SSgt Paul Mulwitz made Sep 12 at 2022 7:17 PM 2022-09-12T19:17:15-04:00 2022-09-12T19:17:15-04:00 PO2 David McNamara 7874884 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Lower the cost of living; bring the cost of fuels way down, lower the costs of metals and materials, eliminate property taxes, and require that all vehicles are able run and function efficiently without electronic sensors - computers - or catalytic converters. Response by PO2 David McNamara made Sep 13 at 2022 1:58 AM 2022-09-13T01:58:28-04:00 2022-09-13T01:58:28-04:00 HA Janet Valenti 7874978 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I think I would start with checking who gets paid what and push to get the military people more money. As it is now the lower class men and women pay rate is on the poverty level. The military sacrifice their lives for ALL the people ALL the time!!!!!! They do not complain, they just do it. Some give their lives and the widows are left with the kids, household, and any animals if they have them. I know my friend had it very hard until we got the paperwork straight. Her husband died a week before he was to retire. It was a mess. Response by HA Janet Valenti made Sep 13 at 2022 4:22 AM 2022-09-13T04:22:13-04:00 2022-09-13T04:22:13-04:00 CPL T.A. Nelson 7875668 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Executive order: term limits for senators and removal of any officials whom have publicly attempted to force racism, religious or sexist bias onto the American people. Thereby forcing the litigators to pass a law that prevents anyone who would have made statements to this effect from running for office. No one should be able to represent a diverse people if they are not going to work for the whole of their constituents... Response by CPL T.A. Nelson made Sep 13 at 2022 12:58 PM 2022-09-13T12:58:13-04:00 2022-09-13T12:58:13-04:00 SSG Roger Ayscue 7877028 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Ban all Lobbyists and Special Interests from meeting with elected officials on an individual basis, and ban them from making contributions to their &quot;Reelection Committees.&quot; Audit all elected officials and require an accounting of all money made above the official salary of the office. Prohibit officials from passing laws that would allow them to profit from the results.<br />Term limits on all public offices to Two Terms or 8 years which ever is more. <br />No one that has never worn a uniform can be president. If you never wore a uniform you should not be able to send anyone into harms way Response by SSG Roger Ayscue made Sep 14 at 2022 11:50 AM 2022-09-14T11:50:19-04:00 2022-09-14T11:50:19-04:00 SSG Roger Ayscue 7877044 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Enact a FLAT TAX where every person and business pays a flat 10% tax on every dollar made. NO deductions, no tax credits for how many kids a person chose to have, no refunds or returns. Everyone pays from the top 1%down to the minimum wage part timer. Elon Musk makes 150 Billion, 15 billion in taxes, no deductions or shelters. Joe Normal makes 40 thousand, 4 thousand in taxes. Easy Peasy.<br />With this, a fair, flat tax, all levels of government is funded and has to learn to live in its means. Pay off the National Debt and have a surplus. No taxes on any money that has been taxed once. Response by SSG Roger Ayscue made Sep 14 at 2022 12:13 PM 2022-09-14T12:13:36-04:00 2022-09-14T12:13:36-04:00 1SG James Kelly 7877602 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Repeal the fleeing felon law. Response by 1SG James Kelly made Sep 14 at 2022 3:52 PM 2022-09-14T15:52:57-04:00 2022-09-14T15:52:57-04:00 SPC Private RallyPoint Member 7877804 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>1st Thing would ba an exectutive order with multiple articles, to where Term limits for House, Senate, and Congress, immediate Investigations on all Politicians with acts of insider trading, treason to the US like the CA-D who was Dating a chinese Spy, restablishing thde pipeline to make the US the standing Nation of Natural Resource, which will lower gas Prices, and with selling to other nations which will build the US Economy. Response by SPC Private RallyPoint Member made Sep 14 at 2022 6:18 PM 2022-09-14T18:18:55-04:00 2022-09-14T18:18:55-04:00 SGT Fred Flick 7877805 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Ya go back to trump policies Response by SGT Fred Flick made Sep 14 at 2022 6:20 PM 2022-09-14T18:20:14-04:00 2022-09-14T18:20:14-04:00 CSM Thomas Ray 7878042 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Make all congressional members salary tied to the economy, 10% inflation, 10% deduction in salary, no more free health care, they can use the VA and wait for 2 months to see a physician. No more insider trading for members or their spouses. No student loan forgiveness: if they want forgiveness, work for it, isn&#39;t that a novel idea. Response by CSM Thomas Ray made Sep 14 at 2022 8:47 PM 2022-09-14T20:47:59-04:00 2022-09-14T20:47:59-04:00 PO1 Sam Deel 7878542 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Take the Constitution and implement it with impunity. Verbatim, not this &quot;interpreted law&quot; legal hogwarsh. The downfall of this Constitutional Republic was caused by the garrote of the liberal interpretation of Constitutional Law. <br /><br />&quot;The Constitution is not a living organism. It&#39;s a legal document, and it says what it says and doesn&#39;t say what it doesn&#39;t say.&quot;<br />--- Justice Antonin Scalia Response by PO1 Sam Deel made Sep 15 at 2022 4:10 AM 2022-09-15T04:10:13-04:00 2022-09-15T04:10:13-04:00 A1C Medrick "Rick" DeVaney 7878608 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>HERE&#39;S a Little Tidbit For EVERYONE...................<br /><br />Do Illegal Immigrants Pay Taxes in the U.S.? Yes, and Here&#39;s How<br /><br />Of that $11+ billion in tax revenue from undocumented immigrants, the majority of that comes from sales and excise taxes. The second-highest category is property taxes, while income tax makes up the majority of their taxes paid.. Response by A1C Medrick "Rick" DeVaney made Sep 15 at 2022 5:47 AM 2022-09-15T05:47:38-04:00 2022-09-15T05:47:38-04:00 SGT Milton Pridemore 7878929 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Burn the VA Healthcare system to the ground and fix it so any vet can see a real doctor anywhere. Response by SGT Milton Pridemore made Sep 15 at 2022 8:45 AM 2022-09-15T08:45:33-04:00 2022-09-15T08:45:33-04:00 PFC Edgar Mosier 7879021 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>First, We have proof that, as President, you could do whatever, via Exec Order, or by actually having the People and Congress support the action, only to have some &quot;Justice&quot; decide to undermine your efforts or some bureaucrat from some &quot;Justifiable&quot; arm of the government decide to terrorize you, your families, your friends, your town/city, your State...<br />It&#39;s America, today, and it&#39;s NOT at its&#39; Finest Hour.... Response by PFC Edgar Mosier made Sep 15 at 2022 9:39 AM 2022-09-15T09:39:16-04:00 2022-09-15T09:39:16-04:00 TSgt D Newman 7879423 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Fire half the federal govt employee&#39;s starting from the civil service over head of GS -15 and higher.<br /><br />Immediately open every natural gas or fossil fuel available and export any overage to certain countries <br /><br />at our rate till the debt is paid off. Than replace the grid and start your electric car BS Response by TSgt D Newman made Sep 15 at 2022 1:28 PM 2022-09-15T13:28:46-04:00 2022-09-15T13:28:46-04:00 CPT Private RallyPoint Member 7880015 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>First thing I would do is order a review of commanders in the US Army. Since 2006 at least, commanders have abused their power in separating good people from the military. One factual instance of this is where two people are given a no contact order to be obeyed &quot;both on and off duty.