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Command Post What is this?
Posted on Jan 26, 2015
PO1 Autumn Sandeen
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Responses: 156
SFC Mark Merino
Edited >1 y ago
I don't care what your sexuality is. I don't care what your politics are. I don't care what religion you practice. I don't want people shoving all of it in my face all the time. Hi!, I'm Mark and I am a republican, heterosexual Christian. Hi! I'm Mark and I am a republican, heterosexual Christian. Hi! I'm Mark and I am a republican, heterosexual, Christian. Good for me. Good for you. Hi! I'm Mark and I am a proud American service member. One team...one fight!, but quit ramming all your individuality down my throat. Be proud of being an American where you are free. Now pick up your weapon and follow me!
SrA Cecelia Eareckson
SrA Cecelia Eareckson
2 mo
PO1 Todd McMillin - Name one other palpably false claim that is humored in like fashion? BTW, the very little research done on the subject before slice, dice, and inject became standard tx showed a failure to bond with the same sex parent. Also BTW, I have friends who are afflicted with this idea, and it is painful to see. Concern is not hate.
SCPO Lonny Randolph
SCPO Lonny Randolph
2 mo
PO1 Todd McMillin - The SFC's comment is neither hateful or bigoted. He is simply stating he would just as soon NOT have someone else's sexuality or gender identification crammed in his face. Apparently you feel otherwise; regardless, his comment did not warrant the litany of nonsense you just posted. Perhaps YOU are the one who is having a problem here.
SrA Cecelia Eareckson
SrA Cecelia Eareckson
1 mo
SrA Hilbert Steiner - There was an interval when USAF E-4 was split between SrA and Sgt. The former, like myself in 1979, were only planning to serve one term. The latter were expecting to re-up.
SrA Cecelia Eareckson
SrA Cecelia Eareckson
10 d
PO1 Todd McMillin - Right. Name-calling and guesswork might carry the argument in your mind, but that's all you have. Oh, and a single article from over a decade ago. Which is focused on CHILD health, not adult functioning, let alone military discipline. Go on, write another lengthy screed. My primary objection to anybody serving with an ongoing medical treatment of any condition is they are not ready to go.
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Sgt Alex Bane
I thought that veterans preferred to be recognized, because of their heroic actions not because of their sexual preference or identity. I personally do not care about a persons sex life, but if you must remind me over and over then I guess is all that I will remember about you. I assuming the argument is rater or not taxpayer money should be spent on sex change operations for service members. Is it basic and essential to military efficiency or is it a cosmetic operation.
A1C Medrick "Rick" DeVaney
A1C Medrick "Rick" DeVaney
9 mo
SSG Bill McCoy - ..
Life Is Filled With Opportunities; Everything From Business To Fun.
If You Don't Take Advantage Of Them, You'll Never Have Lived Your Life.
As Was Stated On The Movie "Aunti Mame",
"Life Is A Banquette And Most Poor Suckers Are Starving To Death".
~~ And THAT'S An Unfortunate Truth ~~
CPT Special Forces Officer
CPT (Join to see)
7 mo
Sgt Alex Bane - There is a difference between a "true" deformity, and an individuals skewed self-image. However my opinion is no more valid than everyone else's.
SGT Brian Jarvi
SGT Brian Jarvi
5 mo
The problem with sex change operations are that the people are not deployable. The whole thing has on going medical problems and hormone therapy. There was times when we had no food or water and had to make do. So would there be a special emergency airdrop for their meds? Not to mention infection and ongoing preventive treatments. I’m sorry how anybody feels but there are mental issues going on there.
PO1 Todd McMillin
PO1 Todd McMillin
10 d
SGT Brian Jarvi - Wrong, they are deployable after 12-36 months afterwards. There have been over a dozen Transgendered Officers in the MODs since 2012 and they've all been able to return to full duty including deployment since their transition was completed which they did on their own time between. In today's world an Enlisted to Officer on the E-5 program could literally have completely sex change while at College/University and return as a Commissioned Mustang back into service without a problem. I've worked and known several post-operational individuals in the civilian and Government Sector who don't require additional chemical therapy no more than someone who has certain medical requirements that have already been allowed including folks with asthma due to location.

Now if we're talking SPEC WARFARE then it's a different story because of the requirements that exist there. As even folks with Asthma aren't allowed into Spec War platforms.
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2d Lt Deputy Missile Combat Crew Commander
If you want to be a man, be one. If you want to be a woman, then go ahead. Its not my business to have a say in what you want to do with the one body you were given. But the government shouldn't have to deal with 'wants'. I'm not trying to say that transgenders are less human, but I simply don't understand how everyone is expected to see this as a necessary surgery.

If being transgender gets in the way of your duties then you should't be in the military.
SSG Bill McCoy
SSG Bill McCoy
9 mo
SPC (Join to see) - Trans surgery IS elective in every sense of the word. Someone wants it ... fine, but NOT at the expense of combat readiness and EVERY single MOS is first and foremost, "a soldier FIRST!" Since when should the taxpayers foot the bill for someone's sexual fantasies?
How would you propose to solve the logistics of prescribed meds for transitioning troops ... in an area of combat? How would you propose to solve the mental health needs of someone in a crisis over their sexuality?
Easy answer: DON'T let them join in the first place, just like we don't allow alcoholics of diabetics to joint for the same reasons called, "readiness."
SSG Bill McCoy
SSG Bill McCoy
7 mo
Capt Seid Waddell no argument here. As you say, "Mental illness is a disqualify characteristic." I'm not in favor or transgender people serving and couldn't find a comment (by me) that resulted in your response.
The main reason I'm opposed to them serving, is the ONGOING issues of medical/psychiatric care they require that will hinder unit effectiveness like deployments, etc.
SPC Matt Ovaska
SPC Matt Ovaska
4 mo
Common sense is uncommon
SFC Howard Holmes
SFC Howard Holmes
3 mo
SSG Bill McCoy - Wait, wait, wait, with the policies being placed on the military, there seems to be VERY LITTLE common sense involved SSG.
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