&quot; They are never separated and they are in the same training unit. They both disobey the order by inadvertently being around each other (they live together, they eat together, etc) at the end of the course one of them gets thrown out of the military and the other hears nothing more and go&#39;s on with her career. Google Daniel Conway military protection orders to see the truth. I know it is the truth. I lived it. Response by CPT Private RallyPoint Member made Sep 15 at 2022 9:01 PM 2022-09-15T21:01:18-04:00 2022-09-15T21:01:18-04:00 MAJ Janice Campbell. BSN, RN, CNOR 7880221 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I would get a law written that bans Executive Orders with very few exceptions, war for instance. No more pen and paper impromptu legislation. Response by MAJ Janice Campbell. BSN, RN, CNOR made Sep 15 at 2022 10:37 PM 2022-09-15T22:37:12-04:00 2022-09-15T22:37:12-04:00 Cpl Brian Ruby 7880226 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Close the border! Use the military if necessay to enforce it! Response by Cpl Brian Ruby made Sep 15 at 2022 10:38 PM 2022-09-15T22:38:07-04:00 2022-09-15T22:38:07-04:00 MSgt Earl King 7880399 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Ban all spam and Robo calls Response by MSgt Earl King made Sep 15 at 2022 11:59 PM 2022-09-15T23:59:49-04:00 2022-09-15T23:59:49-04:00 LTC Private RallyPoint Member 7880922 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Depends entirely on whether I had enough political capital to get something through congress. If I did, I’d simplify the tax code; graduated income tax based on total household income divided by number of taxpayers and dependents on the following or similar scale, with ABSOLUTELY ZERO DEDUCTIONS FOR ANYTHING.<br /><br />First 20,000 dollars earned taxed at 0%<br />For ever dollar earned between 20,001 and 50,000 taxed at 5%<br />Dollars 50,001 though 100,000 taxed at 10%<br />Dollars 100,001 through 500,000 taxed at 20%<br />Dollars 500,001 through 100,000 taxed at 30%, and <br />Dollars 100,001 and beyond taxed at 40%<br /><br />Corporate tax at a flat rate identical to income tax, only based on NET profit and with no division for number of employees or anything else.<br /><br />No special income classifications. Dividends, inheritance, capital gains all get combined with a taxpayer’s other income and all of it is taxed together.<br /><br /><br /><br />If I did not have enough political capital to get something through congress then I would issue an executive order that all federal student loans have their interest capped at 4%, that interest not accrue while a borrower is in legitimate deferral and eliminate the daily compounding of student loan interest. Accrued interest on existing federal student loans would be recalculated to origin date at the above formula. Response by LTC Private RallyPoint Member made Sep 16 at 2022 9:53 AM 2022-09-16T09:53:34-04:00 2022-09-16T09:53:34-04:00 SPC Kenneth Berry 7880925 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Try and get rid off all the red tape that is floating around. Make it easier for vets to get what was promised to them. If you got injured while you were in and doing what the Uncle asked you to do, you should not have to fight to get what is owed. Put it to the people, if Congress should be limited. There is so much that needs to be done. Response by SPC Kenneth Berry made Sep 16 at 2022 9:56 AM 2022-09-16T09:56:35-04:00 2022-09-16T09:56:35-04:00 LTC Private RallyPoint Member 7880928 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Now if I had magic wand level power I’d eliminate the electoral college and nationalize elections for all states’ for all positions that dal with federal legislation (President, Vice President, Senate and House). I’d institute term limits of two terms for senators and six terms for house, have all congressional districts generated by non-partisan districting commissions and make federal Election Day a national holiday.<br /><br />I’d also have the federal government institute a federal voter ID, but the requirement would go into effect DAY AFTER the next president election so as to afford the maximum time to obtain one, the ID would be free of charge and issued through the US Postal Service with states and political parties having absolutely no involvement in the process. Low income, elderly and disabled voters would be served remotely by their postal carrier, would be trained to deliver the application, and assistance would be available in obtaining documents through the Social Security Administration for elderly and disabled and/or the Postal Service. In addition to voter ID cards, Military ID (including dependent and retired, modified to include citizenship data and compliant with the Real ID act, as well as US Passports or any state-issued Real ID compliant ID cards would also qualify one for admission to the polls (and issuance of a federal voter ID). Voters without proper ID would still be permitted to vote with a grace period of one presidential or mid-term election, though their eligibility to vote would be verified before the vote was counted in much the same way that absentee ballots are currently verified. Also all federal elections would permit absentee voting.<br /><br />Of course that would require a constitutional amendment, which is roughly equivalent to a magic wand, so I don’t see that as being a realistic possibility for a president in today’s polarized and actively mis-informed society. Response by LTC Private RallyPoint Member made Sep 16 at 2022 9:58 AM 2022-09-16T09:58:19-04:00 2022-09-16T09:58:19-04:00 LTC Private RallyPoint Member 7880946 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Another executive order I would issue is that return of the Fairness Doctrine, and require any media outlet presenting content as “News” to make efforts to fact-check prior to reporting, to issue corrections in the same time slots that debunked falsehoods were presented, and if found to be knowingly spreading misinformation (lies) would be heavily fined for the instance, would be required to suspend any journalist who knowingly lied (and pay another fine) for the second instance and would lose their broadcasting license for a third offense in any calendar year. Bye bye OAN/Newsmax/Fox/Breitbart (and MSNBC). Response by LTC Private RallyPoint Member made Sep 16 at 2022 10:09 AM 2022-09-16T10:09:20-04:00 2022-09-16T10:09:20-04:00 SGM Michael Peterson 7881253 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I would no longer use executive orders, since most do not follow the constitution. <br /><br />I would not allow pork in the budget, and the house and senate will be the only branch that can divert the funds.<br /><br />I would ensure that we prioritize the citizens of this country, by focusing on fixing our own issues which are many.<br /><br />Taking care of our military, increasing the pay on our lower enlisted ranks, and housing. Response by SGM Michael Peterson made Sep 16 at 2022 1:38 PM 2022-09-16T13:38:35-04:00 2022-09-16T13:38:35-04:00 PFC Ken Mason 7882122 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Reagan and Trump did okay...but they both spent too much for my liking. I think a President should hold a nightly fireside chat vlog exposing and shaming corruption and waste in big government. It&#39;s time for the American people to get a monthly vote on what&#39;s put before congress or not. No riders on bills. No special interest lobbyists. We must live paycheck to paycheck to keep a roof over our family&#39;s heads. Maybe congress and senate need to feel that same pressure. We need to stop helping nations that hate us. We need to strip an employer of their citizenship and assets if they hire an illegal alien. same with property owners and housing. We could let any American with a shotgun and some coon hounds do border patrol...$5 a head bounty on the head of any who violate our border. Then we won&#39;t HAVE to worry about funding for a wall. Response by PFC Ken Mason made Sep 17 at 2022 12:08 AM 2022-09-17T00:08:44-04:00 2022-09-17T00:08:44-04:00 1SG Private RallyPoint Member 7883290 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Fire everyone in government office!! Response by 1SG Private RallyPoint Member made Sep 17 at 2022 6:19 PM 2022-09-17T18:19:22-04:00 2022-09-17T18:19:22-04:00 SSG Michael D. 7883335 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Term limits of 2 years for all politicians. Response by SSG Michael D. made Sep 17 at 2022 6:57 PM 2022-09-17T18:57:01-04:00 2022-09-17T18:57:01-04:00 PVT Private RallyPoint Member 7884165 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>We can&#39;t talk politics as a service members. If you do, anonymously is the only way. Response by PVT Private RallyPoint Member made Sep 18 at 2022 7:53 AM 2022-09-18T07:53:01-04:00 2022-09-18T07:53:01-04:00 SPC Rick Price 7884619 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Work on hunger Response by SPC Rick Price made Sep 18 at 2022 12:43 PM 2022-09-18T12:43:30-04:00 2022-09-18T12:43:30-04:00 SP5 Donna Barr 7884719 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Let me see. I&#39;m not afraid of people from other countries, so I&#39;m not being silly about &quot;immigrants.&quot; Raise the number of votes per State based on population, because I want ALL my vote, not a tiny fraction. Make gerrymandering a jailtime offense. Get religion OUT of business, education, public organizations. Get everybody self-contained solar system on their roofs. Set up a VA vegan recipe base - because I bet loads of vets need help with diets, including us Anniston vets. We got enough trouble with toxins without extra. Response by SP5 Donna Barr made Sep 18 at 2022 2:04 PM 2022-09-18T14:04:53-04:00 2022-09-18T14:04:53-04:00 MAJ Montgomery Granger 7886899 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Follow the Constitution and Laws of the United States, and defend them against all enemies, foreign and domestic. Response by MAJ Montgomery Granger made Sep 19 at 2022 6:38 PM 2022-09-19T18:38:15-04:00 2022-09-19T18:38:15-04:00 PFC Terry Kuehner 7887218 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Disbanded the IRS throw out all tax law ans set a simple tax rate that everyone would pay, with no loop holes, the rich will have to pay they&#39;re fair share Response by PFC Terry Kuehner made Sep 19 at 2022 10:26 PM 2022-09-19T22:26:58-04:00 2022-09-19T22:26:58-04:00 SGM Pat Cunningham 7887290 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Obviously any term limit requirement needs to be done through a constitutional amendment. I&#39;m good with that. <br />We already have term limits for the President. And we should now push our legislators to push for a new constitutional amendment for term limits of our Senators, Representatives, AND the Justices on the Supreme Court. <br />Here&#39;s my rant - Times have changed, life longevity improved, and government service for the Supreme Court Justice&#39;s, Senators, and Representatives should be &quot;No more than 20 years of service&quot;, or age 65, whichever comes first. <br />Obviously that means Sentators and Representatives have to get reelected in order to serve. But Supreme Courts Justices are currently appointmed for life. That needs to change too. 20 years of service, or age 65, whichever comes first ensures the country has fresh blood on a regular/recurring basis. <br />Government officials with 40-50+ years of service have lost touch with their constituents. Just saying! Response by SGM Pat Cunningham made Sep 19 at 2022 11:54 PM 2022-09-19T23:54:32-04:00 2022-09-19T23:54:32-04:00 SSG Frank Lunasco 7887441 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Take a better look at our country and that people are still out there who needs more assistance our Government spends a lot of money helping other countries what is really more important. Response by SSG Frank Lunasco made Sep 20 at 2022 2:44 AM 2022-09-20T02:44:14-04:00 2022-09-20T02:44:14-04:00 Cpl Henry Busby 7887999 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Institute legislation to impose term limits for House and Senate. Response by Cpl Henry Busby made Sep 20 at 2022 10:47 AM 2022-09-20T10:47:27-04:00 2022-09-20T10:47:27-04:00 PO3 Robert Cassidy 7888293 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Lay-off, without pay, medical benefits, and retirement, a target of 90% of the bureaucracy. Response by PO3 Robert Cassidy made Sep 20 at 2022 2:52 PM 2022-09-20T14:52:47-04:00 2022-09-20T14:52:47-04:00 PO3 Rick Morrot 7889952 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I most definitely agree with that executive order stating that all senators and congressmen have term limits just like the president. Also Make the death penalty a nationwide standard for anyone that commits murder or child moleststation. And last but not least unemployment compensation last only six months no more free shit Response by PO3 Rick Morrot made Sep 21 at 2022 11:35 AM 2022-09-21T11:35:18-04:00 2022-09-21T11:35:18-04:00 LTC Private RallyPoint Member 7890226 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Submit a true balanced budget to Congress that actually eliminates deficit spending and only plans to spend that what is estimated to be collected in taxes. And, in formulating that budget, demand that every department (except the DoD) submit to a 1% reduction in budget every year following. The Gov&#39;t should get better and more efficient at its operation and seek to cut cost and maximize shareholder (tax payers) return as much as possible. Response by LTC Private RallyPoint Member made Sep 21 at 2022 2:35 PM 2022-09-21T14:35:20-04:00 2022-09-21T14:35:20-04:00 A1C Diane Phillips 7891313 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>There are so many things to be done they&#39;re too numerous to count at this point! I think the first thing I would have to do is do the border wall and round up everybody that got into our country and ship them right back from where they came from! Response by A1C Diane Phillips made Sep 22 at 2022 2:21 AM 2022-09-22T02:21:36-04:00 2022-09-22T02:21:36-04:00 SSG Randall Speck 7892310 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Ensure all Laws on the books are enforced and followed! If they are out of date get rid or update them. If they are against the Constitution get rid of them. Those that do not follow the law in government impeach them or jail them. Those that will not enforce the Laws fine them until they do. Lawlessness has to stop, or the country will fall! Response by SSG Randall Speck made Sep 22 at 2022 4:30 PM 2022-09-22T16:30:28-04:00 2022-09-22T16:30:28-04:00 SA Ronald Bliss 7892637 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I&#39;d fire everyone and pick my own. Too many CAREER politicians, sucking America and Veterans dry! Response by SA Ronald Bliss made Sep 22 at 2022 8:01 PM 2022-09-22T20:01:55-04:00 2022-09-22T20:01:55-04:00 CPL John Carswell 7894390 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I have warning labels removed from all products for at least two years. Should solve a great deal of our issues. Carbon footprint, food and material shortages, would extend all of our resources. Response by CPL John Carswell made Sep 23 at 2022 7:26 PM 2022-09-23T19:26:14-04:00 2022-09-23T19:26:14-04:00 SFC David Reid, M.S, PHR, SHRM-CP, DTM 7901178 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>My comments are below! Response by SFC David Reid, M.S, PHR, SHRM-CP, DTM made Sep 28 at 2022 12:17 PM 2022-09-28T12:17:14-04:00 2022-09-28T12:17:14-04:00 MSG Raymond Davis 7917506 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Close the border and reopen drilling rights to become self sustaining. Response by MSG Raymond Davis made Oct 7 at 2022 10:20 AM 2022-10-07T10:20:26-04:00 2022-10-07T10:20:26-04:00 SPC Tamara Trammell 7925623 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Since there&#39;s no way I&#39;d run for president, I probably inherited the office.<br />First thing to do is paint the late president as a saint. Perfect, above fault, the penultimate American and an impossibly a-politic politician. Woe is us, there shall never be another like him.<br />After that I can do whatever the hell I want.<br />Education and teacher reforms suspiciously penned by myself? It&#39;s what he wanted. Term limits and congress required to use public healthcare? Just fulfilling his campaign promises. Mandatory service in the military, agriculture, logistics, infrastructure, or other necessities of a modern civilization before university? Near and dear to his heart. PETA and Scientology are cults to be immediately dismantled? It kept him up at night, let him rest in peace.<br />Machiavellian politics with a martyr. It gets the job done. Response by SPC Tamara Trammell made Oct 11 at 2022 11:20 PM 2022-10-11T23:20:36-04:00 2022-10-11T23:20:36-04:00 Cpl Cash Kimmerle 7926744 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Very simple. Place every single woke radical leftist liberal into already established FEMA camps to be utilized for re-education &amp; deprogramming. Shut down 98% of media &amp; re-seed with legitimate journalism. You’d solve 99.99% of our problems &amp; that’s not being facetious in the least. We’re at the brink of losing it all. Response by Cpl Cash Kimmerle made Oct 12 at 2022 3:44 PM 2022-10-12T15:44:46-04:00 2022-10-12T15:44:46-04:00 PFC Stephen Eric Serati 7927480 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Tone down the extremely divisive rhetoric in this country,by any means necessary,on all sides of the political isle.An executive order banning any and all hate speech from politicians,civillians ,executives, and judicial with very strong punishments with exclusions from any government, state,jobs and prison.It has to stop for us to be the United States before its to late. Response by PFC Stephen Eric Serati made Oct 12 at 2022 9:41 PM 2022-10-12T21:41:51-04:00 2022-10-12T21:41:51-04:00 CPL John Robbins 7928383 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Close the FN border, and remove all illegals. Response by CPL John Robbins made Oct 13 at 2022 9:10 AM 2022-10-13T09:10:25-04:00 2022-10-13T09:10:25-04:00 A1C Bob Foy 7929955 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Hire 45 as Chief Advisor to the new POTUS! Response by A1C Bob Foy made Oct 14 at 2022 2:26 AM 2022-10-14T02:26:38-04:00 2022-10-14T02:26:38-04:00 SSG Chris Gursky 7930475 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I believe that ALL elected officials should be required to serve no more than 3 terms, 2 in elected office (if the choose) and one of equal length in Prison. Most of the folks in DC right now just need to go straight to prison. And I don’t mean Club Fed, Something more like Parchman Response by SSG Chris Gursky made Oct 14 at 2022 10:16 AM 2022-10-14T10:16:34-04:00 2022-10-14T10:16:34-04:00 SFC Private RallyPoint Member 7932011 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Fix the economy in any necessary form, political differences will always exist but money talks and bullshit walks. <br /><br />You can give credit to anyone but at the end of the day, swiping that card hurts. Response by SFC Private RallyPoint Member made Oct 15 at 2022 7:28 AM 2022-10-15T07:28:24-04:00 2022-10-15T07:28:24-04:00 PFC Edmond Austin 7932035 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Fire everyone Biden put in office especially Austin! Arrest the AG and Heads of FBI Response by PFC Edmond Austin made Oct 15 at 2022 7:37 AM 2022-10-15T07:37:43-04:00 2022-10-15T07:37:43-04:00 PFC Edmond Austin 7932039 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Depot everyone who crossed the border. Let Border Patrol know if shot at shoot to kill Response by PFC Edmond Austin made Oct 15 at 2022 7:39 AM 2022-10-15T07:39:35-04:00 2022-10-15T07:39:35-04:00 Maj Robert Larkowski 7932340 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>How about an action that would improve race relations.<br />All this friction amongst the races is degrading our American society. Response by Maj Robert Larkowski made Oct 15 at 2022 11:19 AM 2022-10-15T11:19:15-04:00 2022-10-15T11:19:15-04:00 PO2 John Drillock 7932899 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>CANCEL Biden’s 87,000 new IRS agents and double size of Border Patrol. If anyone thinks the IRS isn’t going after working class folks think again. that’s where the easy money is. The rich can hire lawyers and tie the IRS up for ages while us folks can’t afford lawyers and we pay even though we pay year after year patriotically and just want to get the IRS off our backs. Thanks Joe, how’s Corn Pop? Response by PO2 John Drillock made Oct 15 at 2022 6:53 PM 2022-10-15T18:53:03-04:00 2022-10-15T18:53:03-04:00 SSgt Russell Stevens 7932940 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Put term limits on congress Response by SSgt Russell Stevens made Oct 15 at 2022 7:18 PM 2022-10-15T19:18:40-04:00 2022-10-15T19:18:40-04:00 SPC Russell T. Andrews 7934256 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Bring honor back to our military! Response by SPC Russell T. Andrews made Oct 16 at 2022 4:22 PM 2022-10-16T16:22:48-04:00 2022-10-16T16:22:48-04:00 Sgt Ford Buchanan 7934361 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Purge the DoJ and FBI of every single one of the traitors who have made those organizations the politicized monsters they have become. Response by Sgt Ford Buchanan made Oct 16 at 2022 5:08 PM 2022-10-16T17:08:51-04:00 2022-10-16T17:08:51-04:00 HA Janet Valenti 7934454 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I would stop the welfare system and start everything over. There are to many generations living off it and it needs to stop. Give them free or reduced college and give them a choice to get a job! Stop all of the freeloading in the United States!!! Response by HA Janet Valenti made Oct 16 at 2022 6:57 PM 2022-10-16T18:57:12-04:00 2022-10-16T18:57:12-04:00 1SG Private RallyPoint Member 7934599 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Rescind all declared emergencies and executive orders that have any effect beyond instructing an executive agency on a matter of policy. Then use the bully pulpit to inform the general public that they should not accept federal emergency declarations or abusive executive orders as they are unconstitutional.<br /><br />Rescind all executive branch regulations that are not tied to legislative requirements, or that carry any form of penalty outside the federal government. Return to the bully pulpit to instruct the public that the executive ranch has no legislative authority. Put Congress on notice that they will need to create regulatory requirements and are the sole arbiters for establishing any limitations on the lives, liberty, or property of the people. Response by 1SG Private RallyPoint Member made Oct 16 at 2022 8:58 PM 2022-10-16T20:58:08-04:00 2022-10-16T20:58:08-04:00 SSgt William Blanshan 7934965 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I would defund and negate the FBI the DEA and ESPECIALLY the ATF. None of those agencies are Constitutional and the ATF in particular was created to make &quot;regulations&quot; that congress was too chickenshit to try to pass. By Constitution, if it&#39;s not passed through Congress and signed by the President, then it&#39;s not a law and I have no real reason to obey it. Response by SSgt William Blanshan made Oct 17 at 2022 12:10 AM 2022-10-17T00:10:03-04:00 2022-10-17T00:10:03-04:00 MSgt Frank Askins 7935205 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Replace the VP! Response by MSgt Frank Askins made Oct 17 at 2022 5:21 AM 2022-10-17T05:21:53-04:00 2022-10-17T05:21:53-04:00 CPT Private RallyPoint Member 7935580 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Seize the assets of the DNC and all other large sources of leftist PAC Money.<br />Seize the assets of the RNC and all other large sources of rightest PAC Money.<br />Carefully vet all elected officials for graft, treasonous association with foreign corporations and nations, influence peddling, etc. and arrest same.<br />Arrest everyone associated with censorship via Social Media.<br />Break up multi-national arms dealers and the military industrial complex.<br />Fair trials (really) to be followed by limited executions (televised) of the worst offenders (where are you hiding Jane Fonda?). Re-education for other offenders progressive and &quot;corporate&quot; conservative alike.<br />Cancel the current &quot;blank check&quot; for criminals, by any and all means required.<br />Reward good and average law enforcement officers. Appropriately punish bad officers.<br />and on, and on, and on ....<br /><br />This is why the Lord hasn&#39;t given me this type of authority. I would become a bad man very quickly. Response by CPT Private RallyPoint Member made Oct 17 at 2022 10:47 AM 2022-10-17T10:47:42-04:00 2022-10-17T10:47:42-04:00 SSG Roger Ayscue 7935856 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>One could start by finding and rescinding every document and order that Joe Biden has signed, ever in his 50 years in Washington. To obliterate the Name of Biden from public memory to never be spoken again in public or private. That the name of Joe Biden be relegated to the stories we tell naughty children... If you do not behave Joe Biden will come in the night and steal your eternal soul and give it to the devil Response by SSG Roger Ayscue made Oct 17 at 2022 2:01 PM 2022-10-17T14:01:21-04:00 2022-10-17T14:01:21-04:00 A1C Michael Beal 7936333 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>1) Abolish all political parties: The current 2-party system is untenable and doesn&#39;t truly represent the diversity of thought within the American public. Funding for national campaigns may be drawn from a voluntary, citizen-financed program.<br /><br />2) Institute term limits for ALL elected positions: Politics should never be a lifelong career for anyone, at any level. No person is to serve more than an aggregate total of 12 years in ALL elected positions for which they are eligible.<br /><br />3) Reinstate capital punishment for violent offenders, on a national level: If you think so little of human life as to abuse others or commit murder, you do not deserve to live. Clear, indisputable evidence is required to carry out punishment.<br /><br />4) Impose national military service requirements: All citizens have an obligation to support and defend the nation, whether thru front line defense or service to front line troops. Minimum of two years service beginning no later than age 24. Response by A1C Michael Beal made Oct 17 at 2022 8:43 PM 2022-10-17T20:43:05-04:00 2022-10-17T20:43:05-04:00 CPL Sheila Lewis 7939224 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>There are so many Prior Service from each of the branches, Guard, and Reserves that they could guard the border, six-month rotations. Response by CPL Sheila Lewis made Oct 19 at 2022 12:47 PM 2022-10-19T12:47:11-04:00 2022-10-19T12:47:11-04:00 PV2 Rickie Bentley 7941459 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I would reach out to others just like myself , I would want the opinions , &amp; advice of people such as I , the ones who are not now, nor have ever been career politicians. It&#39;s those who are innocent of being corrupted , that can best detect , and determine , those that are the corrupt , or corruptible by their nature&#39;s , or their actions. Being the President of a true Super Power Nation such as these United States of America is NOT AN EASY TASK , no sir , it is a Job that takes a seriously passionate approach , and a truly dedicated honest sincere understanding of the people who make up our Great Nation. Leading the masses by the utmost forthright examples of TRUTH , HONESTY , LOYALTY , DEDICATION , &amp; PATRIOTISM. You see , it takes all of us , not just one of us. It takes a President who as Trump said , PUTS Response by PV2 Rickie Bentley made Oct 20 at 2022 2:24 PM 2022-10-20T14:24:23-04:00 2022-10-20T14:24:23-04:00 CSM David Owens 7942427 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Improve petroleum production Response by CSM David Owens made Oct 21 at 2022 7:10 AM 2022-10-21T07:10:03-04:00 2022-10-21T07:10:03-04:00 SGT Linda J. 7949332 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I think we need to corral in the people who are paid to lobby in Congress along with only allowing being re-elected to same office for no more than 3 terms. Response by SGT Linda J. made Oct 25 at 2022 2:07 PM 2022-10-25T14:07:28-04:00 2022-10-25T14:07:28-04:00 SrA Private RallyPoint Member 7950163 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>The border is right there, and your bus ticket is right here. Bu-bye. <a target="_blank" href=""></a> <div class="pta-link-card answers-template-image type-default"> <div class="pta-link-card-picture"> <img src=""> </div> <div class="pta-link-card-content"> <p class="pta-link-card-title"> <a target="blank" href="">Basketball Stars</a> </p> <p class="pta-link-card-description">Basketball Stars is the most exciting two-player game for gamers who are fans of basketball. It&#39;s great to win a medal while playing and see your name appear on the leaderboard!</p> </div> <div class="clearfix"></div> </div> Response by SrA Private RallyPoint Member made Oct 26 at 2022 4:49 AM 2022-10-26T04:49:50-04:00 2022-10-26T04:49:50-04:00 SN Russell Helberg 7952608 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>step down and put trump back in========= Response by SN Russell Helberg made Oct 27 at 2022 1:31 PM 2022-10-27T13:31:40-04:00 2022-10-27T13:31:40-04:00 SGT John Overby 7963148 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I would bring all the people who want to shoot someone to D.C. and have them enter RFK Stadium. Lock the doors and the &quot;Best Man Wins&quot;! Response by SGT John Overby made Nov 3 at 2022 10:37 AM 2022-11-03T10:37:21-04:00 2022-11-03T10:37:21-04:00 LCpl Jeff Moore 7968179 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>It would be toss up between the scotus revamp. Where a life appointment is only till age 80, require that be have a law degree, and have been a sitting judge for atleast 8 years. Further each potus may only appoint one justice to a life term per 4 year term. Any other appointment are temporary. Temporary <br /> appointment can be replaced or converted to a lifetime appointment by the next potus term. <br /><br />Or change citizenship to only those born in the U.S. to one parent that also hold U.S. citizenship. Legal permanent residence may only become a USC if fully fluent in English and been a resident for atleast 20 years. Also any USC that applies for a foreign citizenship and hold a passport from that nation will be consider to have given up their U.S. Citizenship Response by LCpl Jeff Moore made Nov 6 at 2022 10:55 AM 2022-11-06T10:55:49-05:00 2022-11-06T10:55:49-05:00 SSG Bill McCoy 7970328 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Cancel every one of Biden&#39;s executive orders, especially in regard to fossil fuels! Response by SSG Bill McCoy made Nov 7 at 2022 3:27 PM 2022-11-07T15:27:32-05:00 2022-11-07T15:27:32-05:00 SFC Frank Quiroz 7980839 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Term limits! Response by SFC Frank Quiroz made Nov 14 at 2022 10:45 AM 2022-11-14T10:45:22-05:00 2022-11-14T10:45:22-05:00 Sgt Luis Bonilla 8032137 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Pour billions into our military 1st raise the pay our volunteer service don’t make enough for what they being asked to accomplish they need more money also have better incentives for recruitment again $$ pour as much as it takes we need our military and there families to feel wanted we need to do better. 2nd secure our country of all threats make our ppl safe and secure 3rd pour as much money it takes to care for our VETERANS they kept there promise we must keep ours Response by Sgt Luis Bonilla made Dec 16 at 2022 3:47 PM 2022-12-16T15:47:12-05:00 2022-12-16T15:47:12-05:00 SSG Sharon Fields 8069304 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Close the border! Immediately. Response by SSG Sharon Fields made Jan 6 at 2023 8:30 PM 2023-01-06T20:30:17-05:00 2023-01-06T20:30:17-05:00 PO2 George OConnor 8097386 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Consequences for elected officials for dereliction of duty and treason. No consequences no change of behavior Response by PO2 George OConnor made Jan 23 at 2023 1:17 PM 2023-01-23T13:17:31-05:00 2023-01-23T13:17:31-05:00 Lt Col Jeff J. 8127746 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Secure the border. Response by Lt Col Jeff J. made Feb 10 at 2023 12:15 PM 2023-02-10T12:15:29-05:00 2023-02-10T12:15:29-05:00 1SG James Kelly 8143301 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Oh the choices! Response by 1SG James Kelly made Feb 20 at 2023 9:15 AM 2023-02-20T09:15:15-05:00 2023-02-20T09:15:15-05:00 A1C Medrick "Rick" DeVaney 8143598 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>For ME It Would Be EASY<br />Scrap What We&#39;ve Been Passing Off AS Education<br />And Install A USEFUL Education System.<br />At Present, NOTHING Useful Is Taught After The 6th GRADE...<br />THINK About It, What Were We Taught The Following SIX YEARS, Which Added To Our <br />Ability To Be Employed By ANYONE?.... Were We Actually QUALIFIED To Do Anything?<br />... Students Graduate High School, After 13 YEARS,With NO Employment Skills What-So-Ever....ZERO...~~ ~~They Don&#39;t Know SH*T!~~<br />~~ 7 Years Of Learning Survival Skills ~ Plus 6 Years More Of Nothing...<br />In Other Words A Total Of SIX YEARS Shot In The Ass...... Response by A1C Medrick "Rick" DeVaney made Feb 20 at 2023 12:05 PM 2023-02-20T12:05:39-05:00 2023-02-20T12:05:39-05:00 SSG Bill McCoy 8143776 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>1. Remove ALL woke ideology from the military and government.<br />2. Term Limits for the House &amp; Senate.<br />3. Eliminate the IRS as it is today; replace taxes with a national Flat Tax for EVERYONE regardless of income. Response by SSG Bill McCoy made Feb 20 at 2023 1:56 PM 2023-02-20T13:56:30-05:00 2023-02-20T13:56:30-05:00 Lt Col Timothy Cassidy-Curtis 8144217 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Step One (A): Fully develop all production of natural resources, such as coal, oil and gas; do this in an environmentally responsible manner (balance). Do this in a manner that stabilizes the economy and contributes to national prosperity.<br /><br />Step One (B): Develop Thorium Molten Salt Reactors (TMSR&#39;s). Estimated cost $500,000,000 over five years. Create fully commercially viable plants to be constructed (established) everywhere. At least in each State; this should include all major metropolitan areas (LA, NYC, etc.). <br /><br />Step One (C): Continue development on fusion energy. While commercial practicality may remain beyond current technology, incremental advancements have been promising. Use of TMRS&#39;s will bridge the gap between current requirements and what fusion can, ultimately, deliver.<br /><br />Step two: Perform an analysis of the top tax rate and the GNP. Understand where the best rate, for the greatest intake into the Treasury per tax percentage might be. Propose that tax rate, and insist on a balanced budget. Response by Lt Col Timothy Cassidy-Curtis made Feb 20 at 2023 7:32 PM 2023-02-20T19:32:04-05:00 2023-02-20T19:32:04-05:00 SGT Kerry Sommers 8226950 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Make the rich pay their fair share of taxes. Make everyone serve in the military for at least one tour. Response by SGT Kerry Sommers made Apr 12 at 2023 7:36 PM 2023-04-12T19:36:02-04:00 2023-04-12T19:36:02-04:00 COL Private RallyPoint Member 8234640 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I&#39;d get the hell out of Donald Trump&#39;s office. Response by COL Private RallyPoint Member made Apr 17 at 2023 7:55 AM 2023-04-17T07:55:02-04:00 2023-04-17T07:55:02-04:00 PO3 Lou Colasanti 8238790 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Abolish political parties and have folks run on their policy proposals and their voting records. Response by PO3 Lou Colasanti made Apr 19 at 2023 3:34 PM 2023-04-19T15:34:20-04:00 2023-04-19T15:34:20-04:00 SP5 Chuck Yarling 8255904 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Close all of our southern border! Response by SP5 Chuck Yarling made Apr 29 at 2023 4:15 PM 2023-04-29T16:15:05-04:00 2023-04-29T16:15:05-04:00 A1C Medrick "Rick" DeVaney 8257018 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Totally Remove And Replace Our Education System,<br />Right Down To The Dust On The Floor.<br />And Replace, What&#39;s Being Taught Now, <br />With An Actual Education. Subjects Which Can<br />Actually Be Used In Our Daily Lives, And Towards<br />A Career Upon Graduation, In Stead Of a Job.!<br />If Ya Wanna Know What&#39;s Going On In Today&#39;s Education,<br />As A Retired Teacher......They Can Tell Ya...<br />If An Employed Teacher Tells You, And The Higher Ups Don&#39;t Like It,<br />Chances Are Excellent They&#39;ll Find A Way To FIRE Them Response by A1C Medrick "Rick" DeVaney made Apr 30 at 2023 10:33 AM 2023-04-30T10:33:59-04:00 2023-04-30T10:33:59-04:00 CPT Private RallyPoint Member 8257293 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Please don&#39;t tempt me. ;-) Response by CPT Private RallyPoint Member made Apr 30 at 2023 1:47 PM 2023-04-30T13:47:37-04:00 2023-04-30T13:47:37-04:00 Sgt Bob Corridan 8257330 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Open up the pipe line, expand the hardware needs of the military, strengthen the border, make the country an energy exporter versus an energy importer, provide cost incentives on products that are at the very least assembled in the U.S. provided that labor costs are commensurate to that which would be manufactured and assembled offshore, get the hell out of the United Nations until all nations pay their fair share, bring the Ukraine into the protective envelope of NATO and don&#39;t be so worried about the position that Russia might take and stop fretting about China...for God&#39;s sakes without the U.S. buying their end products they be nothing more than an importer of rice...let them bluster all they want..they need us a heck of a lot more than we need them... Response by Sgt Bob Corridan made Apr 30 at 2023 2:33 PM 2023-04-30T14:33:48-04:00 2023-04-30T14:33:48-04:00 SMSgt Bob W. 8257547 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>After reading these comments, I have decided to move to Canada. You have some read NUTS answering this question. Response by SMSgt Bob W. made Apr 30 at 2023 5:05 PM 2023-04-30T17:05:49-04:00 2023-04-30T17:05:49-04:00 Lt Col Jeff J. 8269705 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Bring back worship of God instead of government. Judge only on content of character instead of skin color/race/ethnicity/gender or other immutable characteristics. Remove all questions regarding race or ethnicity or sexuality from all government forms as these categories are irrelevant to being an American. Only allow US citizens to vote, buy property or guns, seek employment, or have a government-issued REAL ID. Enforce existing immigration laws and stop collecting data on all financial transactions. Do not allow labor unions or special interest groups to dictate government policy. Allow government funding for individual students, not schools. Require all government schools to teach civics, US history, and STEM+cyber mandatory classes. Response by Lt Col Jeff J. made May 7 at 2023 5:49 PM 2023-05-07T17:49:48-04:00 2023-05-07T17:49:48-04:00 CSM Thomas Ray 8321419 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>The first thing would be to secure the border and enforce the laws already in place at the border. Become energy independent, because of the security risks involved from relying on other countries. This would do a lot for our foreign policy. Term limits for all elected officials. Response by CSM Thomas Ray made Jun 11 at 2023 9:51 AM 2023-06-11T09:51:07-04:00 2023-06-11T09:51:07-04:00 Maj Robert Larkowski 8343956 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>How about eliminating &quot;pork barrel&quot; spending.<br />I bet that would save the country a lot of money. Response by Maj Robert Larkowski made Jun 26 at 2023 2:39 PM 2023-06-26T14:39:32-04:00 2023-06-26T14:39:32-04:00 SPC Rick Price 8362697 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Realize that whatever I try and do is hopeless and will generally not change that much on this earth. Response by SPC Rick Price made Jul 9 at 2023 12:03 AM 2023-07-09T00:03:08-04:00 2023-07-09T00:03:08-04:00 CPL T.A. Nelson 8375253 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Executive order to register immigrants of all types, clear the dreamers as citizens make gun registration a national requirement at 19 or 20 years old - giving kids potentially a year to think before shooting up a school... Response by CPL T.A. Nelson made Jul 17 at 2023 9:36 AM 2023-07-17T09:36:23-04:00 2023-07-17T09:36:23-04:00 PFC Eduardo Bautista 8400657 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Try to straighten up the problems with weapons. Response by PFC Eduardo Bautista made Aug 1 at 2023 11:44 AM 2023-08-01T11:44:36-04:00 2023-08-01T11:44:36-04:00 SPC John Tsutsui 8406231 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Term limits. No lifetime pension. Live by the same laws that are passed on the people. Response by SPC John Tsutsui made Aug 4 at 2023 5:15 PM 2023-08-04T17:15:29-04:00 2023-08-04T17:15:29-04:00 SPC Lyle Montgomery 8406272 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Maj. William Beaver, Fire all the top heads of all the alphabet groups. Start oil exploration and refinement in the United States. Do away with all woke policies, especially in the military and much more to make the U.S the top world power again. Response by SPC Lyle Montgomery made Aug 4 at 2023 6:07 PM 2023-08-04T18:07:38-04:00 2023-08-04T18:07:38-04:00 Lt Col Timothy Cassidy-Curtis 8406748 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>1. Start drilling for more oil. &quot;Drill, baby, drill!&quot; Replenish the Strategic Petroleum Reserves. Stabilize and strengthen the Economy.<br />2. Completely fund operational commercialization of the Thorium Molten Salt Reactor (TMSR); funding should be at $5 billion, with a program period of performance of three years with the objective of producing commercially viable TMSR&#39;s. Once commercially viable, install at least one in each State. Sell licenses to foreign governments. <br />3. Complete development of fusion power. Response by Lt Col Timothy Cassidy-Curtis made Aug 4 at 2023 11:58 PM 2023-08-04T23:58:59-04:00 2023-08-04T23:58:59-04:00 SPC Rob Henkel 8419773 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Everything that I can to get term limits enacted for the Senate and the Representatives. This puts them BACK into their districts and in touch with the people that they represent. Two two year terms followed by a required two term break in which they cannot run for office. After that they can run for two more terms. I think that they should be able to do this throughout their life if they choose - be voted into office as many times as they are legally allowed. AND - they do NOT get an automatic retirement - but a retirement after 20 total years of service IN OFFICE - just like everybody that they represent! I would like to see a 50% pay cut as well - including ME as the President... OR they pay their OWN way through - Their office supplies, their assistants, their office space, their travel, their phone calls/bills... EVERYTHING... but I don&#39;t think that would EVER pass since they will not vote against themselves. Response by SPC Rob Henkel made Aug 13 at 2023 11:54 AM 2023-08-13T11:54:56-04:00 2023-08-13T11:54:56-04:00 CPL Edward Barton 8437626 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Repeal everything that idiotic biden and his far left administration has done to cripple the United States of America. Response by CPL Edward Barton made Aug 24 at 2023 9:06 AM 2023-08-24T09:06:21-04:00 2023-08-24T09:06:21-04:00 CPT Private RallyPoint Member 8455848 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>REALLY close the border to illegal aliens. Response by CPT Private RallyPoint Member made Sep 4 at 2023 12:21 PM 2023-09-04T12:21:41-04:00 2023-09-04T12:21:41-04:00 SSgt James Carter 8463237 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Demonstrate and require personal responsibility for our individual lives; it is rarely someone else&#39;s fault. Response by SSgt James Carter made Sep 9 at 2023 6:21 AM 2023-09-09T06:21:51-04:00 2023-09-09T06:21:51-04:00 A1C Marion Mills 8508749 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>No one party should have a majority in more than one body of the House, Senate, or Executive branch. Parties can subvert our intended system of checks and balances by doing so. When one party does own a majority in more than one of these governing bodies, they cease to be &quot;The House&quot;, &quot;The Senate&quot;, or &quot;The President&quot; and become different departments of the same 1 party which can then completely bypass all intended checks and balances with little to no opposition or consideration. Response by A1C Marion Mills made Oct 10 at 2023 2:48 PM 2023-10-10T14:48:39-04:00 2023-10-10T14:48:39-04:00 A1C Marion Mills 8508758 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>No citizen should be asked for their party affiliations upon registration. This single practice has caused our population to become subservient to the parties instead of the parties being subject to the will of the people. By ascribing fealty to a political party we then become subject to hordes of emails soliciting money and demanding our complete obedience to the party platform. As far as I&#39;m concerned, the parties should be completely in the dark about the affiliation of our citizens. It would remove Gerrymandering and render more malevolently inclined parties to second guess what they can get away with before the public blows up on their shenanigans. Response by A1C Marion Mills made Oct 10 at 2023 2:54 PM 2023-10-10T14:54:26-04:00 2023-10-10T14:54:26-04:00 PO2 Brandon McHenry 8520270 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>1. Stop all spending outside of SSI, Medicare and VA and demand a balanced budget amendment<br />2. Call for Convention of the States<br /> Goals - Term Limits for ALL elected positions, no guaranteed benefits unless you get reelected and serve all possible terms to their fullest extent, ANY impropriety/charge/conviction/impeachment/recall - Immediate dismissal from elected position, block ALL campaign contributions from companies/entities/PACs, Block all lobbying PERIOD<br />3. Simplify the tax code and abolish all enforcement areas of the IRS, no armed agents.<br />4. Abolish ATF, DOE, EPA ENTIRELY<br />5. Establish Law Enforcement baselines for the entire country in respect to Constitutional Rights. Any Law Enforcement Officer or Government Official whether Federal, State, or local who denies ANY Constitutional Right illegitimately, regardless of whether they know they are doing so or not (No Qualified Immunity), will be immediately dismissed and barred from EVER being any part of law enforcement OR GOVERNMENT FOR LIFE. Further, if the violations are egregious, they will be subject to mandatory maximum jail time under 18 USC 242, Deprivation of Rights under color of law.<br /><br />For #2 - 6x 2 year terms for Senate<br /> 3x 4 year terms for House<br /><br />No more than 12 years in office for ANY Politician. Response by PO2 Brandon McHenry made Oct 19 at 2023 2:46 PM 2023-10-19T14:46:22-04:00 2023-10-19T14:46:22-04:00 PO1 Gerald Garrett 8552097 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>First off would pencil whip executive order ending the drug war on humans and their associated plants god put on earth for humans to use especially disabled vets. Ending the war be a true first step towards peace in the USA. Nixon pencil whipped marijuana illegal same way with one stroke of the pen in 24 hours was done sealed illegal.<br /><br />Biden fifty years later said vote for me and will decriminalize cannabis within first year of office. Millions of vets did so only to be slapped in the face and he wonders why approval rating so low. Response by PO1 Gerald Garrett made Nov 14 at 2023 8:59 AM 2023-11-14T08:59:22-05:00 2023-11-14T08:59:22-05:00 CPT Gurinder (Gene) Rana 8553333 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>1. Lower national debt by reviewing programs that are drowning our economy and affecting consumer spending in our Country. As President, I would review Federal Student Loan programs to see how many borrowers actually require debt relief from the Government. I would then strategize options with Congress in a bipartisan manner to ensure bipartisan congressional support for best option applied for selected Federal Student Loan borrowers. I would have the State Department work on plans for foreign economic partnerships which are mutually beneficial. I would work with the State Department and Congress on U.S. plans for U.S. involvement in foreign conflicts, including Ukraine, Israel, Iran, North Korea and China.<br /><br />2. I would start a program to share plans, Congressional responses, Government options which have achieved bipartisan support , best options from the bipartisan approved list to carry forward Government plans. I would then leave a window and encourage public input before giving order to execute the best chosen option. This is a psuedo-open door policy. After all, the President must lead from the front on best practices. <br /><br />3. I would work with the Defense Department to roll back unnecessary programs and deployments to reduce cost. However, I will never compromise on expenses for proper, unbiased, and transparent OIG investigations in MWPA cases without violating any law, directive, instruction, regulation, and policy. Where there is doubt in Command process, the benefit is for the Complainants. The MWPA legislation must be followed without arbitrary deviations and arbitrary case closures. Complainants must be kept informed without redactions. I support the Whistleblower Program in both the Military and the Civil Service. <br /><br />4. I would look at other departments and offices to identify unnecessary programs and undertakings to reduce Government expenses. Reducing Federal Debt by cutting out unneeded spending across departments and offices in Government is the best starting point for any incoming President. Response by CPT Gurinder (Gene) Rana made Nov 15 at 2023 11:01 AM 2023-11-15T11:01:42-05:00 2023-11-15T11:01:42-05:00 SGT Robert Coleman 8567345 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I agree with term limits and age limits such as 80 or 85.<br />Start requiring all immigrants to get registered ID# or S.S. #.<br />Balance the Budget or no pay.<br />Stop all the grants to the big oil companies.<br />I COULD GO ON, BUT THAT WOULD BE A GOOD START. Response by SGT Robert Coleman made Nov 27 at 2023 12:49 PM 2023-11-27T12:49:11-05:00 2023-11-27T12:49:11-05:00 SP5 Delphis Kaczowski 8581471 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>2 terms in Congress should be enough. Washington, DC looks like a Nursing Home for Politicians. Response by SP5 Delphis Kaczowski made Dec 9 at 2023 6:31 PM 2023-12-09T18:31:00-05:00 2023-12-09T18:31:00-05:00 SFC William Linnell 8582138 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Where do we start? I have thought a lot on this on many occasions. I would build towns along the border. Call up the reserves to assist ICE, DHS, and Border Agents to round up ALL illegals. Bring them down to those towns, Get a viable headcount. HYDE system them all. Start building the Great Wall of the US on the same as the Wall of China. Every illegal will have a job. Kids will be in school learning English and all the other subjects. If they don&#39;t want to be there working towards their US Citizenship...bye bye. Flagged and sent back over. Trust me that I have been piecing this together for many years. Once the wall is built, they take the US Citizen test in English and get sworn in. Receive pay for all their hard work, minus expenses for food, medical and dental, clothes etc. Then given the option of bus ride to where ever they want to go. Be law abiding citizens, work pay your taxes and not be a burden to society.<br />That&#39;s it in a nutshell.<br />Next, stop sending taxpayers money to all these countries that support terrorism and hate us. Make <br /> a clean out of &quot;Political&quot; military officers. Making the branches to be able to conduct business without Congress making them a &quot;Social Experiment&quot;, ending all this forced woke sh*t. Put a choke hold on anything coming in from China. Bring back American companies back in the US, Stop Chinese Nationals from purchasing land, from taking over American food processing plants. Do away with the ATF, clean house in the FBI and other Federal Offices. Maybe create an Office solely dedicated to stopping child trafficking. <br />One of the Biggest things I would change is to make Congress balance the budget and stop putting in all those waste pork favors. <br />This is enough material to piss off a bunch of people. Response by SFC William Linnell made Dec 10 at 2023 9:50 AM 2023-12-10T09:50:58-05:00 2023-12-10T09:50:58-05:00 SN Nicola Poitras 8586870 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Make all terms In Congress 2 term limit. Every politician now pays into Social Security and no more pensions for them. No special medical plan for life, no retirement. <br />Their salaries are G5 level. These people are supposed to be Civil Servants. ALL TAX RETURNS are IRS investigated, any funds not from gainful employment must be surrendered and used towards getting rid of the welfare debt in this country. Response by SN Nicola Poitras made Dec 13 at 2023 7:04 PM 2023-12-13T19:04:57-05:00 2023-12-13T19:04:57-05:00 MSgt Tim Ulery 8595059 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Disband Dept of Education, EPA, ATF, and fire the top two tiers of the FBI. Response by MSgt Tim Ulery made Dec 19 at 2023 9:17 PM 2023-12-19T21:17:29-05:00 2023-12-19T21:17:29-05:00 MSgt Tim Ulery 8595063 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I forgot to add get rid of DHS Response by MSgt Tim Ulery made Dec 19 at 2023 9:20 PM 2023-12-19T21:20:02-05:00 2023-12-19T21:20:02-05:00 WO1 Private RallyPoint Member 8621906 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Stop sending money to other countries and put money back to the u.s. citizens improving city and country life. &quot;Example fix contaminated water sources.&quot;- Work on Improving k5-12 education, focus on life skills, like consumer math, taxes, cooking, autoshop, woodshop and law. Fund more in after school programs. Response by WO1 Private RallyPoint Member made Jan 11 at 2024 8:49 PM 2024-01-11T20:49:58-05:00 2024-01-11T20:49:58-05:00 SGT Robert Urbaniak 8635586 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I would hunt down all Illegal Aliens, and remove them from my country. Also fine heavily all sanctuary states, and cities for taking in the illegal aliens. Response by SGT Robert Urbaniak made Jan 23 at 2024 10:39 AM 2024-01-23T10:39:50-05:00 2024-01-23T10:39:50-05:00 LCDR Rich Bishop 8635732 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Close the boarders, support oil drilling to become the Number 1 energy country in the world that positively effects reduction is gas costs, which also reduces the costs of goods and services, and increases our economy. I would also increase / maintain the Defense budget as the money goes to US Industry which also increases job growth...these are a few starts. Response by LCDR Rich Bishop made Jan 23 at 2024 12:44 PM 2024-01-23T12:44:36-05:00 2024-01-23T12:44:36-05:00 MGySgt Samuel Steen 8651963 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Secure our borders and quit trying to destroy or change the US Constitution. The president number job is to protect and defend our constitution as he is sworn to do by law. Quit writing executive orders to go around the parts of the constitution that doesn’t suit your political agenda. Response by MGySgt Samuel Steen made Feb 5 at 2024 7:50 AM 2024-02-05T07:50:33-05:00 2024-02-05T07:50:33-05:00 SPC Lyle Montgomery 8652221 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Fix the damn boarder. Response by SPC Lyle Montgomery made Feb 5 at 2024 12:02 PM 2024-02-05T12:02:35-05:00 2024-02-05T12:02:35-05:00 CW5 Michael Tuman 8659221 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Go scorched earth on every single SES in the Executive Branch. Screen all the GS13-14-15s if they have retirement time give them their walking papers, just say its a RIF. Eliminate all pay grades above GS 13. Accept the resignation of every single General Officer in the Federal system. pull down all promotion lists and re-board everyone. This will reduce the size of the federal Government significantly. Merge all federal law enforcement investigative agencies into Federal Police. Choke chain the CIA back into the Department of State or eliminate it all together and place their responsibilities under the DIA. Response by CW5 Michael Tuman made Feb 11 at 2024 3:18 PM 2024-02-11T15:18:52-05:00 2024-02-11T15:18:52-05:00 PO1 Todd McMillin 8668303 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Enforcement of Treason and Sedition equals the Death Penalty. There&#39;s 3 separate Federal Laws that exists in punishment for Sedition and Treason against the USA Government. Since Bush Sr Error of Government had passed an unlawful Executive Order when Reagan was under the knife after almost being assassinated by Hinckley Jr. It ended this action. I&#39;d start with everyone who participated in January 5th as planners including Ginni Thomas and make it happen without delaying by legal fuckery. The NDAA since 2009 has listed Terrorists Activities as punishable by Death and maybe a few dozen Politicians and Government Officials including those folks who are tied to Russia and Israel need to be used as examples of their actions being held accountable including violating the FARA (Foreign Agent Reporting Act) which is a mandatory 10 years in prison. Every single person who also on Epstein Client List would be also punished for Treason as it&#39;s likely that they are guilty of providing aid to an Enemy Country. Response by PO1 Todd McMillin made Feb 18 at 2024 10:32 PM 2024-02-18T22:32:27-05:00 2024-02-18T22:32:27-05:00 1st Lt Mary James 8672933 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Clean up the whole election process. It is fraught with fraud throughout, regardless of party, location, gender, platform. When money speaks truth is silenced. Response by 1st Lt Mary James made Feb 22 at 2024 12:21 PM 2024-02-22T12:21:22-05:00 2024-02-22T12:21:22-05:00 PO1 Robert Ryan 8683369 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Nuke Iran till it glowed. Making it uninhabitable for the next 500 years. But that is just me. Response by PO1 Robert Ryan made Mar 2 at 2024 12:17 PM 2024-03-02T12:17:32-05:00 2024-03-02T12:17:32-05:00 PO3 Donald Reed 8745835 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Issue an executive order for free housing and free health care for all veterans. Response by PO3 Donald Reed made May 4 at 2024 6:27 PM 2024-05-04T18:27:59-04:00 2024-05-04T18:27:59-04:00 2015-06-09T12:57:53-04:00